Source code for scenic.core.object_types

"""Implementations of the built-in Scenic classes."""

import inspect
import collections
import math
import random

from scenic.core.distributions import Samplable, needsSampling
from scenic.core.specifiers import Specifier, PropertyDefault
from scenic.core.vectors import Vector
from scenic.core.geometry import RotatedRectangle, averageVectors, hypot, min, pointIsInCone
from scenic.core.regions import CircularRegion, SectorRegion
from scenic.core.type_support import toVector, toScalar
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import needsLazyEvaluation
from scenic.core.utils import areEquivalent, RuntimeParseError

## Abstract base class

[docs]class Constructible(Samplable): """Abstract base class for Scenic objects. Scenic objects, which are constructed using specifiers, are implemented internally as instances of ordinary Python classes. This abstract class implements the procedure to resolve specifiers and determine values for the properties of an object, as well as several common methods supported by objects. """ @classmethod def defaults(cla): # TODO improve so this need only be done once? # find all defaults provided by the class or its superclasses allDefs = collections.defaultdict(list) for sc in inspect.getmro(cla): if hasattr(sc, '__annotations__'): for prop, value in sc.__annotations__.items(): allDefs[prop].append(PropertyDefault.forValue(value)) # resolve conflicting defaults resolvedDefs = {} for prop, defs in allDefs.items(): primary, rest = defs[0], defs[1:] spec = primary.resolveFor(prop, rest) resolvedDefs[prop] = spec return resolvedDefs @classmethod def withProperties(cls, props): assert all(reqProp in props for reqProp in cls.defaults()) assert all(not needsLazyEvaluation(val) for val in props.values()) specs = (Specifier(prop, val) for prop, val in props.items()) return cls(*specs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Validate specifiers name = type(self).__name__ specifiers = list(args) for prop, val in kwargs.items(): specifiers.append(Specifier(prop, val)) properties = dict() optionals = collections.defaultdict(list) defs = self.defaults() for spec in specifiers: assert isinstance(spec, Specifier), (name, spec) prop = if prop in properties: raise RuntimeParseError(f'property "{prop}" of {name} specified twice') properties[prop] = spec for opt in spec.optionals: if opt in defs: # do not apply optionals for properties this object lacks optionals[opt].append(spec) # Decide which optionals to use optionalsForSpec = collections.defaultdict(set) for opt, specs in optionals.items(): if opt in properties: continue # optionals do not override a primary specification if len(specs) > 1: raise RuntimeParseError(f'property "{opt}" of {name} specified twice (optionally)') assert len(specs) == 1 spec = specs[0] properties[opt] = spec optionalsForSpec[spec].add(opt) # Add any default specifiers needed for prop in defs: if prop not in properties: spec = defs[prop] specifiers.append(spec) properties[prop] = spec # Topologically sort specifiers order = [] seen, done = set(), set() def dfs(spec): if spec in done: return elif spec in seen: raise RuntimeParseError(f'specifier for property {} ' 'depends on itself') seen.add(spec) for dep in spec.requiredProperties: child = properties.get(dep) if child is None: raise RuntimeParseError(f'property {dep} required by ' f'specifier {spec} is not specified') else: dfs(child) order.append(spec) done.add(spec) for spec in specifiers: dfs(spec) assert len(order) == len(specifiers) # Evaluate and apply specifiers for spec in order: spec.applyTo(self, optionalsForSpec[spec]) # Set up dependencies deps = [] for prop in properties: assert hasattr(self, prop) val = getattr(self, prop) if needsSampling(val): deps.append(val) super().__init__(deps) = set(properties) def sampleGiven(self, value): return self.withProperties({ prop: value[getattr(self, prop)] for prop in }) def allProperties(self): return { prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in } def copyWith(self, **overrides): props = self.allProperties() props.update(overrides) return self.withProperties(props) def isEquivalentTo(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False return areEquivalent(self.allProperties(), other.allProperties()) def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'properties'): allProps = { prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in } else: allProps = '<under construction>' return f'{type(self).__name__}({allProps})'
## Mutators
[docs]class Mutator: """An object controlling how the ``mutate`` statement affects an `Object`. A `Mutator` can be assigned to the ``mutator`` property of an `Object` to control the effect of the ``mutate`` statement. When mutation is enabled for such an object using that statement, the mutator's `appliedTo` method is called to compute a mutated version. """
[docs] def appliedTo(self, obj): """Return a mutated copy of the object. Implemented by subclasses.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PositionMutator(Mutator): """Mutator adding Gaussian noise to ``position``. Used by `Point`. Attributes: stddev (float): standard deviation of noise """ def __init__(self, stddev): self.stddev = stddev def appliedTo(self, obj): noise = Vector(random.gauss(0, self.stddev), random.gauss(0, self.stddev)) pos = toVector(obj.position, '"position" not a vector') pos = pos + noise return (obj.copyWith(position=pos), True) # allow further mutation def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return NotImplemented return (other.stddev == self.stddev) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.stddev)
[docs]class HeadingMutator(Mutator): """Mutator adding Gaussian noise to ``heading``. Used by `OrientedPoint`. Attributes: stddev (float): standard deviation of noise """ def __init__(self, stddev): self.stddev = stddev def appliedTo(self, obj): noise = random.gauss(0, self.stddev) h = obj.heading + noise return (obj.copyWith(heading=h), True) # allow further mutation def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return NotImplemented return (other.stddev == self.stddev) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.stddev)
## Point
[docs]class Point(Constructible): """Implementation of the Scenic class ``Point``. The default mutator for `Point` adds Gaussian noise to ``position`` with a standard deviation given by the ``positionStdDev`` property. Attributes: position (`Vector`): Position of the point. Default value is the origin. visibleDistance (float): Distance for ``can see`` operator. Default value 50. width (float): Default value zero (only provided for compatibility with operators that expect an `Object`). height (float): Default value zero. """ position: Vector(0, 0) width: 0 height: 0 visibleDistance: 50 mutationEnabled: False mutator: PropertyDefault({'positionStdDev'}, {'additive'}, lambda self: PositionMutator(self.positionStdDev)) positionStdDev: 1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.position = toVector(self.position, f'"position" of {self} not a vector') self.corners = (self.position,) self.visibleRegion = CircularRegion(self.position, self.visibleDistance) def toVector(self): return self.position.toVector() def canSee(self, other): # TODO improve approximation? for corner in other.corners: if self.visibleRegion.containsPoint(corner): return True return False def sampleGiven(self, value): sample = super().sampleGiven(value) if self.mutationEnabled: for mutator in self.mutator: if mutator is None: continue sample, proceed = mutator.appliedTo(sample) if not proceed: break return sample # Points automatically convert to Vectors when needed def __getattr__(self, attr): if hasattr(Vector, attr): return getattr(self.toVector(), attr) else: raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'")
## OrientedPoint
[docs]class OrientedPoint(Point): """Implementation of the Scenic class ``OrientedPoint``. The default mutator for `OrientedPoint` adds Gaussian noise to ``heading`` with a standard deviation given by the ``headingStdDev`` property, then applies the mutator for `Point`. Attributes: heading (float): Heading of the `OrientedPoint`. Default value 0 (North). viewAngle (float): View cone angle for ``can see`` operator. Default value :math:`2\\pi`. """ heading: 0 viewAngle: math.tau mutator: PropertyDefault({'headingStdDev'}, {'additive'}, lambda self: HeadingMutator(self.headingStdDev)) headingStdDev: math.radians(5) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.heading = toScalar(self.heading, f'"heading" of {self} not a scalar') self.visibleRegion = SectorRegion(self.position, self.visibleDistance, self.heading, self.viewAngle) def relativize(self, vec): pos = self.relativePosition(vec) return OrientedPoint(position=pos, heading=self.heading) def relativePosition(self, x, y=None): vec = x if y is None else Vector(x, y) pos = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading, vec) return OrientedPoint(position=pos, heading=self.heading) def toHeading(self): return self.heading
## Object
[docs]class Object(OrientedPoint, RotatedRectangle): """Implementation of the Scenic class ``Object``. Attributes: width (float): Width of the object, i.e. extent along its X axis. Default value 1. height (float): Height of the object, i.e. extent along its Y axis. Default value 1. allowCollisions (bool): Whether the object is allowed to intersect other objects. Default value ``False``. requireVisible (bool): Whether the object is required to be visible from the ``ego`` object. Default value ``True``. regionContainedIn (`Region` or ``None``): A `Region` the object is required to be contained in. If ``None``, the object need only be contained in the scenario's workspace. cameraOffset (`Vector`): Position of the camera for the ``can see`` operator, relative to the object's ``position``. Default ``0 @ 0``. """ width: 1 height: 1 allowCollisions: False requireVisible: True regionContainedIn: None cameraOffset: Vector(0, 0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer # TODO improve? veneer.registerObject(self) self.hw = hw = self.width / 2 self.hh = hh = self.height / 2 self.radius = hypot(hw, hh) # circumcircle; for collision detection self.inradius = min(hw, hh) # incircle; for collision detection self.left = self.relativePosition(-hw, 0) self.right = self.relativePosition(hw, 0) self.front = self.relativePosition(0, hh) self.back = self.relativePosition(0, -hh) self.frontLeft = self.relativePosition(-hw, hh) self.frontRight = self.relativePosition(hw, hh) self.backLeft = self.relativePosition(-hw, -hh) self.backRight = self.relativePosition(hw, -hh) self.corners = (self.frontRight.toVector(), self.frontLeft.toVector(), self.backLeft.toVector(), self.backRight.toVector()) camera = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading, self.cameraOffset) self.visibleRegion = SectorRegion(camera, self.visibleDistance, self.heading, self.viewAngle) self._relations = [] def show(self, workspace, plt, highlight=False): if needsSampling(self): raise RuntimeError('tried to show() symbolic Object') pos = self.position spos = workspace.scenicToSchematicCoords(pos) if highlight: # Circle around object rad = 1.5 * max(self.width, self.height) c = plt.Circle(spos, rad, color='g', fill=False) plt.gca().add_artist(c) # View cone ha = self.viewAngle / 2.0 camera = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading, self.cameraOffset) cpos = workspace.scenicToSchematicCoords(camera) for angle in (-ha, ha): p = camera.offsetRadially(20, self.heading + angle) edge = [cpos, workspace.scenicToSchematicCoords(p)] x, y = zip(*edge) plt.plot(x, y, 'b:') corners = [workspace.scenicToSchematicCoords(corner) for corner in self.corners] x, y = zip(*corners) color = self.color if hasattr(self, 'color') else (1, 0, 0) plt.fill(x, y, color=color) frontMid = averageVectors(corners[0], corners[1]) baseTriangle = [frontMid, corners[2], corners[3]] triangle = [averageVectors(p, spos, weight=0.5) for p in baseTriangle] x, y = zip(*triangle) plt.fill(x, y, "w") plt.plot(x + (x[0],), y + (y[0],), color="k", linewidth=1)