Source code for scenic.core.distributions

"""Objects representing distributions that can be sampled from."""

import collections
import itertools
import functools
import random
import math
import warnings

import numpy
import scipy

from scenic.core.lazy_eval import (LazilyEvaluable, DelayedArgument,
                                   requiredProperties, needsLazyEvaluation, valueInContext,
from scenic.core.utils import argsToString, areEquivalent, RuntimeParseError, cached, sqrt2

## Misc

[docs]def dependencies(thing): """Dependencies which must be sampled before this value.""" return getattr(thing, '_dependencies', ())
[docs]def needsSampling(thing): """Whether this value requires sampling.""" return isinstance(thing, Distribution) or dependencies(thing)
[docs]def supportInterval(thing): """Lower and upper bounds on this value, if known.""" if hasattr(thing, 'supportInterval'): return thing.supportInterval() elif isinstance(thing, (int, float)): return thing, thing else: return None, None
[docs]def underlyingFunction(thing): """Original function underlying a distribution wrapper.""" return getattr(thing, '__wrapped__', thing)
[docs]class RejectionException(Exception): """Exception used to signal that the sample currently being generated must be rejected.""" pass
## Abstract distributions
[docs]class DefaultIdentityDict(dict): """Dictionary which is the identity map by default.""" def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, Samplable): # to allow non-hashable objects return key return super().__getitem__(key) def __missing__(self, key): return key
[docs]class Samplable(LazilyEvaluable): """Abstract class for values which can be sampled, possibly depending on other values. Samplables may specify a proxy object 'self._conditioned' which must have the same distribution as the original after conditioning on the scenario's requirements. This allows transparent conditioning without modifying Samplable fields of immutable objects. """ def __init__(self, dependencies): deps = [] props = set() for dep in dependencies: if needsSampling(dep) or needsLazyEvaluation(dep): deps.append(dep) props.update(requiredProperties(dep)) super().__init__(props) self._dependencies = tuple(deps) # fixed order for reproducibility self._conditioned = self # version (partially) conditioned on requirements
[docs] @staticmethod def sampleAll(quantities): """Sample all the given Samplables, which may have dependencies in common. Reproducibility note: the order in which the quantities are given can affect the order in which calls to random are made, affecting the final result. """ subsamples = DefaultIdentityDict() for q in quantities: if q not in subsamples: subsamples[q] = q.sample(subsamples) if isinstance(q, Samplable) else q return { q: subsamples[q] for q in quantities }
[docs] def sample(self, subsamples=None): """Sample this value, optionally given some values already sampled.""" if subsamples is None: subsamples = DefaultIdentityDict() for child in self._conditioned._dependencies: if child not in subsamples: subsamples[child] = child.sample(subsamples) return self._conditioned.sampleGiven(subsamples)
[docs] def sampleGiven(self, value): """Sample this value, given values for all its dependencies. The default implementation simply returns a dictionary of dependency values. Subclasses must override this method to specify how actual sampling is done. """ return DefaultIdentityDict({ dep: value[dep] for dep in self._dependencies })
[docs] def conditionTo(self, value): """Condition this value to another value with the same conditional distribution.""" assert isinstance(value, Samplable) self._conditioned = value
[docs] def evaluateIn(self, context): """See LazilyEvaluable.evaluateIn.""" value = super().evaluateIn(context) # Check that all dependencies have been evaluated assert all(not needsLazyEvaluation(dep) for dep in value._dependencies) return value
[docs] def dependencyTree(self): """Debugging method to print the dependency tree of a Samplable.""" l = [str(self)] for dep in dependencies(self): for line in dep.dependencyTree(): l.append(' ' + line) return l
[docs]class Distribution(Samplable): """Abstract class for distributions.""" defaultValueType = float def __init__(self, *dependencies, valueType=None): super().__init__(dependencies) if valueType is None: valueType = self.defaultValueType self.valueType = valueType
[docs] def clone(self): """Construct an independent copy of this Distribution.""" raise NotImplementedError('clone() not supported by this distribution')
@property @cached def isPrimitive(self): """Whether this is a primitive Distribution.""" try: self.clone() return True except NotImplementedError: return False
[docs] def bucket(self, buckets=None): """Construct a bucketed approximation of this Distribution. This function factors a given Distribution into a discrete distribution over buckets together with a distribution for each bucket. The argument *buckets* controls how many buckets the domain of the original Distribution is split into. Since the result is an independent distribution, the original must support clone(). """ raise NotImplementedError('bucket() not supported by this distribution')
[docs] def supportInterval(self): """Compute lower and upper bounds on the value of this Distribution.""" return None, None
def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): # ignore special attributes return super().__getattr__(name) return AttributeDistribution(name, self)
## Derived distributions
[docs]class CustomDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution with a custom sampler given by an arbitrary function""" def __init__(self, sampler, *dependencies, name='CustomDistribution', evaluator=None): super().__init__(*dependencies) self.sampler = sampler = name self.evaluator = evaluator def sampleGiven(self, value): return self.sampler(value) def evaluateInner(self, context): if self.evaluator is None: raise NotImplementedError('evaluateIn() not supported by this distribution') return self.evaluator(self, context) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is CustomDistribution: return False return (self.sampler == other.sampler and == and self.evaluator == other.evaluator) def __str__(self): return f'{}{argsToString(self.dependencies)}'
[docs]class TupleDistribution(Distribution, """Distributions over tuples (or namedtuples, or lists).""" def __init__(self, *coordinates, builder=tuple): super().__init__(*coordinates) self.coordinates = coordinates self.builder = builder def __len__(self): return len(self.coordinates) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.coordinates[index] def sampleGiven(self, value): return self.builder(value[coordinate] for coordinate in self.coordinates) def evaluateInner(self, context): coordinates = (valueInContext(coord, context) for coord in self.coordinates) return TupleDistribution(*coordinates, builder=self.builder) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is TupleDistribution: return False return (areEquivalent(self.coordinates, other.coordinates) and self.builder == other.builder) def __str__(self): coords = ', '.join(str(c) for c in self.coordinates) return f'({coords}, builder={self.builder})'
[docs]def toDistribution(val): """Wrap Python data types with Distributions, if necessary. For example, tuples containing Samplables need to be converted into TupleDistributions in order to keep track of dependencies properly.""" if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): coords = [toDistribution(c) for c in val] if any(needsSampling(c) or needsLazyEvaluation(c) for c in coords): if isinstance(val, tuple) and hasattr(val, '_fields'): # namedtuple builder = type(val)._make else: builder = type(val) return TupleDistribution(*coords, builder=builder) return val
[docs]class FunctionDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution resulting from passing distributions to a function""" def __init__(self, func, args, kwargs, support=None): args = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in args) kwargs = { name: toDistribution(arg) for name, arg in kwargs.items() } super().__init__(*args, *kwargs.values()) self.function = func self.arguments = args self.kwargs = kwargs = support def sampleGiven(self, value): args = tuple(value[arg] for arg in self.arguments) kwargs = { name: value[arg] for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() } return self.function(*args, **kwargs) def evaluateInner(self, context): function = valueInContext(self.function, context) arguments = tuple(valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in self.arguments) kwargs = { name: valueInContext(arg, context) for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() } return FunctionDistribution(function, arguments, kwargs) def supportInterval(self): if is None: return None, None subsupports = (supportInterval(arg) for arg in self.arguments) kwss = { name: supportInterval(arg) for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() } return*subsupports, **kwss) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is FunctionDistribution: return False return (self.function == other.function and areEquivalent(self.arguments, other.arguments) and areEquivalent(self.kwargs, other.kwargs) and == def __str__(self): args = argsToString(itertools.chain(self.arguments, self.kwargs.items())) return f'{self.function.__name__}{args}'
[docs]def distributionFunction(method, support=None): """Decorator for wrapping a function so that it can take distributions as arguments.""" @functools.wraps(method) def helper(*args, **kwargs): args = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in args) kwargs = { name: toDistribution(arg) for name, arg in kwargs.items() } if any(needsSampling(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values())): return FunctionDistribution(method, args, kwargs, support) elif any(needsLazyEvaluation(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values())): # recursively call this helper (not the original function), since the delayed # arguments may evaluate to distributions, in which case we'll have to make a # FunctionDistribution return makeDelayedFunctionCall(helper, args, kwargs) else: return method(*args, **kwargs) return helper
[docs]def monotonicDistributionFunction(method): """Like distributionFunction, but additionally specifies that the function is monotonic.""" def support(*subsupports, **kwss): mins, maxes = zip(*subsupports) kwmins = { name: interval[0] for name, interval in kwss.items() } kwmaxes = { name: interval[1] for name, interval in kwss.items() } l = None if None in mins or None in kwmins else method(*mins, **kwmins) r = None if None in maxes or None in kwmaxes else method(*maxes, **kwmaxes) return l, r return distributionFunction(method, support=support)
[docs]class MethodDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution resulting from passing distributions to a method of a fixed object""" def __init__(self, method, obj, args, kwargs): args = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in args) kwargs = { name: toDistribution(arg) for name, arg in kwargs.items() } super().__init__(*args, *kwargs.values()) self.method = method self.object = obj self.arguments = args self.kwargs = kwargs def sampleGiven(self, value): args = (value[arg] for arg in self.arguments) kwargs = { name: value[arg] for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() } return self.method(self.object, *args, **kwargs) def evaluateInner(self, context): obj = valueInContext(self.object, context) arguments = tuple(valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in self.arguments) kwargs = { name: valueInContext(arg, context) for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() } return MethodDistribution(self.method, obj, arguments, kwargs) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is MethodDistribution: return False return (self.method == other.method and areEquivalent(self.object, other.object) and areEquivalent(self.arguments, other.arguments) and areEquivalent(self.kwargs, other.kwargs)) def __str__(self): args = argsToString(itertools.chain(self.arguments, self.kwargs.items())) return f'{self.object}.{self.method.__name__}{args}'
[docs]def distributionMethod(method): """Decorator for wrapping a method so that it can take distributions as arguments.""" @functools.wraps(method) def helper(self, *args, **kwargs): args = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in args) kwargs = { name: toDistribution(arg) for name, arg in kwargs.items() } if any(needsSampling(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values())): return MethodDistribution(method, self, args, kwargs) elif any(needsLazyEvaluation(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values())): # see analogous comment in distributionFunction return makeDelayedFunctionCall(helper, (self,) + args, kwargs) else: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return helper
[docs]class AttributeDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution resulting from accessing an attribute of a distribution""" def __init__(self, attribute, obj): super().__init__(obj) self.attribute = attribute self.object = obj def sampleGiven(self, value): obj = value[self.object] return getattr(obj, self.attribute) def evaluateInner(self, context): obj = valueInContext(self.object, context) return AttributeDistribution(self.attribute, obj) def supportInterval(self): obj = self.object if isinstance(obj, Options): attrs = (getattr(opt, self.attribute) for opt in obj.options) mins, maxes = zip(*(supportInterval(attr) for attr in attrs)) l = None if any(sl is None for sl in mins) else min(mins) r = None if any(sr is None for sr in maxes) else max(maxes) return l, r return None, None def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is AttributeDistribution: return False return (self.attribute == other.attribute and areEquivalent(self.object, other.object)) def __str__(self): return f'{self.object}.{self.attribute}'
[docs]class OperatorDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution resulting from applying an operator to one or more distributions""" def __init__(self, operator, obj, operands): operands = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in operands) super().__init__(obj, *operands) self.operator = operator self.object = obj self.operands = operands def sampleGiven(self, value): first = value[self.object] rest = [value[child] for child in self.operands] op = getattr(first, self.operator) result = op(*rest) # handle horrible int/float mismatch # TODO what is the right way to fix this??? if result is NotImplemented and isinstance(first, int): first = float(first) op = getattr(first, self.operator) result = op(*rest) return result def evaluateInner(self, context): obj = valueInContext(self.object, context) operands = tuple(valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in self.operands) return OperatorDistribution(self.operator, obj, operands) def supportInterval(self): if self.operator in ('__add__', '__radd__', '__sub__', '__rsub__', '__truediv__'): assert len(self.operands) == 1 l1, r1 = supportInterval(self.object) l2, r2 = supportInterval(self.operands[0]) if l1 is None or l2 is None or r1 is None or r2 is None: return None, None if self.operator == '__add__' or self.operator == '__radd__': l = l1 + l2 r = r1 + r2 elif self.operator == '__sub__': l = l1 - r2 r = r1 - l2 elif self.operator == '__rsub__': l = l2 - r1 r = r2 - l1 elif self.operator == '__truediv__': if l2 > 0: l = l1 / r2 if l1 >= 0 else l1 / l2 r = r1 / l2 if r1 >= 0 else r1 / r2 else: l, r = None, None # TODO improve return l, r return None, None def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is OperatorDistribution: return False return (self.operator == other.operator and areEquivalent(self.object, other.object) and areEquivalent(self.operands, other.operands)) def __str__(self): return f'{self.object}.{self.operator}{argsToString(self.operands)}'
# Operators which can be applied to distributions. # Note that we deliberately do not include comparisons and __bool__, # since Scenic does not allow control flow to depend on random variables. allowedOperators = [ '__neg__', '__pos__', '__abs__', '__add__', '__radd__', '__sub__', '__rsub__', '__mul__', '__rmul__', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__', '__floordiv__', '__rfloordiv__', '__mod__', '__rmod__', '__divmod__', '__rdivmod__', '__pow__', '__rpow__', '__round__', '__len__', '__getitem__', '__call__' ] def makeOperatorHandler(op): def handler(self, *args): return OperatorDistribution(op, self, args) return handler for op in allowedOperators: setattr(Distribution, op, makeOperatorHandler(op)) import scenic.core.type_support as type_support
[docs]class MultiplexerDistribution(Distribution): """Distribution selecting among values based on another distribution.""" def __init__(self, index, options): self.index = index self.options = tuple(toDistribution(opt) for opt in options) assert len(self.options) > 0 valueType = type_support.unifyingType(self.options) super().__init__(index, *self.options, valueType=valueType) def sampleGiven(self, value): idx = value[self.index] assert 0 <= idx < len(self.options), (idx, len(self.options)) return value[self.options[idx]] def evaluateInner(self, context): return type(self)(valueInContext(self.index, context), (valueInContext(opt, context) for opt in self.options)) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) == type(self): return False return (areEquivalent(self.index, other.index) and areEquivalent(self.options, other.options))
## Simple distributions
[docs]class Range(Distribution): """Uniform distribution over a range""" def __init__(self, low, high): low = type_support.toScalar(low, f'Range endpoint {low} is not a scalar') high = type_support.toScalar(high, f'Range endpoint {high} is not a scalar') super().__init__(low, high) self.low = low self.high = high def __contains__(self, obj): return low <= obj and obj <= high def clone(self): return type(self)(self.low, self.high) def bucket(self, buckets=None): if buckets is None: buckets = 5 if not isinstance(buckets, int) or buckets < 1: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid buckets for Range.bucket: {buckets}') if not isinstance(self.low, float) or not isinstance(self.high, float): raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot bucket Range with non-constant endpoints') endpoints = numpy.linspace(self.low, self.high, buckets+1) ranges = [] for i, left in enumerate(endpoints[:-1]): right = endpoints[i+1] ranges.append(Range(left, right)) return Options(ranges) def sampleGiven(self, value): return random.uniform(value[self.low], value[self.high]) def evaluateInner(self, context): low = valueInContext(self.low, context) high = valueInContext(self.high, context) return Range(low, high) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is Range: return False return (areEquivalent(self.low, other.low) and areEquivalent(self.high, other.high)) def __str__(self): return f'Range({self.low}, {self.high})'
[docs]class Normal(Distribution): """Normal distribution""" def __init__(self, mean, stddev): mean = type_support.toScalar(mean, f'Normal mean {mean} is not a scalar') stddev = type_support.toScalar(stddev, f'Normal stddev {stddev} is not a scalar') super().__init__(mean, stddev) self.mean = mean self.stddev = stddev @staticmethod def cdf(mean, stddev, x): return (1 + math.erf((x - mean) / (sqrt2 * stddev))) / 2 @staticmethod def cdfinv(mean, stddev, x): return mean + (sqrt2 * stddev * scipy.special.erfinv(2*x - 1)) def clone(self): return type(self)(self.mean, self.stddev) def bucket(self, buckets=None): if not isinstance(self.stddev, float): # TODO relax restriction? raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot bucket Normal with non-constant standard deviation') if buckets is None: buckets = 5 if isinstance(buckets, int): if buckets < 1: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid buckets for Normal.bucket: {buckets}') elif buckets == 1: endpoints = [] elif buckets == 2: endpoints = [0] else: left = self.stddev * (-(buckets-3)/2 - 0.5) right = self.stddev * ((buckets-3)/2 + 0.5) endpoints = numpy.linspace(left, right, buckets-1) else: endpoints = tuple(buckets) for i, v in enumerate(endpoints[:-1]): if v >= endpoints[i+1]: raise RuntimeError('Non-increasing bucket endpoints for ' f'Normal.bucket: {endpoints}') if len(endpoints) == 0: return Options([self.clone()]) buckets = [(-math.inf, endpoints[0])] buckets.extend((v, endpoints[i+1]) for i, v in enumerate(endpoints[:-1])) buckets.append((endpoints[-1], math.inf)) pieces = [] probs = [] for left, right in buckets: pieces.append(self.mean + TruncatedNormal(0, self.stddev, left, right)) prob = (Normal.cdf(0, self.stddev, right) - Normal.cdf(0, self.stddev, left)) probs.append(prob) assert math.isclose(math.fsum(probs), 1), probs return Options(dict(zip(pieces, probs))) def sampleGiven(self, value): return random.gauss(value[self.mean], value[self.stddev]) def evaluateInner(self, context): mean = valueInContext(self.mean, context) stddev = valueInContext(self.stddev, context) return Normal(mean, stddev) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is Normal: return False return (areEquivalent(self.mean, other.mean) and areEquivalent(self.stddev, other.stddev)) def __str__(self): return f'Normal({self.mean}, {self.stddev})'
[docs]class TruncatedNormal(Normal): """Truncated normal distribution.""" def __init__(self, mean, stddev, low, high): if (not isinstance(low, (float, int)) or not isinstance(high, (float, int))): # TODO relax restriction? raise RuntimeError('Endpoints of TruncatedNormal must be constant') super().__init__(mean, stddev) self.low = low self.high = high def clone(self): return type(self)(self.mean, self.stddev, self.low, self.high) def bucket(self, buckets=None): if not isinstance(self.stddev, float): # TODO relax restriction? raise RuntimeError('Cannot bucket TruncatedNormal with ' 'non-constant standard deviation') if buckets is None: buckets = 5 if isinstance(buckets, int): if buckets < 1: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid buckets for TruncatedNormal.bucket: {buckets}') endpoints = numpy.linspace(self.low, self.high, buckets+1) else: endpoints = tuple(buckets) if len(endpoints) < 2: raise RuntimeError('Too few bucket endpoints for ' f'TruncatedNormal.bucket: {endpoints}') if endpoints[0] != self.low or endpoints[-1] != self.high: raise RuntimeError(f'TruncatedNormal.bucket endpoints {endpoints} ' 'do not match domain') for i, v in enumerate(endpoints[:-1]): if v >= endpoints[i+1]: raise RuntimeError('Non-increasing bucket endpoints for ' f'TruncatedNormal.bucket: {endpoints}') pieces, probs = [], [] for i, left in enumerate(endpoints[:-1]): right = endpoints[i+1] pieces.append(TruncatedNormal(self.mean, self.stddev, left, right)) prob = (Normal.cdf(self.mean, self.stddev, right) - Normal.cdf(self.mean, self.stddev, left)) probs.append(prob) return Options(dict(zip(pieces, probs))) def sampleGiven(self, value): # TODO switch to method less prone to underflow? mean, stddev = value[self.mean], value[self.stddev] alpha = (self.low - mean) / stddev beta = (self.high - mean) / stddev alpha_cdf = Normal.cdf(0, 1, alpha) beta_cdf = Normal.cdf(0, 1, beta) if beta_cdf - alpha_cdf < 1e-15: warnings.warn('low precision when sampling TruncatedNormal') unif = random.random() p = alpha_cdf + unif * (beta_cdf - alpha_cdf) return mean + (stddev * Normal.cdfinv(0, 1, p)) def evaluateInner(self, context): mean = valueInContext(self.mean, context) stddev = valueInContext(self.stddev, context) return TruncatedNormal(mean, stddev, self.low, self.high) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is TruncatedNormal: return False return (areEquivalent(self.mean, other.mean) and areEquivalent(self.stddev, other.stddev) and self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high) def __str__(self): return f'TruncatedNormal({self.mean}, {self.stddev}, {self.low}, {self.high})'
[docs]class DiscreteRange(Distribution): """Distribution over a range of integers.""" def __init__(self, low, high, weights=None): if not isinstance(low, int): raise RuntimeError(f'DiscreteRange endpoint {low} is not a constant integer') if not isinstance(high, int): raise RuntimeError(f'DiscreteRange endpoint {high} is not a constant integer') if not low <= high: raise RuntimeError(f'DiscreteRange lower bound {low} is above upper bound {high}') if weights is None: weights = (1,) * (high - low + 1) else: weights = tuple(weights) assert len(weights) == high - low + 1 super().__init__() self.low = low self.high = high self.weights = weights self.cumulativeWeights = tuple(itertools.accumulate(weights)) self.options = tuple(range(low, high+1)) def __contains__(self, obj): return low <= obj and obj <= high def clone(self): return type(self)(self.low, self.high, self.weights) def bucket(self, buckets=None): return self.clone() # already bucketed def sampleGiven(self, value): return random.choices(self.options, cum_weights=self.cumulativeWeights)[0] def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) is DiscreteRange: return False return (self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high and self.weights == other.weights) def __str__(self): return f'DiscreteRange({self.low}, {self.high}, {self.weights})'
[docs]class Options(MultiplexerDistribution): """Distribution over a finite list of options. Specified by a dict giving probabilities; otherwise uniform over a given iterable. """ def __init__(self, opts): if isinstance(opts, dict): options, weights = [], [] for opt, prob in opts.items(): if not isinstance(prob, (float, int)): raise RuntimeParseError(f'discrete distribution weight {prob}' ' is not a constant number') if prob < 0: raise RuntimeParseError(f'discrete distribution weight {prob} is negative') if prob == 0: continue options.append(opt) weights.append(prob) self.optWeights = dict(zip(options, weights)) else: weights = None options = tuple(opts) self.optWeights = None if len(options) == 0: raise RuntimeParseError('tried to make discrete distribution over empty domain!') index = self.makeSelector(len(options)-1, weights) super().__init__(index, options) @staticmethod def makeSelector(n, weights): return DiscreteRange(0, n, weights) def clone(self): return type(self)(self.optWeights if self.optWeights else self.options) def bucket(self, buckets=None): return self.clone() # already bucketed def evaluateInner(self, context): if self.optWeights is None: return type(self)(valueInContext(opt, context) for opt in self.options) else: return type(self)({valueInContext(opt, context): wt for opt, wt in self.optWeights.items() }) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if not type(other) == type(self): return False return (areEquivalent(self.index, other.index) and areEquivalent(self.options, other.options)) def __str__(self): if self.optWeights is not None: return f'{type(self).__name__}({self.optWeights})' else: return f'{type(self).__name__}{argsToString(self.options)}'