Source code for scenic.formats.opendrive.xodr_parser

"""Parser for OpenDRIVE (.xodr) files."""

import abc
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import math
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad, solve_ivp
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon
from shapely.ops import snap, unary_union

from scenic.core.geometry import (
from scenic.core.regions import PolygonalRegion, PolylineRegion
from scenic.core.vectors import Vector
from import roads as roadDomain

class OpenDriveWarning(UserWarning):

def warn(message):
    warnings.warn(message, OpenDriveWarning, stacklevel=2)

def buffer_union(polys, tolerance=0.01):
    return polygonUnion(polys, buf=tolerance, tolerance=tolerance)

[docs]class Poly3: """Cubic polynomial.""" def __init__(self, a, b, c, d): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = d def eval_at(self, x): return self.a + self.b * x + self.c * x**2 + self.d * x**3 def grad_at(self, x): return self.b + 2 * self.c * x + 3 * self.d * x**2
[docs]class Curve: """Geometric elements which compose road reference lines. See the OpenDRIVE Format Specification for coordinate system details.""" def __init__(self, x0, y0, hdg, length): self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.hdg = hdg # In radians counterclockwise, 0 at positive x-axis. self.cos_hdg, self.sin_hdg = math.cos(hdg), math.sin(hdg) self.length = length
[docs] def to_points(self, num, extra_points=[]): """Sample NUM evenly-spaced points from curve. Points are tuples of (x, y, s) with (x, y) absolute coordinates and s the arc length along the curve. Additional points at s values in extra_points are included if they are contained in the curve (unless they are extremely close to one of the equally-spaced points). """ s_vals = [] extras = itertools.chain(extra_points, itertools.repeat(float("inf"))) next_extra = next(extras) last_s = 0 for s in np.linspace(0, self.length, num=num): while next_extra <= s: if last_s + 1e-6 < next_extra < s - 1e-6: s_vals.append(next_extra) next_extra = next(extras) s_vals.append(s) last_s = s return [self.point_at(s) for s in s_vals]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def point_at(self, s): """Get an (x, y, s) point along the curve at the given s coordinate.""" return
[docs] def rel_to_abs(self, point): """Convert from relative coordinates of curve to absolute coordinates. I.e. rotate counterclockwise by self.hdg and translate by (x0, x1).""" x, y, s = point return ( self.x0 + self.cos_hdg * x - self.sin_hdg * y, self.y0 + self.sin_hdg * x + self.cos_hdg * y, s, )
[docs]class Cubic(Curve): """A curve defined by the cubic polynomial a + bu + cu^2 + du^3. The curve starts at (X0, Y0) in direction HDG, with length LENGTH.""" def __init__(self, x0, y0, hdg, length, a, b, c, d): super().__init__(x0, y0, hdg, length) self.poly = Poly3(a, b, c, d) # Crude upper bound for u (used to bracket u for a given s in point_at) if d != 0: self.ubound = max( 2 * abs(c / d), abs(b / d) ** 0.5, (3 * length / abs(d)) ** (1 / 3) ) elif c != 0: self.ubound = max(abs(b / c), (2 * length / abs(c)) ** 0.5) else: self.ubound = length / abs(b) def arclength(self, u): d_arc = lambda x: np.sqrt(1 + self.poly.grad_at(x) ** 2) return quad(d_arc, 0, u)[0] def point_at(self, s): # Use Brent's method to find parameter u corresponding to arclength s; # (N.B. Brent's method proved to be faster than Newton's and has no potential # convergence issues.) root_func = lambda x: self.arclength(x) - s u = float(brentq(root_func, 0, self.ubound)) pt = (s, self.poly.eval_at(u), s) return self.rel_to_abs(pt)
[docs]class ParamCubic(Curve): """A curve defined by the parametric equations u = a_u + b_up + c_up^2 + d_up^3, v = a_v + b_vp + c_vp^2 + d_up^3, with p in [0, p_range]. The curve starts at (X0, Y0) in direction HDG, with length LENGTH.""" def __init__(self, x0, y0, hdg, length, au, bu, cu, du, av, bv, cv, dv, p_range=1): super().__init__(x0, y0, hdg, length) self.u_poly = Poly3(au, bu, cu, du) self.v_poly = Poly3(av, bv, cv, dv) self.p_range = p_range if p_range else 1 def arclength(self, p): d_arc = lambda x: math.hypot(self.u_poly.grad_at(x), self.v_poly.grad_at(x)) return quad(d_arc, 0, p)[0] def point_at(self, s): root_func = lambda x: self.arclength(x) - s p = float(brentq(root_func, 0, self.p_range)) pt = (self.u_poly.eval_at(p), self.v_poly.eval_at(p), s) return self.rel_to_abs(pt)
[docs]class Clothoid(Curve): """An Euler spiral with curvature varying linearly between CURV0 and CURV1. The spiral starts at (X0, Y0) in direction HDG, with length LENGTH.""" def __init__(self, x0, y0, hdg, length, curv0, curv1): super().__init__(x0, y0, hdg, length) # Initial and final curvature. self.curv0 = curv0 self.curv1 = curv1 self.curve_rate = (curv1 - curv0) / length self.a = abs(curv0) self.r = 1 / self.a if curv0 != 0 else 1 # value not used if curv0 == 0 self.ode_init = np.array([x0, y0, hdg]) def point_at(self, s): # Generate a origin-centered clothoid with zero curvature at origin, # then translate/rotate the relevant segment. # Arcs are just a degenerate clothoid: if self.curv0 == self.curv1: if self.curv0 == 0: pt = (s, 0, s) else: r = self.r th = s * self.a if self.curv0 > 0: pt = (r * math.sin(th), r - r * math.cos(th), s) else: pt = (r * math.sin(th), -r + r * math.cos(th), s) return self.rel_to_abs(pt) else: def clothoid_ode(s, state): x, y, theta = state return np.array( [math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta), self.curv0 + (self.curve_rate * s)] ) sol = solve_ivp(clothoid_ode, (0, s), self.ode_init) x, y, hdg = sol.y[:, -1] return (x, y, s)
[docs]class Line(Curve): """A line segment between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).""" def __init__(self, x0, y0, hdg, length): super().__init__(x0, y0, hdg, length) # Endpoints of line. self.x1 = x0 + length * math.cos(hdg) self.y1 = y0 + length * math.sin(hdg) def point_at(self, s): return self.rel_to_abs((s, 0, s))
class Lane: def __init__(self, id_, type_, pred=None, succ=None): self.id_ = id_ self.width = [] # List of tuples (Poly3, int) for width and s-offset. self.type_ = type_ self.pred = pred self.succ = succ self.left_bounds = [] # to be filled in later self.right_bounds = [] self.centerline = [] self.parent_lane_poly = None def width_at(self, s): # S here is relative to start of LaneSection this lane is in. ind = 0 while ind + 1 < len(self.width) and self.width[ind + 1][1] <= s: ind += 1 assert self.width[ind][1] <= s, "No matching width entry found." w_poly, s_off = self.width[ind] w = w_poly.eval_at(s - s_off) if w < -1e-6: # allow for numerical error raise RuntimeError("OpenDRIVE lane has negative width") return max(w, 0) class LaneSection: def __init__(self, s0, left_lanes={}, right_lanes={}): self.s0 = s0 self.left_lanes = left_lanes self.right_lanes = right_lanes self.left_lane_ids = sorted(self.left_lanes.keys()) self.right_lane_ids = sorted(self.right_lanes.keys(), reverse=True) self.lanes = dict(list(left_lanes.items()) + list(right_lanes.items())) def get_lane(self, id_): if id_ in self.left_lanes: return self.left_lanes[id_] elif id_ in self.right_lanes: return self.right_lanes[id_] elif id_ == 0: return Lane(0, "none") else: raise RuntimeError("Lane with id", id_, "not found") def get_offsets(self, s): """Returns dict of lane id and offset from reference line of lane boundary at coordinate S along line. By convention, left lanes have positive width offset and right lanes have negative.""" assert s >= self.s0, "Input s is before lane start position." offsets = {} for lane_id in self.left_lane_ids: if lane_id - 1 in self.left_lane_ids: offsets[lane_id] = offsets[lane_id - 1] + self.left_lanes[ lane_id ].width_at(s - self.s0) else: offsets[lane_id] = self.left_lanes[lane_id].width_at(s - self.s0) for lane_id in self.right_lane_ids: if lane_id + 1 in self.right_lane_ids: offsets[lane_id] = offsets[lane_id + 1] - self.right_lanes[ lane_id ].width_at(s - self.s0) else: offsets[lane_id] = -self.right_lanes[lane_id].width_at(s - self.s0) return offsets class Junction: class Connection: def __init__(self, incoming_id, connecting_id, connecting_contact, lane_links): self.incoming_id = incoming_id # id of connecting road self.connecting_id = connecting_id # contact point ('start' or 'end') on connecting road self.connecting_contact = connecting_contact # dict mapping incoming to connecting lane ids (empty = identity mapping) self.lane_links = lane_links def __init__(self, id_, name): self.id_ = id_ = name self.connections = [] # Ids of roads that are paths within junction: self.paths = [] self.poly = None def add_connection(self, incoming_id, connecting_id, connecting_contact, lane_links): conn = Junction.Connection( incoming_id, connecting_id, connecting_contact, lane_links ) self.connections.append(conn) class Road: def __init__(self, name, id_, length, junction, drive_on_right=True): = name self.id_ = id_ self.length = length self.junction = junction if junction != "-1" else None self.predecessor = None self.successor = None self.signals = [] # List of Signal objects. self.lane_secs = [] # List of LaneSection objects. self.ref_line = [] # List of Curve objects defining reference line. # NOTE: sec_points, sec_polys, sec_lane_polys should be ordered according to lane_secs. self.sec_points = [] # List of lists of points, one for each LaneSection. self.sec_polys = [] # List of Polygons, one for each LaneSections. # List of dict of lane id to Polygon for each LaneSection. self.sec_lane_polys = [] # List of lane polygons. Not a dict b/c lane id is not unique along road. self.lane_polys = [] # Each polygon in lane_polys is the union of connected lane section polygons. # lane_polys is currently not used. # Reference line offset: self.offset = [] # List of tuple (Poly3, s-coordinate). self.drive_on_right = drive_on_right # Used to fill in gaps between roads: self.start_bounds_left = {} self.start_bounds_right = {} self.end_bounds_left = {} self.end_bounds_right = {} self.remappedStartLanes = None # hack for handling spurious initial lane sections def get_ref_line_offset(self, s): if not self.offset: return 0 ind = 0 while ind + 1 < len(self.offset) and self.offset[ind + 1][1] <= s: ind += 1 poly, s0 = self.offset[ind] assert s >= s0 return poly.eval_at(s - s0) def get_ref_points(self, num): """Returns list of list of points for each piece of ref_line. List of list structure necessary because each piece needs to be constructed into Polygon separately then unioned afterwards to avoid self-intersecting lines.""" ref_points = [] transition_points = [sec.s0 for sec in self.lane_secs[1:]] last_s = 0 for piece in self.ref_line: piece_points = piece.to_points(num, extra_points=transition_points) assert piece_points, "Failed to get piece points" if ref_points: last_s = ref_points[-1][-1][2] piece_points = [(p[0], p[1], p[2] + last_s) for p in piece_points] ref_points.append(piece_points) transition_points = [s - last_s for s in transition_points if s > last_s] return ref_points def heading_at(self, point): # Convert point to shapely Point. point = Point(point.x, point.y) for i in range(len(self.lane_secs)): ref_points = self.sec_points[i] poly = self.sec_polys[i] if point.within(poly.buffer(1)): lane_id = None for id_ in self.sec_lane_polys[i].keys(): if point.within(self.sec_lane_polys[i][id_].buffer(1)): lane_id = id_ break assert lane_id is not None, "Point not found in sec_lane_polys." min_dist = float("inf") for i in range(len(ref_points)): cur_point = Point(ref_points[i][0], ref_points[i][1]) if point.distance(cur_point) < min_dist: closest_idx = i if closest_idx >= len(ref_points) - 1: closest_idx = len(ref_points) - 2 dy = ref_points[closest_idx + 1][1] - ref_points[closest_idx][1] dx = ref_points[closest_idx + 1][0] - ref_points[closest_idx][0] heading = math.atan2(dy, dx) # Right lanes have negative lane_id. # Flip heading if drive_on_right XOR right lane. if self.drive_on_right != (lane_id < 0): heading += math.pi # Heading 0 is defined differently between OpenDrive and Scenic(?) heading -= math.pi / 2 return (heading + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi raise RuntimeError("Point not found in piece_polys") def calc_geometry_for_type(self, lane_types, num, tolerance, calc_gap=False): """Given a list of lane types, returns a tuple of: - List of lists of points along the reference line, with same indexing as self.lane_secs - List of region polygons, with same indexing as self.lane_secs - List of dictionary of lane id to polygon, with same indexing as self.lane_secs - List of polygons for each lane (not necessarily by id, but respecting lane successor/predecessor) - Polygon for entire region. If calc_gap=True, fills in gaps between connected roads. This is fairly expensive. """ road_polygons = [] ref_points = self.get_ref_points(num) self.ref_line_points = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(ref_points)) cur_lane_polys = {} sec_points = [] sec_polys = [] sec_lane_polys = [] lane_polys = [] last_lefts = None last_rights = None cur_p = None for i in range(len(self.lane_secs)): cur_sec = self.lane_secs[i] cur_sec_points = [] if i < len(self.lane_secs) - 1: next_sec = self.lane_secs[i + 1] s_stop = next_sec.s0 else: s_stop = float("inf") left_bounds = defaultdict(list) right_bounds = defaultdict(list) cur_sec_lane_polys = defaultdict(list) cur_sec_polys = [] end_of_sec = False while ref_points and not end_of_sec: if not ref_points[0]: ref_points.pop(0) if not ref_points or (cur_p and cur_p[2] >= s_stop): # Case 1: We have processed the entire reference line. # Case 2: The s-coordinate has exceeded s_stop, so we should move # onto the next LaneSection. # Either way, we collect all the bound points so far into polygons. end_of_sec = True cur_last_lefts = {} cur_last_rights = {} for id_ in left_bounds: # Polygon for piece of lane: left = left_bounds[id_] right = right_bounds[id_][::-1] bounds = left + right if len(bounds) < 3: continue poly = cleanPolygon(Polygon(bounds), tolerance) if not poly.is_empty: if poly.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": poly = MultiPolygon( [ p for p in poly.geoms if not p.is_empty and p.exterior ] ) cur_sec_polys.extend(poly.geoms) else: cur_sec_polys.append(poly) cur_sec_lane_polys[id_].append(poly) cur_last_lefts[id_] = left_bounds[id_][-1] cur_last_rights[id_] = right_bounds[id_][-1] if i == 0 or not self.start_bounds_left: self.start_bounds_left[id_] = left_bounds[id_][0] self.start_bounds_right[id_] = right_bounds[id_][0] left_bounds = defaultdict(list) right_bounds = defaultdict(list) if cur_last_lefts and cur_last_rights: last_lefts = cur_last_lefts last_rights = cur_last_rights else: cur_p = ref_points[0][0] cur_sec_points.append(cur_p) s = min(max(cur_p[2], cur_sec.s0), s_stop - 1e-6) offsets = cur_sec.get_offsets(s) offsets[0] = 0 for id_ in offsets: offsets[id_] += self.get_ref_line_offset(s) if len(ref_points[0]) > 1: next_p = ref_points[0][1] tan_vec = (next_p[0] - cur_p[0], next_p[1] - cur_p[1]) else: if len(cur_sec_points) >= 2: prev_p = cur_sec_points[-2] else: assert len(sec_points) > 0 if sec_points[-1]: assert sec_points[-1][-1] == cur_p prev_p = sec_points[-1][-2] else: prev_p = sec_points[-2][-2] tan_vec = (cur_p[0] - prev_p[0], cur_p[1] - prev_p[1]) tan_norm = math.hypot(tan_vec[0], tan_vec[1]) assert tan_norm > 1e-10 normal_vec = (-tan_vec[1] / tan_norm, tan_vec[0] / tan_norm) if cur_p[2] < s_stop: # if at end of section, keep current point to be included in # the next section as well; otherwise remove it ref_points[0].pop(0) elif len(ref_points[0]) == 1 and len(ref_points) > 1: # also get rid of point if this is the last point of the current geometry and # and there is another geometry following ref_points[0].pop(0) for id_ in offsets: lane = cur_sec.get_lane(id_) if lane.type_ in lane_types: if id_ > 0: prev_id = id_ - 1 else: prev_id = id_ + 1 left_bound = [ cur_p[0] + normal_vec[0] * offsets[id_], cur_p[1] + normal_vec[1] * offsets[id_], ] right_bound = [ cur_p[0] + normal_vec[0] * offsets[prev_id], cur_p[1] + normal_vec[1] * offsets[prev_id], ] if id_ < 0: left_bound, right_bound = right_bound, left_bound halfway = (offsets[id_] + offsets[prev_id]) / 2 centerline = [ cur_p[0] + normal_vec[0] * halfway, cur_p[1] + normal_vec[1] * halfway, ] left_bounds[id_].append(left_bound) right_bounds[id_].append(right_bound) lane.left_bounds.append(left_bound) lane.right_bounds.append(right_bound) lane.centerline.append(centerline) assert len(cur_sec_points) >= 2, i sec_points.append(cur_sec_points) sec_polys.append(buffer_union(cur_sec_polys, tolerance=tolerance)) for id_ in cur_sec_lane_polys: poly = buffer_union(cur_sec_lane_polys[id_], tolerance=tolerance) cur_sec_lane_polys[id_] = poly cur_sec.get_lane(id_).poly = poly sec_lane_polys.append(dict(cur_sec_lane_polys)) next_lane_polys = {} for id_ in cur_sec_lane_polys: pred_id = cur_sec.get_lane(id_).pred if pred_id and pred_id in cur_lane_polys: next_lane_polys[id_] = cur_lane_polys.pop(pred_id) + [ cur_sec_lane_polys[id_] ] else: next_lane_polys[id_] = [cur_sec_lane_polys[id_]] for id_ in cur_lane_polys: poly = buffer_union(cur_lane_polys[id_], tolerance=tolerance) self.lane_secs[i - 1].get_lane(id_).parent_lane_poly = len(lane_polys) lane_polys.append(poly) cur_lane_polys = next_lane_polys for id_ in cur_lane_polys: poly = buffer_union(cur_lane_polys[id_], tolerance=tolerance) cur_sec.get_lane(id_).parent_lane_poly = len(lane_polys) lane_polys.append(poly) union_poly = buffer_union(sec_polys, tolerance=tolerance) if last_lefts and last_rights: self.end_bounds_left.update(last_lefts) self.end_bounds_right.update(last_rights) # Difference and slightly erode all overlapping polygons for i in range(len(sec_polys) - 1): if sec_polys[i].overlaps(sec_polys[i + 1]): sec_polys[i] = sec_polys[i].difference(sec_polys[i + 1]).buffer(-1e-6) assert not sec_polys[i].overlaps(sec_polys[i + 1]) for polys in sec_lane_polys: ids = sorted(polys) # order adjacent lanes consecutively for i in range(len(ids) - 1): polyA, polyB = polys[ids[i]], polys[ids[i + 1]] if polyA.overlaps(polyB): polys[ids[i]] = polyA.difference(polyB).buffer(-1e-6) assert not polys[ids[i]].overlaps(polyB) for i in range(len(lane_polys) - 1): if lane_polys[i].overlaps(lane_polys[i + 1]): lane_polys[i] = lane_polys[i].difference(lane_polys[i + 1]).buffer(-1e-6) assert not lane_polys[i].overlaps(lane_polys[i + 1]) # Set parent lane polygon references to corrected polygons for sec in self.lane_secs: for lane in sec.lanes.values(): parentIndex = lane.parent_lane_poly if isinstance(parentIndex, int): lane.parent_lane_poly = lane_polys[parentIndex] return (sec_points, sec_polys, sec_lane_polys, lane_polys, union_poly) def calculate_geometry( self, num, tolerance, calc_gap, drivable_lane_types, sidewalk_lane_types, shoulder_lane_types, ): # Note: this also calculates self.start_bounds_left, self.start_bounds_right, # self.end_bounds_left, self.end_bounds_right ( self.sec_points, self.sec_polys, self.sec_lane_polys, self.lane_polys, self.drivable_region, ) = self.calc_geometry_for_type( drivable_lane_types, num, tolerance, calc_gap=calc_gap ) for i, sec in enumerate(self.lane_secs): sec.drivable_lanes = {} sec.sidewalk_lanes = {} sec.shoulder_lanes = {} for id_, lane in sec.lanes.items(): ty = lane.type_ if ty in drivable_lane_types: sec.drivable_lanes[id_] = lane elif ty in sidewalk_lane_types: sec.sidewalk_lanes[id_] = lane elif ty in shoulder_lane_types: sec.shoulder_lanes[id_] = lane if not sec.drivable_lanes: continue rightmost = None for id_ in itertools.chain(reversed(sec.right_lane_ids), sec.left_lane_ids): if id_ in sec.drivable_lanes: rightmost = sec.lanes[id_] break assert rightmost is not None, i leftmost = None for id_ in itertools.chain(reversed(sec.left_lane_ids), sec.right_lane_ids): if id_ in sec.drivable_lanes: leftmost = sec.lanes[id_] break assert leftmost is not None, i sec.left_edge = leftmost.left_bounds assert len(sec.left_edge) >= 2 sec.right_edge = rightmost.right_bounds assert len(sec.right_edge) >= 2 _, _, _, _, self.sidewalk_region = self.calc_geometry_for_type( sidewalk_lane_types, num, tolerance, calc_gap=calc_gap ) _, _, _, _, self.shoulder_region = self.calc_geometry_for_type( shoulder_lane_types, num, tolerance, calc_gap=calc_gap ) def toScenicRoad(self, tolerance): assert self.sec_points allElements = [] # Create lane and road sections roadSections = [] last_section = None sidewalkSections = defaultdict(list) shoulderSections = defaultdict(list) for sec, pts, sec_poly, lane_polys in zip( self.lane_secs, self.sec_points, self.sec_polys, self.sec_lane_polys ): pts = [pt[:2] for pt in pts] # drop s coordinate assert sec.drivable_lanes laneSections = {} for id_, lane in sec.drivable_lanes.items(): succ = None # will set this later if last_section and lane.pred: if lane.pred in last_section.lanesByOpenDriveID: pred = last_section.lanesByOpenDriveID[lane.pred] else: warn( f"road {self.id_} section {len(roadSections)} " f"lane {id_} has a non-drivable predecessor" ) pred = None else: pred = lane.pred # will correct inter-road links later left, center, right = lane.left_bounds, lane.centerline, lane.right_bounds if id_ > 0: # backward lane left, center, right = right[::-1], center[::-1], left[::-1] succ, pred = pred, succ section = roadDomain.LaneSection( id=f"road{self.id_}_sec{len(roadSections)}_lane{id_}", polygon=lane_polys[id_], centerline=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(center)), leftEdge=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(left)), rightEdge=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(right)), successor=succ, predecessor=pred, lane=None, # will set these later group=None, road=None, openDriveID=id_, isForward=id_ < 0, ) section._original_lane = lane laneSections[id_] = section allElements.append(section) section = roadDomain.RoadSection( id=f"road{self.id_}_sec{len(roadSections)}", polygon=sec_poly, centerline=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(pts)), leftEdge=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(sec.left_edge)), rightEdge=PolylineRegion(cleanChain(sec.right_edge)), successor=None, predecessor=last_section, road=None, # will set later lanesByOpenDriveID=laneSections, ) roadSections.append(section) allElements.append(section) last_section = section for id_, lane in sec.sidewalk_lanes.items(): sidewalkSections[id_].append(lane) for id_, lane in sec.shoulder_lanes.items(): shoulderSections[id_].append(lane) # Build sidewalks and shoulders # TODO improve this! forwardSidewalks, backwardSidewalks = [], [] forwardShoulders, backwardShoulders = [], [] for id_ in sidewalkSections: (forwardSidewalks if id_ < 0 else backwardSidewalks).append(id_) for id_ in shoulderSections: (forwardShoulders if id_ < 0 else backwardShoulders).append(id_) def combineSections(laneIDs, sections, name): leftmost, rightmost = max(laneIDs), min(laneIDs) if len(laneIDs) != leftmost - rightmost + 1: warn(f"ignoring {name} in the middle of road {self.id_}") leftPoints, rightPoints = [], [] if leftmost < 0: leftmost = rightmost while leftmost + 1 in laneIDs: leftmost = leftmost + 1 leftSecs, rightSecs = sections[leftmost], sections[rightmost] for leftSec, rightSec in zip(leftSecs, rightSecs): leftPoints.extend(leftSec.left_bounds) rightPoints.extend(rightSec.right_bounds) else: rightmost = leftmost while rightmost - 1 in laneIDs: rightmost = rightmost - 1 leftSecs = reversed(sections[leftmost]) rightSecs = reversed(sections[rightmost]) for leftSec, rightSec in zip(leftSecs, rightSecs): leftPoints.extend(reversed(rightSec.right_bounds)) rightPoints.extend(reversed(leftSec.left_bounds)) leftEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(leftPoints)) rightEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(rightPoints)) # Heuristically create some kind of reasonable centerline if len(leftPoints) == len(rightPoints): centerPoints = list( averageVectors(l, r) for l, r in zip(leftPoints, rightPoints) ) else: num = max(len(leftPoints), len(rightPoints)) centerPoints = [] for d in np.linspace(0, 1, num): l = leftEdge.lineString.interpolate(d, normalized=True) r = rightEdge.lineString.interpolate(d, normalized=True) centerPoints.append(averageVectors(l.coords[0], r.coords[0])) centerline = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(centerPoints)) allPolys = ( sec.poly for id_ in range(rightmost, leftmost + 1) for sec in sections[id_] ) union = buffer_union(allPolys, tolerance=tolerance) id_ = f"road{self.id_}_{name}({leftmost},{rightmost})" return id_, union, centerline, leftEdge, rightEdge def makeSidewalk(laneIDs): if not laneIDs: return None id_, union, centerline, leftEdge, rightEdge = combineSections( laneIDs, sidewalkSections, "sidewalk" ) sidewalk = roadDomain.Sidewalk( id=id_, polygon=union, centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, road=None, crossings=(), # TODO add crosswalks ) allElements.append(sidewalk) return sidewalk forwardSidewalk = makeSidewalk(forwardSidewalks) backwardSidewalk = makeSidewalk(backwardSidewalks) def makeShoulder(laneIDs): if not laneIDs: return None id_, union, centerline, leftEdge, rightEdge = combineSections( laneIDs, shoulderSections, "shoulder" ) shoulder = roadDomain.Shoulder( id=id_, polygon=union, centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, road=None, ) allElements.append(shoulder) return shoulder forwardShoulder = makeShoulder(forwardShoulders) backwardShoulder = makeShoulder(backwardShoulders) # Connect sections to their successors next_section = None for sec, section in reversed(list(zip(self.lane_secs, roadSections))): if next_section is None: next_section = section for id_, lane in sec.drivable_lanes.items(): newLane = section.lanesByOpenDriveID[id_] if newLane.isForward: # will correct inter-road links later newLane._successor = lane.succ else: newLane._predecessor = lane.succ continue section._successor = next_section for id_, lane in sec.drivable_lanes.items(): newLane = section.lanesByOpenDriveID[id_] if newLane.isForward: newLane._successor = next_section.lanesByOpenDriveID.get(lane.succ) else: newLane._predecessor = next_section.lanesByOpenDriveID.get(lane.succ) next_section = section # Connect lane sections to adjacent lane sections for section in roadSections: lanes = section.lanesByOpenDriveID for id_, lane in lanes.items(): if id_ < -1: leftID = id_ + 1 elif id_ == -1: leftID = 1 elif id_ == 1: leftID = -1 else: leftID = id_ - 1 rightID = id_ - 1 if id_ < 0 else id_ + 1 lane._laneToLeft = lanes.get(leftID) lane._laneToRight = lanes.get(rightID) if self.drive_on_right: lane._fasterLane = lane._laneToLeft lane._slowerLane = lane._laneToRight else: lane._slowerLane = lane._laneToLeft lane._fasterLane = lane._laneToRight if lane._fasterLane and lane._fasterLane.isForward != lane.isForward: lane._fasterLane = None if lane._slowerLane and lane._slowerLane.isForward != lane.isForward: lane._slowerLane = None adj = [] if lane._laneToLeft: adj.append(lane._laneToLeft) if lane._laneToRight: adj.append(lane._laneToRight) lane.adjacentLanes = tuple(adj) # Gather lane sections into lanes nextID = 0 forwardLanes, backwardLanes = [], [] for roadSection in roadSections: for laneSection in roadSection.lanes: laneSection._visited = False for roadSection, sec in zip(roadSections, self.lane_secs): for laneSection in roadSection.lanes: if not laneSection._visited: # start of new lane forward = laneSection.isForward sections = [] successorLane = None # lane this one will merge into while True: sections.append(laneSection) laneSection._visited = True assert laneSection.isForward == forward if forward: nextSection = laneSection._successor else: nextSection = laneSection._predecessor if not nextSection or not isinstance( nextSection, roadDomain.LaneSection ): break elif nextSection._visited: successorLane = nextSection.lane break laneSection = nextSection ls = laneSection._original_lane assert ls.parent_lane_poly if not forward: sections = tuple(reversed(sections)) leftPoints, rightPoints, centerPoints = [], [], [] for section in sections: leftPoints.extend(section.leftEdge.points) rightPoints.extend(section.rightEdge.points) centerPoints.extend(section.centerline.points) leftEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(leftPoints)) rightEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(rightPoints)) centerline = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(centerPoints)) lane = roadDomain.Lane( id=f"road{self.id_}_lane{nextID}", polygon=ls.parent_lane_poly, centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, group=None, road=None, sections=tuple(sections), successor=successorLane, # will correct inter-road links later ) nextID += 1 for section in sections: section.lane = lane (forwardLanes if forward else backwardLanes).append(lane) allElements.append(lane) lanes = forwardLanes + backwardLanes assert lanes # Compute lane adjacencies for lane in lanes: adj = [] for section in lane.sections: adj.extend(sec.lane for sec in section.adjacentLanes) lane.adjacentLanes = tuple(adj) # Create lane groups def getEdges(forward): if forward: sec = roadSections[0] startLanes = sec.forwardLanes else: sec = roadSections[-1] startLanes = sec.backwardLanes leftPoints = [] current = startLanes[-1] # get leftmost lane of the first section while current and isinstance(current, roadDomain.LaneSection): if current._laneToLeft and current._laneToLeft.isForward == forward: current = current._laneToLeft leftPoints.extend(current.leftEdge.points) current = current._successor leftEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(leftPoints)) rightPoints = [] current = startLanes[0] # get rightmost lane of the first section while current and isinstance(current, roadDomain.LaneSection): if current._laneToRight and current._laneToRight.isForward == forward: current = current._laneToRight rightPoints.extend(current.rightEdge.points) current = current._successor rightEdge = PolylineRegion(cleanChain(rightPoints)) middleLane = startLanes[len(startLanes) // 2].lane # rather arbitrary return leftEdge, middleLane.centerline, rightEdge if forwardLanes: leftEdge, centerline, rightEdge = getEdges(forward=True) forwardGroup = roadDomain.LaneGroup( id=f"road{self.id_}_forward", polygon=buffer_union( (lane.polygon for lane in forwardLanes), tolerance=tolerance ), centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, road=None, lanes=tuple(forwardLanes), curb=(forwardShoulder.rightEdge if forwardShoulder else rightEdge), sidewalk=forwardSidewalk, bikeLane=None, shoulder=forwardShoulder, opposite=None, ) allElements.append(forwardGroup) else: forwardGroup = None if backwardLanes: leftEdge, centerline, rightEdge = getEdges(forward=False) backwardGroup = roadDomain.LaneGroup( id=f"road{self.id_}_backward", polygon=buffer_union( (lane.polygon for lane in backwardLanes), tolerance=tolerance ), centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, road=None, lanes=tuple(backwardLanes), curb=(backwardShoulder.rightEdge if backwardShoulder else rightEdge), sidewalk=backwardSidewalk, bikeLane=None, shoulder=backwardShoulder, opposite=forwardGroup, ) allElements.append(backwardGroup) if forwardGroup: forwardGroup._opposite = backwardGroup else: backwardGroup = None # Create signal roadSignals = [] for i, signal_ in enumerate(self.signals): signal = roadDomain.Signal( uid=f"signal{signal_.id_}_{self.id_}_{i}", openDriveID=signal_.id_,, type=signal_.type_, ) roadSignals.append(signal) # Create road assert forwardGroup or backwardGroup if forwardGroup: rightEdge = forwardGroup.rightEdge else: rightEdge = backwardGroup.leftEdge if backwardGroup: leftEdge = backwardGroup.rightEdge else: leftEdge = forwardGroup.leftEdge centerline = PolylineRegion(tuple(pt[:2] for pt in self.ref_line_points)) road = roadDomain.Road(, uid=f"road{self.id_}", # need prefix to prevent collisions with intersections id=self.id_, polygon=self.drivable_region, centerline=centerline, leftEdge=leftEdge, rightEdge=rightEdge, lanes=lanes, forwardLanes=forwardGroup, backwardLanes=backwardGroup, sections=roadSections, signals=tuple(roadSignals), crossings=(), # TODO add these! ) allElements.append(road) # Set up parent references if forwardGroup: forwardGroup.road = road if forwardGroup._sidewalk: forwardGroup._sidewalk.road = road if forwardGroup._shoulder: forwardGroup._shoulder.road = road = forwardGroup if backwardGroup: backwardGroup.road = road if backwardGroup._sidewalk: backwardGroup._sidewalk.road = road if backwardGroup._shoulder: backwardGroup._shoulder.road = road = backwardGroup for section in roadSections: section.road = road for lane in forwardLanes: = forwardGroup lane.road = road for sec in lane.sections: = forwardGroup sec.road = road del sec._original_lane for lane in backwardLanes: = backwardGroup lane.road = road for sec in lane.sections: = backwardGroup sec.road = road del sec._original_lane return road, allElements
[docs]class Signal: """Traffic lights, stop signs, etc.""" def __init__(self, id_, country, type_, subtype, orientation, validity=None): self.id_ = id_ = country self.type_ = type_ self.subtype = subtype self.orientation = orientation self.validity = validity def is_valid(self): return self.validity is None or self.validity != [0, 0]
class SignalReference: def __init__(self, id_, orientation, validity=None): self.id_ = id_ self.validity = validity self.orientation = orientation def is_valid(self): return self.validity is None or self.validity != [0, 0] class RoadMap: defaultTolerance = 0.05 def __init__( self, tolerance=None, fill_intersections=True, drivable_lane_types=( "driving", "entry", "exit", "offRamp", "onRamp", "connectingRamp", ), sidewalk_lane_types=("sidewalk",), shoulder_lane_types=("shoulder", "parking", "stop", "border"), elide_short_roads=False, ): self.tolerance = self.defaultTolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance self.roads = {} self.road_links = [] self.junctions = {} self.sec_lane_polys = [] self.lane_polys = [] self.intersection_region = None self.fill_intersections = fill_intersections self.drivable_lane_types = drivable_lane_types self.sidewalk_lane_types = sidewalk_lane_types self.shoulder_lane_types = shoulder_lane_types self.elide_short_roads = elide_short_roads def calculate_geometry(self, num, calc_gap=False, calc_intersect=True): # If calc_gap=True, fills in gaps between connected roads. # If calc_intersect=True, calculates intersection regions. # These are fairly expensive. for road in self.roads.values(): road.calculate_geometry( num, calc_gap=calc_gap, tolerance=self.tolerance, drivable_lane_types=self.drivable_lane_types, sidewalk_lane_types=self.sidewalk_lane_types, shoulder_lane_types=self.shoulder_lane_types, ) self.sec_lane_polys.extend(road.sec_lane_polys) self.lane_polys.extend(road.lane_polys) if calc_gap: drivable_polys = [] sidewalk_polys = [] shoulder_polys = [] for road in self.roads.values(): drivable_poly = road.drivable_region sidewalk_poly = road.sidewalk_region shoulder_poly = road.shoulder_region if not (drivable_poly is None or drivable_poly.is_empty): drivable_polys.append(drivable_poly) if not (sidewalk_poly is None or sidewalk_poly.is_empty): sidewalk_polys.append(sidewalk_poly) if not (shoulder_poly is None or shoulder_poly.is_empty): shoulder_polys.append(shoulder_poly) for link in self.road_links: road_a = self.roads[link.id_a] road_b = self.roads[link.id_b] assert link.contact_a in ["start", "end"], "Invalid link record." assert link.contact_b in ["start", "end"], "Invalid link record." if link.contact_a == "start": a_sec = road_a.lane_secs[0] a_bounds_left = road_a.start_bounds_left a_bounds_right = road_a.start_bounds_right else: a_sec = road_a.lane_secs[-1] a_bounds_left = road_a.end_bounds_left a_bounds_right = road_a.end_bounds_right if link.contact_b == "start": b_bounds_left = road_b.start_bounds_left b_bounds_right = road_b.start_bounds_right else: b_bounds_left = road_b.end_bounds_left b_bounds_right = road_b.end_bounds_right for id_, lane in a_sec.lanes.items(): if link.contact_a == "start": other_id = lane.pred else: other_id = lane.succ if other_id not in b_bounds_left or other_id not in b_bounds_right: continue if id_ not in a_bounds_left or id_ not in a_bounds_right: continue gap_poly = MultiPoint( [ a_bounds_left[id_], a_bounds_right[id_], b_bounds_left[other_id], b_bounds_right[other_id], ] ).convex_hull if not gap_poly.is_valid: continue if gap_poly.geom_type == "Polygon" and not gap_poly.is_empty: if lane.type_ in self.drivable_lane_types: drivable_polys.append(gap_poly) elif lane.type_ in self.sidewalk_lane_types: sidewalk_polys.append(gap_poly) elif lane.type_ in self.shoulder_lane_types: shoulder_polys.append(gap_poly) else: drivable_polys = [road.drivable_region for road in self.roads.values()] sidewalk_polys = [road.sidewalk_region for road in self.roads.values()] shoulder_polys = [road.shoulder_region for road in self.roads.values()] self.drivable_region = buffer_union(drivable_polys, tolerance=self.tolerance) self.sidewalk_region = buffer_union(sidewalk_polys, tolerance=self.tolerance) self.shoulder_region = buffer_union(shoulder_polys, tolerance=self.tolerance) if calc_intersect: self.calculate_intersections() def calculate_intersections(self): intersect_polys = [] for junc in self.junctions.values(): junc_polys = [self.roads[i].drivable_region for i in junc.paths] assert junc_polys, junc union = buffer_union(junc_polys, tolerance=self.tolerance) if self.fill_intersections: union = removeHoles(union) assert union.is_valid junc.poly = union intersect_polys.append(union) self.intersection_region = buffer_union(intersect_polys, tolerance=self.tolerance) def heading_at(self, point): """Return the road heading at point.""" # Convert point to shapely Point. point = Point(point.x, point.y) for road in self.roads.values(): if point.within(road.drivable_region.buffer(1)): return road.heading_at(point) # raise RuntimeError('Point not in RoadMap: ', point) return 0 def __parse_lanes(self, lanes_elem): """Lanes_elem should be <left> or <right> element. Returns dict of lane ids and Lane objects.""" lanes = {} for l in lanes_elem.iter("lane"): id_ = int(l.get("id")) type_ = l.get("type") link = l.find("link") pred = None succ = None if link is not None: pred_elem = link.find("predecessor") succ_elem = link.find("successor") if pred_elem is not None: pred = int(pred_elem.get("id")) if succ_elem is not None: succ = int(succ_elem.get("id")) lane = Lane(id_, type_, pred, succ) for w in l.iter("width"): w_poly = Poly3( float(w.get("a")), float(w.get("b")), float(w.get("c")), float(w.get("d")), ) lane.width.append((w_poly, float(w.get("sOffset")))) lanes[id_] = lane return lanes def __parse_link(self, link_elem, road, contact): if link_elem is None: return road_id = road.id_ if link_elem.get("elementType") == "road": id_b = int(link_elem.get("elementId")) contact_b = link_elem.get("contactPoint") link = RoadLink(road_id, id_b, contact, contact_b) self.road_links.append(link) return link else: assert link_elem.get("elementType") == "junction", "Unknown link type" junction = int(link_elem.get("elementId")) if junction not in self.junctions: return # junction had no connecting roads, so we skipped it if contact == "start": road.predecessor = junction else: road.successor = junction connections = self.junctions[junction].connections for c in connections: if c.incoming_id == road_id: self.road_links.append( RoadLink(road_id, c.connecting_id, contact, c.connecting_contact) ) def __parse_signal_validity(self, validity_elem): if validity_elem is None: return None return [int(validity_elem.get("fromLane")), int(validity_elem.get("toLane"))] def __parse_signal(self, signal_elem): return Signal( signal_elem.get("id"), signal_elem.get("country"), signal_elem.get("type"), signal_elem.get("subtype"), signal_elem.get("orientation"), self.__parse_signal_validity(signal_elem.find("validity")), ) def __parse_signal_reference(self, signal_reference_elem): return SignalReference( signal_reference_elem.get("id"), signal_reference_elem.get("orientation"), self.__parse_signal_validity(signal_reference_elem.find("validity")), ) def parse(self, path): tree = ET.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != "OpenDRIVE": raise ValueError(f"{path} does not appear to be an OpenDRIVE file") # parse junctions for j in root.iter("junction"): junction = Junction(int(j.get("id")), j.get("name")) for c in j.iter("connection"): ty = c.get("type", "default") if ty != "default": raise NotImplementedError( f'unhandled "{ty}" type of junction connection' ) lane_links = {} for l in c.iter("laneLink"): lane_links[int(l.get("from"))] = int(l.get("to")) junction.add_connection( int(c.get("incomingRoad")), int(c.get("connectingRoad")), c.get("contactPoint"), lane_links, ) junction.paths.append(int(c.get("connectingRoad"))) if not junction.paths: warn(f"junction {junction.id_} has no connecting roads; skipping it") continue self.junctions[junction.id_] = junction # Creating temporal signals container to resolve referenced signals. _temp_signals = {} for r in root.iter("road"): signals = r.find("signals") if signals is not None: for s in signals.iter("signal"): signal = self.__parse_signal(s) _temp_signals[signal.id_] = signal # parse roads self.elidedRoads = {} for r in root.iter("road"): road = Road( r.get("name"), int(r.get("id")), float(r.get("length")), r.get("junction") ) link = r.find("link") if link is not None: pred_elem = link.find("predecessor") succ_elem = link.find("successor") pred_link = self.__parse_link(pred_elem, road, "start") succ_link = self.__parse_link(succ_elem, road, "end") else: pred_link = succ_link = None if road.length < self.tolerance: warn( f"road {road.id_} has length shorter than tolerance;" " geometry may contain artifacts" ) if self.elide_short_roads: warn(f"attempting to elide road {road.id_} of length {road.length}") assert road.junction is None self.elidedRoads[road.id_] = road if pred_link: road.predecessor = pred_link.id_b road.predecessorContact = pred_link.contact_b else: road.predecessorContact = None if succ_link: road.successor = succ_link.id_b road.successorContact = succ_link.contact_b else: road.successorContact = None continue # Parse planView: plan_view = r.find("planView") curves = [] for geom in plan_view.iter("geometry"): x0 = float(geom.get("x")) y0 = float(geom.get("y")) s0 = float(geom.get("s")) hdg = float(geom.get("hdg")) length = float(geom.get("length")) curve_elem = geom[0] curve = None if curve_elem.tag == "line": curve = Line(x0, y0, hdg, length) elif curve_elem.tag == "arc": # Arc is clothoid of constant curvature. curv = float(curve_elem.get("curvature")) curve = Clothoid(x0, y0, hdg, length, curv, curv) elif curve_elem.tag == "spiral": curv0 = float(curve_elem.get("curvStart")) curv1 = float(curve_elem.get("curvEnd")) curve = Clothoid(x0, y0, hdg, length, curv0, curv1) elif curve_elem.tag == "poly3": a, b, c, d = ( cubic_elem.get("a"), float(curve_elem.get("b")), float(curve_elem.get("c")), float(curve_elem.get("d")), ) curve = Cubic(x0, y0, hdg, length, a, b, c, d) elif curve_elem.tag == "paramPoly3": au, bu, cu, du, av, bv, cv, dv = ( float(curve_elem.get("aU")), float(curve_elem.get("bU")), float(curve_elem.get("cU")), float(curve_elem.get("dU")), float(curve_elem.get("aV")), float(curve_elem.get("bV")), float(curve_elem.get("cV")), float(curve_elem.get("dV")), ) p_range = curve_elem.get("pRange") if p_range and p_range != "normalized": # TODO support arcLength raise NotImplementedError("unsupported pRange for paramPoly3") else: p_range = 1 curve = ParamCubic( x0, y0, hdg, length, au, bu, cu, du, av, bv, cv, dv, p_range ) curves.append((s0, curve)) if not curves: raise ValueError(f"road {road.id_} has an empty planView") if not curves[0][0] == 0: raise ValueError( f"reference line of road {road.id_} does not start at s=0" ) lastS = 0 lastCurve = curves[0][1] refLine = [] for s0, curve in curves[1:]: l = s0 - lastS if abs(lastCurve.length - l) > 1e-4: raise ValueError( f"planView of road {road.id_} has inconsistent length" ) if l < 0: raise ValueError(f"planView of road {road.id_} is not in order") elif l < 1e-6: warn( f"road {road.id_} reference line has a geometry of " f"length {l}; skipping it" ) else: refLine.append(lastCurve) lastS = s0 lastCurve = curve if refLine and lastCurve.length < 1e-6: warn( f"road {road.id_} reference line has a geometry of " f"length {lastCurve.length}; skipping it" ) else: # even if the last curve is shorter than the threshold, we'll keep it if # it is the only curve; getting rid of the road entirely is handled by # road elision above refLine.append(lastCurve) assert refLine road.ref_line = refLine # Parse lanes: lanes = r.find("lanes") for offset in lanes.iter("laneOffset"): road.offset.append( ( Poly3( float(offset.get("a")), float(offset.get("b")), float(offset.get("c")), float(offset.get("d")), ), float(offset.get("s")), ) ) def popLastSectionIfShort(l): if l < 1e-6: warn(f"road {road.id_} has a lane section of length {l}; skipping it") # delete the length-0 section and re-link lanes appropriately badSec = road.lane_secs.pop() if road.lane_secs: prev = road.lane_secs[-1] for id_, lane in prev.lanes.items(): if lane.succ is not None: lane.succ = badSec.lanes[lane.succ].succ else: if road.remappedStartLanes is None: road.remappedStartLanes = {l: l for l in badSec.lanes} for start, current in road.remappedStartLanes.items(): road.remappedStartLanes[start] = badSec.lanes[current].succ return badSec else: return None last_s = float("-inf") for ls_elem in lanes.iter("laneSection"): s = float(ls_elem.get("s")) l = s - last_s assert l >= 0 badSec = popLastSectionIfShort(l) last_s = s left = ls_elem.find("left") right = ls_elem.find("right") left_lanes = {} right_lanes = {} if left is not None: left_lanes = self.__parse_lanes(left) if right is not None: right_lanes = self.__parse_lanes(right) lane_sec = LaneSection(s, left_lanes, right_lanes) if badSec is not None: # finish re-linking lanes across deleted section for id_, lane in lane_sec.lanes.items(): if lane.pred is not None: lane.pred = badSec.lanes[lane.pred].pred road.lane_secs.append(lane_sec) # parse signals signals = r.find("signals") if signals is not None: for signal_elem in signals.iter("signal"): signal = self.__parse_signal(signal_elem) if signal.is_valid(): road.signals.append(signal) for signal_ref_elem in signals.iter("signalReference"): signalReference = self.__parse_signal_reference(signal_ref_elem) if signalReference.is_valid(): referencedSignal = _temp_signals[signalReference.id_] signal = Signal( referencedSignal.id_,, referencedSignal.type_, referencedSignal.subtype, signalReference.orientation, signalReference.validity, ) road.signals.append(signal) if len(road.lane_secs) > 1: popLastSectionIfShort(road.length - s) assert road.lane_secs self.roads[road.id_] = road # Handle links to/from elided roads new_links = [] for link in self.road_links: if link.id_a in self.elidedRoads: continue if link.id_b in self.elidedRoads: elided = self.elidedRoads[link.id_b] if link.contact_b == "start": link.id_b = elided.successor link.contact_b = elided.successorContact else: link.id_b = elided.predecessor link.contact_b = elided.predecessorContact if link.contact_b is None: continue # link to intersection new_links.append(link) self.road_links = new_links def toScenicNetwork(self): assert self.intersection_region is not None # Prepare registry of network elements allElements = {} def register(element): assert element.uid is not None assert element.uid not in allElements, element.uid allElements[element.uid] = element def registerAll(elements): for elt in elements: register(elt) # Convert roads mainRoads, connectingRoads, roads = {}, {}, {} for id_, road in self.roads.items(): if road.drivable_region.is_empty: continue # not actually a road you can drive on newRoad, elts = road.toScenicRoad(tolerance=self.tolerance) registerAll(elts) (connectingRoads if road.junction else mainRoads)[id_] = newRoad roads[id_] = newRoad # Hook up inter-road links for link in self.road_links: if link.id_b in connectingRoads: continue # actually a road-to-junction link; handled later if link.id_a not in roads or link.id_b not in roads: continue # may link non-drivable roads we haven't parsed; ignore it # Work out connectivity of roads and adjacent sections roadA, roadB = roads[link.id_a], roads[link.id_b] if link.contact_a == "start": secA = roadA.sections[0] roadA._predecessor = roadB forwardA = True else: secA = roadA.sections[-1] roadA._successor = roadB forwardA = False if link.contact_b == "start": secB = roadB.sections[0] else: secB = roadB.sections[-1] # Connect corresponding lanes lanesB = secB.lanesByOpenDriveID for laneA in secA.lanes: if laneA.isForward == forwardA: pred = laneA._predecessor if pred is None: continue assert pred in lanesB laneB = lanesB[pred] laneA._predecessor = laneB laneA.lane._predecessor = laneB.lane = else: succ = laneA._successor if succ is None: continue assert succ in lanesB laneB = lanesB[succ] laneA._successor = laneB laneA.lane._successor = laneB.lane = # Hook up connecting road links and create intersections intersections = {} for jid, junction in self.junctions.items(): if not junction.connections: continue assert junction.poly is not None if junction.poly.is_empty: warn(f"skipping empty junction {jid}") continue # Gather all lanes involved in the junction's connections allIncomingLanes, allOutgoingLanes = [], [] allRoads, seenRoads = [], set() allSignals, seenSignals = [], set() maneuversForLane = defaultdict(list) for connection in junction.connections: incomingID = connection.incoming_id incomingRoad = mainRoads.get(incomingID) if not incomingRoad: continue # incoming road has no drivable lanes; skip it connectingID = connection.connecting_id connectingRoad = connectingRoads.get(connectingID) if not connectingRoad: continue # connecting road has no drivable lanes; skip it for signal in connectingRoad.signals: if signal.openDriveID not in seenSignals: allSignals.append(signal) seenSignals.add(signal.openDriveID) # Find possible incoming lanes for this connection if incomingID not in seenRoads: allRoads.append(incomingRoad) seenRoads.add(incomingID) oldRoad = self.roads[incomingID] incomingSection = None if oldRoad.predecessor == jid: incomingSection = incomingRoad.sections[0] remapping = self.roads[incomingID].remappedStartLanes # could be None if oldRoad.successor == jid: assert incomingSection is None incomingSection = incomingRoad.sections[-1] remapping = None assert incomingSection is not None if remapping is None: incomingLaneIDs = incomingSection.lanesByOpenDriveID else: incomingLaneIDs = {} newIDs = incomingSection.lanesByOpenDriveID for start, remapped in remapping.items(): if remapped in newIDs: incomingLaneIDs[start] = newIDs[remapped] assert len(incomingLaneIDs) == len(newIDs) # Connect incoming lanes to connecting road if connection.connecting_contact == "start": connectingSection = connectingRoad.sections[0] remapping = self.roads[ connectingID ].remappedStartLanes # could be None else: connectingSection = connectingRoad.sections[-1] remapping = None if remapping is None: connectingLaneIDs = connectingSection.lanesByOpenDriveID else: connectingLaneIDs = {} newIDs = connectingSection.lanesByOpenDriveID for start, remapped in remapping.items(): if remapped in newIDs: connectingLaneIDs[start] = newIDs[remapped] assert len(connectingLaneIDs) == len(newIDs) lane_links = connection.lane_links if not lane_links: # all lanes connect to that with the same id lane_links = {l: l for l in incomingLaneIDs} for fromID, fromLane in incomingLaneIDs.items(): # Link incoming lane to connecting road # (we only handle lanes in incomingLaneIDs, thus skipping non-drivable lanes) if fromID not in lane_links: continue # lane not linked by this connection toID = lane_links[fromID] toLane = connectingLaneIDs[toID] if fromLane.lane not in allIncomingLanes: allIncomingLanes.append(fromLane.lane) fromLane._successor = toLane fromLane.lane._successor = toLane.lane toLane._predecessor = fromLane toLane.lane._predecessor = fromLane.lane # Collect outgoing lane and road # TODO why is it allowed for this not to exist? outgoingLane = toLane.lane._successor if outgoingLane is None: warn( f"connecting road {connectingID} lane {toID} has no successor lane" ) else: if outgoingLane not in allOutgoingLanes: allOutgoingLanes.append(outgoingLane) outgoingRoad = outgoingLane.road if not in seenRoads: allRoads.append(outgoingRoad) seenRoads.add( # TODO future OpenDRIVE extension annotating left/right turns? maneuver = roadDomain.Maneuver( startLane=fromLane.lane, connectingLane=toLane.lane, endLane=outgoingLane, intersection=None, # will be patched once the Intersection is created ) maneuversForLane[fromLane.lane].append(maneuver) # Gather maneuvers allManeuvers = [] for lane, maneuvers in maneuversForLane.items(): assert lane.maneuvers == () lane.maneuvers = tuple(maneuvers) allManeuvers.extend(maneuvers) # Order connected roads and lanes by adjacency def cyclicOrder(elements, contactStart=None): points = [] for element in elements: if contactStart is None: old = self.roads[] assert old.predecessor == jid or old.successor == jid contactStart = old.predecessor == jid point = element.centerline[0 if contactStart else -1] points.append(point) centroid = sum(points, Vector(0, 0)) / len(points) pairs = sorted( zip(elements, points), key=lambda pair: centroid.angleTo(pair[1]) ) return tuple(elem for elem, pt in pairs) # Create intersection intersection = roadDomain.Intersection( polygon=junction.poly,, uid=f"intersection{jid}", # need prefix to prevent collisions with roads id=jid, roads=cyclicOrder(allRoads), incomingLanes=cyclicOrder(allIncomingLanes, contactStart=False), outgoingLanes=cyclicOrder(allOutgoingLanes, contactStart=True), maneuvers=tuple(allManeuvers), signals=tuple(allSignals), crossings=(), # TODO add these ) register(intersection) intersections[jid] = intersection for maneuver in allManeuvers: object.__setattr__(maneuver, "intersection", intersection) # Hook up road-intersection links for rid, oldRoad in self.roads.items(): if rid not in roads: continue # road does not have any drivable lanes, so we skipped it newRoad = roads[rid] if oldRoad.predecessor: intersection = intersections[oldRoad.predecessor] newRoad._predecessor = intersection newRoad.sections[0]._predecessor = intersection if newRoad.backwardLanes: newRoad.backwardLanes._successor = intersection if oldRoad.successor: intersection = intersections[oldRoad.successor] newRoad._successor = intersection newRoad.sections[-1]._successor = intersection if newRoad.forwardLanes: newRoad.forwardLanes._successor = intersection # Gather all network elements roads = tuple(mainRoads.values()) connectingRoads = tuple(connectingRoads.values()) allRoads = roads + connectingRoads groups = [] for road in allRoads: if road.forwardLanes: groups.append(road.forwardLanes) if road.backwardLanes: groups.append(road.backwardLanes) lanes = [lane for road in allRoads for lane in road.lanes] intersections = tuple(intersections.values()) crossings = () # TODO add these sidewalks, shoulders = [], [] for group in groups: sidewalk = group._sidewalk if sidewalk: sidewalks.append(sidewalk) shoulder = group._shoulder if shoulder: shoulders.append(shoulder) # Add dummy maneuvers for lanes which merge/turn into another lane for lane in lanes: if not lane.maneuvers and lane._successor: maneuver = roadDomain.Maneuver( type=roadDomain.ManeuverType.STRAIGHT, startLane=lane, endLane=lane._successor, ) lane.maneuvers = (maneuver,) def combine(regions): return PolygonalRegion.unionAll(regions, buf=self.tolerance) return roadDomain.Network( elements=allElements, roads=roads, connectingRoads=connectingRoads, laneGroups=tuple(groups), lanes=lanes, intersections=intersections, crossings=crossings, sidewalks=tuple(sidewalks), shoulders=tuple(shoulders), tolerance=self.tolerance, roadRegion=combine(roads), laneRegion=combine(lanes), intersectionRegion=combine(intersections), crossingRegion=combine(crossings), sidewalkRegion=combine(sidewalks), )