
World model for GTA.

Summary of Module Members



Create a platoon starting from the given car.



Convenience subclass for buses.


Scenic class for cars.


Convenience subclass for compact cars.


Convenience subclass with defaults for ego cars.

Member Details

roadDirection = <scenic.core.vectors.VectorField object>

Vector field representing the nominal traffic direction at a point on the road

road = <scenic.core.regions.GridRegion object>

Region representing the roads in the GTA map.

curb = <scenic.core.regions.PointSetRegion object>

Region representing the curbs in the GTA map.

workspace = <scenic.simulators.gta.interface.MapWorkspace object>

Workspace over the road Region.

class Car(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scenic.core.object_types.Object

Scenic class for cars.

  • position – The default position is uniformly random over the road.

  • heading – The default heading is aligned with roadDirection, plus an offset given by roadDeviation.

  • roadDeviation (float) – Relative heading with respect to the road direction at the Car’s position. Used by the default value for heading.

  • model (CarModel) – Model of the car.

  • color (CarColor or RGB tuple) – Color of the car.

class EgoCar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scenic.simulators.gta.model.Car

Convenience subclass with defaults for ego cars.

class Bus(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scenic.simulators.gta.model.Car

Convenience subclass for buses.

class Compact(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scenic.simulators.gta.model.Car

Convenience subclass for compact cars.

createPlatoonAt(car, numCars, model=None, dist=<scenic.core.distributions.Range object>, shift=<scenic.core.distributions.Range object>, wiggle=0)[source]

Create a platoon starting from the given car.