Source code for

"""Scenic world model for scenarios using the driving domain.

Imports actions and behaviors for dynamic agents from
:doc:`` and :doc:``.

The map file to use for the scenario must be specified before importing this model by
defining the global parameter ``map``. This path is passed to the `Network.fromFile`
function to create a `Network` object representing the road network. Extra options may be
passed to the function by defining the global parameter ``map_options``, which should be
a dictionary of keyword arguments. For example, we could write::

    param map = localPath('mymap.xodr')
    param map_options = { 'tolerance': 0.1 }

If you are writing a generic scenario that supports multiple maps, you may leave the
``map`` parameter undefined; then running the scenario will produce an error unless the
user uses the :option:`--param` command-line option to specify the map.

.. note::

    If you are using a simulator, you may have to also define simulator-specific global
    parameters to tell the simulator which world to load. For example, our LGSVL
    interface uses a parameter ``lgsvl_map`` to specify the name of the Unity scene.
    See the :doc:`documentation <scenic.simulators>` of the simulator interfaces for

from typing import Optional

from import DrivingWorkspace
from import (ManeuverType, Network, Road, Lane, LaneSection,
                                          LaneGroup, Intersection, PedestrianCrossing,
from import *
from import *

from scenic.core.distributions import RejectionException
from scenic.simulators.utils.colors import Color

## Load map and set up workspace

if 'map' not in globalParameters:
    raise RuntimeError('need to specify map before importing driving model '
                       '(set the global parameter "map")')
param map_options = {}

#: The road network being used for the scenario, as a `Network` object.
network : Network = Network.fromFile(, **globalParameters.map_options)

workspace = DrivingWorkspace(network)

## Various useful objects and regions

#: The union of all drivable roads, including intersections but not shoulders
#: or parking lanes.
road : Region = network.drivableRegion

#: The union of all curbs.
curb : Region = network.curbRegion

#: The union of all sidewalks.
sidewalk : Region = network.sidewalkRegion

#: The union of all shoulders, including parking lanes.
shoulder : Region = network.shoulderRegion

#: All drivable areas, including both ordinary roads and shoulders.
roadOrShoulder : Region = road.union(shoulder)

#: The union of all intersections.
intersection : Region = network.intersectionRegion

#: A :obj:`VectorField` representing the nominal traffic direction at a given point.
#: Inside intersections or anywhere else where there can be multiple nominal
#: traffic directions, the choice is arbitrary. At such points, the function
#: `Network.nominalDirectionsAt` can be used to get all nominal directions.
roadDirection : VectorField = network.roadDirection

## Standard object types

def is2DMode():
    from scenic.syntax.veneer import mode2D
    return mode2D

[docs]class DrivingObject: """Abstract class for objects in a road network. Provides convenience properties for the lane, road, intersection, etc. at the object's current position (if any). Also defines the ``elevation`` property as a standard way to access the Z component of an object's position, since the Scenic built-in property ``position`` is only 2D. If ``elevation`` is set to :obj:`None`, the simulator is responsible for choosing an appropriate Z coordinate so that the object is on the ground, then updating the property. 2D simulators should set the property to zero. Properties: elevation (float or None; dynamic): default ``None`` (see above). requireVisible (bool): Default value ``False`` (overriding the default from `Object`). """ elevation[dynamic]: None if is2DMode() else float(self.position.z) requireVisible: False # Semantic category properties @property def isVehicle(self): return False @property def isCar(self): return False # Convenience properties @property def lane(self) -> Lane: """The `Lane` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in a lane. (Use `DrivingObject._lane` to get `None` instead.) """ return network.laneAt(self, reject='object is not in a lane') @property def _lane(self) -> Optional[Lane]: """The `Lane` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.laneAt(self) @property def laneSection(self) -> LaneSection: """The `LaneSection` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in a lane. """ return network.laneSectionAt(self, reject='object is not in a lane') @property def _laneSection(self) -> Optional[LaneSection]: """The `LaneSection` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.laneSectionAt(self) @property def laneGroup(self) -> LaneGroup: """The `LaneGroup` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in a lane. """ return network.laneGroupAt(self, reject='object is not in a lane') @property def _laneGroup(self) -> Optional[LaneGroup]: """The `LaneGroup` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.laneGroupAt(self) @property def oppositeLaneGroup(self) -> LaneGroup: """The `LaneGroup` on the other side of the road from the object. The simulation is rejected if the object is not on a two-way road. """ return self.laneGroup.opposite @property def road(self) -> Road: """The `Road` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not on a road. """ return network.roadAt(self, reject='object is not on a road') @property def _road(self) -> Optional[Road]: """The `Road` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.roadAt(self) @property def intersection(self) -> Intersection: """The `Intersection` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in an intersection. """ return network.intersectionAt(self, reject='object is not in an intersection') @property def _intersection(self) -> Optional[Intersection]: """The `Intersection` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.intersectionAt(self) @property def crossing(self) -> PedestrianCrossing: """The `PedestrianCrossing` at the object's current position. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in a crosswalk. """ return network.crossingAt(self, reject='object is not in a crossing') @property def _crossing(self) -> Optional[PedestrianCrossing]: """The `PedestrianCrossing` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.crossingAt(self) @property def element(self) -> NetworkElement: """The highest-level `NetworkElement` at the object's current position. See `Network.elementAt` for the details of how this is determined. The simulation is rejected if the object is not in any network element. """ return network.elementAt(self, reject='object is not on any network element') @property def _element(self) -> Optional[NetworkElement]: """The highest-level `NetworkElement` at the object's current position, if any.""" return network.elementAt(self) # Utility functions
[docs] def distanceToClosest(self, type: type) -> Object: """Compute the distance to the closest object of the given type. For example, one could write :scenic:`self.distanceToClosest(Car)` in a behavior. """ objects = simulation().objects minDist = float('inf') for obj in objects: if not isinstance(obj, type): continue d = distance from self to obj if 0 < d < minDist: minDist = d return minDist
# Simulator interface implemented by subclasses def setPosition(self, pos, elevation): raise NotImplementedError def setVelocity(self, vel): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Vehicle(DrivingObject): """Vehicles which drive, such as cars. Properties: position: The default position is uniformly random over the `road`. heading: The default heading is aligned with `roadDirection`, plus an offset given by **roadDeviation**. roadDeviation (float): Relative heading with respect to the road direction at the `Vehicle`'s position. Used by the default value for **heading**. regionContainedIn: The default container is :obj:`roadOrShoulder`. viewAngle: The default view angle is 90 degrees. width: The default width is 2 meters. length: The default length is 4.5 meters. color (:obj:`Color` or RGB tuple): Color of the vehicle. The default value is a distribution derived from car color popularity statistics; see :obj:`Color.defaultCarColor`. """ regionContainedIn: roadOrShoulder position: new Point on road heading: (roadDirection at self.position) + self.roadDeviation roadDeviation: 0 viewAngle: 90 deg width: 2 length: 4.5 color: Color.defaultCarColor() @property def isVehicle(self): return True
[docs]class Car(Vehicle): """A car.""" @property def isCar(self): return True
[docs]class NPCCar(Car): """Car for which accurate physics is not required.""" pass
[docs]class Pedestrian(DrivingObject): """A pedestrian. Properties: position: The default position is uniformly random over sidewalks and crosswalks. heading: The default heading is uniformly random. viewAngle: The default view angle is 90 degrees. width: The default width is 0.75 m. length: The default length is 0.75 m. color: The default color is turquoise. Pedestrian colors are not necessarily used by simulators, but do appear in the debugging diagram. """ regionContainedIn: network.walkableRegion position: new Point on network.walkableRegion heading: Range(0, 360) deg viewAngle: 90 deg width: 0.75 length: 0.75 color: [0, 0.5, 1]
## Utility functions
[docs]def withinDistanceToAnyCars(car, thresholdDistance): """ returns boolean """ objects = simulation().objects for obj in objects: if obj is car or not isinstance(obj, Vehicle): continue if (distance from car to obj) < thresholdDistance: return True return False
[docs]def withinDistanceToAnyObjs(vehicle, thresholdDistance): """ checks whether there exists any obj (1) in front of the vehicle, (2) within thresholdDistance """ objects = simulation().objects for obj in objects: if not (vehicle can see obj): continue if (distance from vehicle.position to obj.position) < 0.1: # this means obj==vehicle pass elif (distance from vehicle.position to obj.position) < thresholdDistance: return True return False
[docs]def withinDistanceToObjsInLane(vehicle, thresholdDistance): """ checks whether there exists any obj (1) in front of the vehicle, (2) on the same lane, (3) within thresholdDistance """ objects = simulation().objects for obj in objects: if not (vehicle can see obj): continue if (distance from vehicle.position to obj.position) < 0.1: # this means obj==vehicle continue inter = network.intersectionAt(vehicle) if inter and inter != network.intersectionAt(obj): # different intersections continue if not inter and network.laneAt(vehicle) != network.laneAt(obj): # different lanes continue if (distance from vehicle to obj) < thresholdDistance: return True return False