Supported Simulators

Scenic is designed to be easily interfaced to any simulator (see Interfacing to New Simulators). On this page we list interfaces that we and others have developed; if you have a new interface, let us know and we’ll list it here!


Our interface to the CARLA simulator enables using Scenic to describe autonomous driving scenarios. This interface is part of the VerifAI toolkit; documentation and examples can be found in the VerifAI repository (the Scenic repository also has several other example scenarios).

Grand Theft Auto V

The interface to Grand Theft Auto V, used in our PLDI paper, allows Scenic to position cars within the game as well as to control the time of day and weather conditions. Many examples using the interface (including all scenarios from the paper) can be found in examples/gta. See the paper and scenic.simulators.gta for documentation.

Importing scenes into GTA V and capturing rendered images requires a GTA V plugin, which you can find here.

LGSVL (coming soon)

We have developed an interface to the LGSVL Simulator for autonomous driving, used in our ITSC 2020 paper. This interface will be released shortly.


We have several interfaces to the Webots robotics simulator, for different use cases.


Our interfaces were written for the R2018 version of Webots, which is not free but has lower hardware requirements than R2019. Relatively minor changes would be required to make our interfaces work with the newer open source versions of Webots. We may get around to porting them eventually; we’d also gladly accept a pull request!


Our interface to the X-Plane flight simulator enables using Scenic to describe aircraft taxiing scenarios. This interface is part of the VerifAI toolkit; documentation and examples can be found in the VerifAI repository.