Source code for scenic.simulators.carla.model

"""Scenic world model for traffic scenarios in CARLA.

The model currently supports vehicles, pedestrians, and props. It implements the
basic `Car` and `Pedestrian` classes from the :obj:`` domain,
while also providing convenience classes for specific types of objects like bicycles,
traffic cones, etc. Vehicles and pedestrians support the basic actions and behaviors
from the driving domain; several more are automatically imported from
:obj:`scenic.simulators.carla.actions` and :obj:`scenic.simulators.carla.behaviors`.

The model defines several global parameters, whose default values can be overridden
in scenarios using the ``param`` statement or on the command line using the
:option:`--param` option:

Global Parameters:
    carla_map (str): Name of the CARLA map to use, e.g. 'Town01'. Can also be set
        to ``None``, in which case CARLA will attempt to create a world from the
        **map** file used in the scenario (which must be an ``.xodr`` file).
    timestep (float): Timestep to use for simulations (i.e., how frequently Scenic
        interrupts CARLA to run behaviors, check requirements, etc.), in seconds. Default
        is 0.1 seconds.

    weather (str or dict): Weather to use for the simulation. Can be either a
        string identifying one of the CARLA weather presets (e.g. 'ClearSunset') or a
        dictionary specifying all the weather parameters (see `carla.WeatherParameters`_).
        Default is a uniform distribution over all the weather presets.

    address (str): IP address at which to connect to CARLA. Default is localhost
    port (int): Port on which to connect to CARLA. Default is 2000.
    timeout (float): Maximum time to wait when attempting to connect to CARLA, in
        seconds. Default is 10.

    render (int): Whether or not to have CARLA create a window showing the
        simulations from the point of view of the ego object: 1 for yes, 0
        for no. Default 1.
    record (str): If nonempty, folder in which to save CARLA record files for
        replaying the simulations.

.. _carla.WeatherParameters:


from import *

import scenic.simulators.carla.blueprints as blueprints
from scenic.simulators.carla.behaviors import *
from scenic.simulators.utils.colors import Color

    from scenic.simulators.carla.simulator import CarlaSimulator    # for use in scenarios
    from scenic.simulators.carla.actions import *
    from scenic.simulators.carla.actions import _CarlaVehicle, _CarlaPedestrian
    import scenic.simulators.carla.utils.utils as _utils
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # for convenience when testing without the carla package
    from scenic.core.simulators import SimulatorInterfaceWarning
    import warnings
    warnings.warn('the "carla" package is not installed; '
                  'will not be able to run dynamic simulations',

    def CarlaSimulator(*args, **kwargs):
        """Dummy simulator to allow compilation without the 'carla' package.

        :meta private:
        raise RuntimeError('the "carla" package is required to run simulations '
                           'from this scenario')

    class _CarlaVehicle: pass
    class _CarlaPedestrian: pass

param carla_map = None
param address = ''
param port = 2000
param timeout = 10
param render = 1
if globalParameters.render not in [0, 1]:
    raise ValueError('render param must be either 0 or 1')
param record = ''
param timestep = 0.1
param weather = Uniform(

simulator CarlaSimulator(

[docs]class CarlaActor(DrivingObject): """Abstract class for CARLA objects. Properties: carlaActor (dynamic): Set during simulations to the ``carla.Actor`` representing this object. blueprint (str): Identifier of the CARLA blueprint specifying the type of object. rolename (str): Can be used to differentiate specific actors during runtime. Default value ``None``. physics (bool): Whether physics is enabled for this object in CARLA. Default true. """ carlaActor: None blueprint: None rolename: None color: None physics: True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._control = None # used internally to accumulate control updates @property def control(self): if self._control is None: self._control = self.carlaActor.get_control() return self._control def setPosition(self, pos, elevation): self.carlaActor.set_location(_utils.scenicToCarlaLocation(pos, elevation)) def setVelocity(self, vel): cvel = _utils.scenicToCarlaVector3D(*vel) if hasattr(self.carlaActor, 'set_target_velocity'): self.carlaActor.set_target_velocity(cvel) else: self.carlaActor.set_velocity(cvel)
[docs]class Vehicle(Vehicle, CarlaActor, Steers, _CarlaVehicle): """Abstract class for steerable vehicles.""" def setThrottle(self, throttle): self.control.throttle = throttle def setSteering(self, steering): self.control.steer = steering def setBraking(self, braking): self.control.brake = braking def setHandbrake(self, handbrake): self.control.hand_brake = handbrake def setReverse(self, reverse): self.control.reverse = reverse def _getClosestTrafficLight(self, distance=100): return _getClosestTrafficLight(self, distance)
[docs]class Car(Vehicle): """A car. The default ``blueprint`` (see `CarlaActor`) is a uniform distribution over the blueprints listed in :obj:`scenic.simulators.carla.blueprints.carModels`. """ blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.carModels) @property def isCar(self): return True
class NPCCar(Car): # no distinction between these in CARLA pass class Bicycle(Vehicle): width: 1 length: 2 blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.bicycleModels) class Motorcycle(Vehicle): width: 1 length:2 blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.motorcycleModels) class Truck(Vehicle): width: 3 length: 7 blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.truckModels)
[docs]class Pedestrian(Pedestrian, CarlaActor, Walks, _CarlaPedestrian): """A pedestrian. The default ``blueprint`` (see `CarlaActor`) is a uniform distribution over the blueprints listed in :obj:`scenic.simulators.carla.blueprints.walkerModels`. """ width: 0.5 length: 0.5 blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.walkerModels) carlaController: None def setWalkingDirection(self, heading): direction = Vector(0, 1, 0).rotatedBy(heading) self.control.direction = _utils.scenicToCarlaVector3D(*direction) def setWalkingSpeed(self, speed): self.control.speed = speed
[docs]class Prop(CarlaActor): """Abstract class for props, i.e. non-moving objects. Properties: heading (float): Default value overridden to be uniformly random. physics (bool): Default value overridden to be false. """ regionContainedIn: road position: new Point on road heading: Range(0, 360) deg width: 0.5 length: 0.5 physics: False
class Trash(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.trashModels) class Cone(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.coneModels) class Debris(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.debrisModels) class VendingMachine(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.vendingMachineModels) class Chair(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.chairModels) class BusStop(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.busStopsModels) class Advertisement(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.advertisementModels) class Garbage(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.garbageModels) class Container(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.containerModels) class Table(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.tableModels) class Barrier(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.barrierModels) class PlantPot(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.plantpotModels) class Mailbox(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.mailboxModels) class Gnome(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.gnomeModels) class CreasedBox(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.creasedboxModels) class Case(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.caseModels) class Box(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.boxModels) class Bench(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.benchModels) class Barrel(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.barrelModels) class ATM(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.atmModels) class Kiosk(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.kioskModels) class IronPlate(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.ironplateModels) class TrafficWarning(Prop): blueprint: Uniform(*blueprints.trafficwarningModels) ## Utility functions
[docs]def freezeTrafficLights(): """Freezes all traffic lights in the scene. Frozen traffic lights can be modified by the user but the time will not update them until unfrozen. """ simulation().world.freeze_all_traffic_lights(True)
[docs]def unfreezeTrafficLights(): """Unfreezes all traffic lights in the scene.""" simulation().world.freeze_all_traffic_lights(False)
def setAllIntersectionTrafficLightsStatus(intersection, color): for signal in intersection.signals: if signal.isTrafficLight: setTrafficLightStatus(signal, color) def setTrafficLightStatus(signal, color): if not signal.isTrafficLight: raise RuntimeError('The provided signal is not a traffic light') color = utils.scenicToCarlaTrafficLightStatus(color) if color is None: raise RuntimeError('Color must be red/yellow/green/off/unknown.') landmarks = simulation().map.get_all_landmarks_from_id(signal.openDriveID) if landmarks: traffic_light = simulation().world.get_traffic_light(landmarks[0]) if traffic_light is not None: traffic_light.set_state(color) def getTrafficLightStatus(signal): if not signal.isTrafficLight: raise RuntimeError('The provided signal is not a traffic light') landmarks = simulation().map.get_all_landmarks_from_id(signal.openDriveID) if landmarks: traffic_light = simulation().world.get_traffic_light(landmarks[0]) if traffic_light is not None: return utils.carlaToScenicTrafficLightStatus(traffic_light.state) return "None" def _getClosestLandmark(vehicle, type, distance=100): if vehicle._intersection is not None: return None waypoint = simulation().map.get_waypoint(vehicle.carlaActor.get_transform().location) landmarks = waypoint.get_landmarks_of_type(distance, type) if landmarks: return min(landmarks, key=lambda l: l.distance) return None
[docs]def _getClosestTrafficLight(vehicle, distance=100): """Returns the closest traffic light affecting 'vehicle', up to a maximum of 'distance'""" landmark = _getClosestLandmark(vehicle, type="1000001", distance=distance) if landmark is not None: return simulation().world.get_traffic_light(landmark) return None
def withinDistanceToRedYellowTrafficLight(vehicle, thresholdDistance): traffic_light = _getClosestTrafficLight(vehicle, distance=thresholdDistance) if traffic_light is not None and str(traffic_light.state) in ("Red", "Yellow"): return True return False def withinDistanceToTrafficLight(vehicle, thresholdDistance): traffic_light = _getClosestTrafficLight(vehicle, distance=thresholdDistance) if traffic_light is not None: return True return False def getClosestTrafficLightStatus(vehicle, distance=100): traffic_light = _getClosestTrafficLight(vehicle, distance) if traffic_light is not None: return _utils.carlaToScenicTrafficLightStatus(traffic_light.state) return "None" def setClosestTrafficLightStatus(vehicle, color, distance=100): color = _utils.scenicToCarlaTrafficLightStatus(color) if color is None: raise RuntimeError('Color must be red/yellow/green/off/unknown.') traffic_light = _getClosestTrafficLight(vehicle, distance) if traffic_light is not None: traffic_light.set_state(color)