Source code for scenic.simulators.carla.misc

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Labs.
# authors: German Ros (
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <>.

""" Module with auxiliary functions. """

import math

import carla
import numpy as np

[docs]def draw_waypoints(world, waypoints, z=0.5): """ Draw a list of waypoints at a certain height given in z. :param world: object :param waypoints: list or iterable container with the waypoints to draw :param z: height in meters """ for wpt in waypoints: wpt_t = wpt.transform begin = wpt_t.location + carla.Location(z=z) angle = math.radians(wpt_t.rotation.yaw) end = begin + carla.Location(x=math.cos(angle), y=math.sin(angle)) world.debug.draw_arrow(begin, end, arrow_size=0.3, life_time=1.0)
[docs]def get_speed(vehicle): """ Compute speed of a vehicle in Km/h. :param vehicle: the vehicle for which speed is calculated :return: speed as a float in Km/h """ vel = vehicle.get_velocity() return 3.6 * math.sqrt(vel.x**2 + vel.y**2 + vel.z**2)
[docs]def is_within_distance_ahead(target_transform, current_transform, max_distance): """ Check if a target object is within a certain distance in front of a reference object. :param target_transform: location of the target object :param current_transform: location of the reference object :param orientation: orientation of the reference object :param max_distance: maximum allowed distance :return: True if target object is within max_distance ahead of the reference object """ target_vector = np.array( [ target_transform.location.x - current_transform.location.x, target_transform.location.y - current_transform.location.y, ] ) norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_vector) # If the vector is too short, we can simply stop here if norm_target < 0.001: return True if norm_target > max_distance: return False fwd = current_transform.get_forward_vector() forward_vector = np.array([fwd.x, fwd.y]) d_angle = math.degrees( math.acos(np.clip(, target_vector) / norm_target, -1.0, 1.0)) ) return d_angle < 90.0
[docs]def is_within_distance( target_location, current_location, orientation, max_distance, d_angle_th_up, d_angle_th_low=0, ): """ Check if a target object is within a certain distance from a reference object. A vehicle in front would be something around 0 deg, while one behind around 180 deg. :param target_location: location of the target object :param current_location: location of the reference object :param orientation: orientation of the reference object :param max_distance: maximum allowed distance :param d_angle_th_up: upper thereshold for angle :param d_angle_th_low: low thereshold for angle (optional, default is 0) :return: True if target object is within max_distance ahead of the reference object """ target_vector = np.array( [target_location.x - current_location.x, target_location.y - current_location.y] ) norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_vector) # If the vector is too short, we can simply stop here if norm_target < 0.001: return True if norm_target > max_distance: return False forward_vector = np.array( [math.cos(math.radians(orientation)), math.sin(math.radians(orientation))] ) d_angle = math.degrees( math.acos(np.clip(, target_vector) / norm_target, -1.0, 1.0)) ) return d_angle_th_low < d_angle < d_angle_th_up
[docs]def compute_magnitude_angle(target_location, current_location, orientation): """ Compute relative angle and distance between a target_location and a current_location :param target_location: location of the target object :param current_location: location of the reference object :param orientation: orientation of the reference object :return: a tuple composed by the distance to the object and the angle between both objects """ target_vector = np.array( [target_location.x - current_location.x, target_location.y - current_location.y] ) norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_vector) forward_vector = np.array( [math.cos(math.radians(orientation)), math.sin(math.radians(orientation))] ) d_angle = math.degrees( math.acos(np.clip(, target_vector) / norm_target, -1.0, 1.0)) ) return (norm_target, d_angle)
[docs]def distance_vehicle(waypoint, vehicle_transform): """ Returns the 2D distance from a waypoint to a vehicle :param waypoint: actual waypoint :param vehicle_transform: transform of the target vehicle """ loc = vehicle_transform.location x = waypoint.transform.location.x - loc.x y = waypoint.transform.location.y - loc.y return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
[docs]def vector(location_1, location_2): """ Returns the unit vector from location_1 to location_2 :param location_1, location_2: carla.Location objects """ x = location_2.x - location_1.x y = location_2.y - location_1.y z = location_2.z - location_1.z norm = np.linalg.norm([x, y, z]) + np.finfo(float).eps return [x / norm, y / norm, z / norm]
[docs]def compute_distance(location_1, location_2): """ Euclidean distance between 3D points :param location_1, location_2: 3D points """ x = location_2.x - location_1.x y = location_2.y - location_1.y z = location_2.z - location_1.z norm = np.linalg.norm([x, y, z]) + np.finfo(float).eps return norm
[docs]def positive(num): """ Return the given number if positive, else 0 :param num: value to check """ return num if num > 0.0 else 0.0