Source code for scenic.core.geometry

"""Utility functions for geometric computation."""

import math
import itertools
import warnings

import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
import pypoly2tri

from scenic.core.distributions import (needsSampling, distributionFunction,
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import needsLazyEvaluation
import scenic.core.utils as utils

def sin(x):
	return math.sin(x)

def cos(x):
	return math.cos(x)

def hypot(x, y):
	return math.hypot(x, y)

def max(*args):
	return __builtins__['max'](*args)

def min(*args):
	return __builtins__['min'](*args)

def normalizeAngle(angle):
	while angle > math.pi:
		angle -= math.tau
	while angle < -math.pi:
		angle += math.tau
	assert -math.pi <= angle <= math.pi
	return angle

def addVectors(a, b):
	ax, ay = a[0], a[1]
	bx, by = b[0], b[1]
	return (ax + bx, ay + by)

def subtractVectors(a, b):
	ax, ay = a[0], a[1]
	bx, by = b[0], b[1]
	return (ax - bx, ay - by)

def averageVectors(a, b, weight=0.5):
	ax, ay = a[0], a[1]
	bx, by = b[0], b[1]
	aw, bw = 1.0 - weight, weight
	return (ax * aw + bx * bw, ay * aw + by * bw)

def rotateVector(vector, angle):
	x, y = vector
	c, s = cos(angle), sin(angle)
	return ((c * x) - (s * y), (s * x) + (c * y))

def findMinMax(iterable):
	minv = float('inf')
	maxv = float('-inf')
	for val in iterable:
		if val < minv:
			minv = val
		if val > maxv:
			maxv = val
	return (minv, maxv)

def radialToCartesian(point, radius, heading):
	angle = heading + (math.pi / 2.0)
	rx, ry = radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle)
	return (point[0] + rx, point[1] + ry)

def positionRelativeToPoint(point, heading, offset):
	ro = rotateVector(offset, heading)
	return addVectors(point, ro)

def headingOfSegment(pointA, pointB):
	ax, ay = pointA
	bx, by = pointB
	return math.atan2(by - ay, bx - ax) - (math.pi / 2.0)

def viewAngleToPoint(point, base, heading):
	x, y = base
	ox, oy = point
	a = math.atan2(oy - y, ox - x) - (heading + (math.pi / 2.0))
	if a < -math.pi:
		a += math.tau
	elif a > math.pi:
		a -= math.tau
	assert -math.pi <= a and a <= math.pi
	return a

def apparentHeadingAtPoint(point, heading, base):
	x, y = base
	ox, oy = point
	a = (heading + (math.pi / 2.0)) - math.atan2(oy - y, ox - x)
	if a < -math.pi:
		a += math.tau
	elif a > math.pi:
		a -= math.tau
	assert -math.pi <= a and a <= math.pi
	return a

def circumcircleOfAnnulus(center, heading, angle, minDist, maxDist):
	m = (minDist + maxDist) / 2.0
	g = (maxDist - minDist) / 2.0
	h = m * math.sin(angle / 2.0)
	h2 = h * h
	d = math.sqrt(h2 + (m * m))
	r = math.sqrt(h2 + (g * g))
	return radialToCartesian(center, d, heading), r

def pointIsInCone(point, base, heading, angle):
	va = viewAngleToPoint(point, base, heading)
	return (abs(va) <= angle / 2.0)

def polygonUnion(polys, tolerance=0.05, holeTolerance=0.002):
	union = shapely.ops.unary_union(list(polys))
	assert union.is_valid, union
	if tolerance > 0:
		if isinstance(union, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon):
			polys = [cleanPolygon(poly, tolerance, holeTolerance) for poly in union]
			union = shapely.ops.unary_union(polys)
			union = cleanPolygon(union, tolerance, holeTolerance)
	assert union.is_valid, union
	return union

def cleanPolygon(poly, tolerance, holeTolerance):
	exterior = cleanChain(poly.exterior.coords, tolerance)
	assert len(exterior) >= 3
	ints = []
	for interior in poly.interiors:
		interior = cleanChain(interior.coords, tolerance)
		if len(interior) >= 3:
			hole = shapely.geometry.Polygon(interior)
			if hole.area > holeTolerance:
	newPoly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(exterior, ints)
	assert newPoly.is_valid, newPoly
	return newPoly

def cleanChain(chain, tolerance, angleTolerance=0.008):
	if len(chain) <= 2:
		return chain
	closed = (tuple(chain[0]) == tuple(chain[-1]))
	tol2 = tolerance * tolerance
	# collapse hooks
	chain = np.array(chain)
	a, b = chain[-1], chain[0]
	newChain = []
	for c in chain[1:]:
		dx, dy = c[0] - a[0], c[1] - a[1]
		if (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) > tol2:
			a = b
			b = c
			b = c
	if len(newChain) == 0:
		return newChain
	newChain.append(newChain[0] if closed else c)
	return newChain

#: Whether to warn when falling back to pypoly2tri for triangulation
givePP2TWarning = True

[docs]class TriangulationError(RuntimeError): """Signals that the installed triangulation libraries are insufficient. Specifically, raised when pypoly2tri hits the recursion limit trying to triangulate a large polygon. """ pass
[docs]def triangulatePolygon(polygon): """Triangulate the given Shapely polygon. Note that we can't use ``shapely.ops.triangulate`` since it triangulates point sets, not polygons (i.e., it doesn't respect edges). We need an algorithm for triangulation of polygons with holes (it doesn't need to be a Delaunay triangulation). We currently use the GPC library (wrapped by the ``Polygon3`` package) if it is installed. Since it is not free for commercial use, we don't require it as a dependency, falling back on the BSD-compatible ``pypoly2tri`` as needed. In this case we issue a warning, since GPC is more robust and handles large polygons. The warning can be disabled by setting `givePP2TWarning` to ``False``. Args: polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon): Polygon to triangulate. Returns: A list of disjoint (except for edges) triangles whose union is the original polygon. """ try: import Polygon return triangulatePolygon_gpc(polygon) except ImportError: pass if givePP2TWarning: warnings.warn('Using pypoly2tri for triangulation; for non-commercial use, consider' ' installing the faster Polygon3 library (pip install Polygon3)') return triangulatePolygon_pypoly2tri(polygon)
def triangulatePolygon_pypoly2tri(polygon): polyline = [] for c in polygon.exterior.coords[:-1]: polyline.append(pypoly2tri.shapes.Point(c[0],c[1])) cdt = pypoly2tri.cdt.CDT(polyline) for i in polygon.interiors: polyline = [] for c in i.coords[:-1]: polyline.append(pypoly2tri.shapes.Point(c[0],c[1])) cdt.AddHole(polyline) try: cdt.Triangulate() except RecursionError: # polygon too big for pypoly2tri raise TriangulationError('pypoly2tri unable to triangulate large polygon; for ' 'non-commercial use, try "pip install Polygon3"') triangles = list() for t in cdt.GetTriangles(): triangles.append(shapely.geometry.Polygon([ t.GetPoint(0).toTuple(), t.GetPoint(1).toTuple(), t.GetPoint(2).toTuple() ])) return triangles def triangulatePolygon_gpc(polygon): import Polygon as PolygonLib poly = PolygonLib.Polygon(polygon.exterior.coords) for interior in polygon.interiors: poly.addContour(interior.coords, True) tristrips = poly.triStrip() triangles = [] for strip in tristrips: a, b = strip[:2] for c in strip[2:]: tri = shapely.geometry.Polygon((a, b, c)) triangles.append(tri) a = b b = c return triangles def plotPolygon(polygon, plt, style='r-'): def plotRing(ring): x, y = ring.xy plt.plot(x, y, style) if isinstance(polygon, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): polygons = polygon else: polygons = [polygon] for polygon in polygons: plotRing(polygon.exterior) for ring in polygon.interiors: plotRing(ring)
[docs]class RotatedRectangle: """mixin providing collision detection for rectangular objects and regions""" def containsPoint(self, point): diff = point - self.position.toVector() x, y = diff.rotatedBy(-self.heading) return abs(x) <= self.hw and abs(y) <= self.hh def intersects(self, rect): if not isinstance(rect, RotatedRectangle): raise RuntimeError(f'tried to intersect RotatedRectangle with {type(rect)}') # Quick check by bounding circles dx, dy = rect.position.toVector() - self.position.toVector() rr = self.radius + rect.radius if (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) > (rr * rr): return False # Check for separating line parallel to our edges if self.edgeSeparates(self, rect): return False # Check for separating line parallel to rect's edges if self.edgeSeparates(rect, self): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def edgeSeparates(rectA, rectB): """Whether an edge of rectA separates it from rectB""" base = rectA.position.toVector() rot = -rectA.heading rc = [(corner - base).rotatedBy(rot) for corner in rectB.corners] x, y = zip(*rc) minx, maxx = findMinMax(x) miny, maxy = findMinMax(y) if maxx < -rectA.hw or rectA.hw < minx: return True if maxy < -rectA.hh or rectA.hh < miny: return True return False
@property def polygon(self): if any(needsSampling(c) or needsLazyEvaluation(c) for c in self.corners): return None # can only convert fixed Regions to Polygons return self.getConstantPolygon() @utils.cached def getConstantPolygon(self): assert not any(needsSampling(c) or needsLazyEvaluation(c) for c in self.corners) # TODO refactor??? corners = [(x, y) for x, y in self.corners] # convert Vectors to tuples return shapely.geometry.Polygon(corners)