Source code for scenic.simulators.webots.utils

"""Various utilities for working with Webots scenarios."""

import abc
import math
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from scenic.core.geometry import normalizeAngle
from scenic.core.vectors import Orientation

## Coordinate system transformations

[docs]class WebotsCoordinateSystem: """A Webots coordinate system into which Scenic positions can be converted. See the Webots documentation of `WorldInfo.coordinateSystem`_ for a discussion of the possible coordinate systems. Since Webots R2022a, the default coordinate axis convention is ENU (X-Y-Z=East-North-Up), which is the same as Scenic's. .. _WorldInfo.coordinateSystem: """ def __init__(self, system="ENU"): self.system = system axisMap = (system.find("E"), system.find("N"), system.find("U")) if len(system) != 3 or -1 in axisMap: raise RuntimeError("unknown kind of Webots coordinate system") self.axisMap = axisMap self.invAxisMap = (axisMap.index(0), axisMap.index(1), axisMap.index(2)) self.upAxis = [0, 0, 0] self.upAxis[self.axisMap[2]] = 1 self.leftHanded = system[:2] in ("EU", "NE", "UN") if self.leftHanded: self.mult = [1, -1, 1] self.invMult = [1, 1, -1] else: self.mult = self.invMult = [1, 1, 1]
[docs] def positionToScenic(self, pos): """Convert a Webots position to a Scenic position.""" return list(self.mult[i] * pos[self.axisMap[i]] for i in range(3))
[docs] def positionFromScenic(self, pos): """Convert a Scenic position to a Webots position.""" return list(self.invMult[i] * pos[self.invAxisMap[i]] for i in range(3))
def orientationFromScenic( self, orientation: Orientation, offset: Orientation ) -> List[float]: # TODO(shun): Support other coordinate systems if self.system != "ENU": raise ValueError("Coordinate systems other than ENU is not fully supported") target = orientation * offset r = target.getRotation() rotvec = r.as_rotvec() if rotvec.tolist() == [0, 0, 0]: webotsRotation = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: norm = np.linalg.norm(rotvec) rotvec = rotvec / norm webotsRotation = rotvec.tolist() + [norm] return webotsRotation def orientationToScenic( self, webotsOrientation: List[float], offset: Orientation ) -> Orientation: # TODO(shun): Support other coordinate systems if self.system != "ENU": raise ValueError("Coordinate systems other than ENU is not fully supported") # webotsOrientation is a list of length 4 whose first three values are the normalized rotation axis and # the fourth value is the rotation angle in radian angle = webotsOrientation[3] rotvec = np.array(webotsOrientation[0:3]) * angle target = Orientation(R.from_rotvec(rotvec.tolist())) orientation = target * offset.inverse return orientation
ENU = WebotsCoordinateSystem("ENU") #: The ENU coordinate system (the Webots default). NUE = WebotsCoordinateSystem("NUE") #: The NUE coordinate system. EUN = WebotsCoordinateSystem("EUN") #: The EUN coordinate system.