Source code for scenic.syntax.translator

"""Translator turning Scenic programs into Scenario objects.

The top-level interface to Scenic is provided by two functions:

* `scenarioFromString` -- compile a string of Scenic code;
* `scenarioFromFile` -- compile a Scenic file.

These output a `Scenario` object, from which scenes can be generated.
See the documentation for `Scenario` for details.

When imported, this module hooks the Python import system so that Scenic
modules can be imported using the ``import`` statement. This is primarily for the
translator's own use, but you could import Scenic modules from Python to
inspect them. [#import]_ Because Scenic uses Python's import system, the latter's
rules for finding modules apply, including the handling of packages.

Scenic is compiled in two main steps: translating the code into Python, and
executing the resulting Python module to generate a Scenario object encoding
the objects, distributions, etc. in the scenario. For details, see the function
`compileStream` below.

.. rubric:: Footnotes

.. [#import] Note however that care must be taken when importing Scenic modules
	which will later be used when compiling multiple Scenic scenarios. Because
	Python caches modules, there is the possibility of one version of a Scenic
	module persisting even when it should be recompiled during the compilation
	of another module that imports it.
	Scenic handles the most common case, that of Scenic modules which refer to
	other Scenic modules at the top level; but it is not practical to catch all
	possible cases. In particular, importing a Python package which contains
	Scenic modules as submodules and then later compiling those modules more
	than once within the same Python process may lead to errors or unexpected
	behavior. See the **cacheImports** argument of `scenarioFromFile`.

import sys
import os
import io
import builtins
import time
import inspect
import types
import typing
import importlib
import importlib.util
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, deque
from contextlib import contextmanager

import tokenize
from tokenize import INDENT, DEDENT, STRING, SEMI, DOT

import ast
from ast import parse, dump, NodeVisitor, NodeTransformer, copy_location, fix_missing_locations
from ast import Load, Store, Del, Name, Call, Tuple, BinOp, MatMult, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, LShift
from ast import RShift, Starred, Lambda, AnnAssign, Set, Str, Subscript, Index, IfExp
from ast import Num, Yield, YieldFrom, FunctionDef, Attribute, Constant, Assign, Expr
from ast import Return, Raise, If, UnaryOp, Not, ClassDef, Nonlocal, Global, Compare, Is, Try
from ast import Break, Continue, AsyncFunctionDef, Pass, While, List

from scenic.core.distributions import Samplable, RejectionException, needsSampling, toDistribution
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import needsLazyEvaluation
from scenic.core.object_types import Constructible
import scenic.core.errors as errors
from scenic.core.errors import (TokenParseError, PythonParseError, ASTParseError,
import scenic.core.dynamics as dynamics
import scenic.core.pruning as pruning
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer

### THE TOP LEVEL: compiling a Scenic program

def scenarioFromString(string, params={}, model=None, scenario=None,
[docs] filename='<string>', cacheImports=False): """Compile a string of Scenic code into a `Scenario`. The optional **filename** is used for error messages. Other arguments are as in `scenarioFromFile`. """ stream = io.BytesIO(string.encode()) return scenarioFromStream(stream, params=params, model=model, scenario=scenario, filename=filename, cacheImports=cacheImports)
def scenarioFromFile(path, params={}, model=None, scenario=None, cacheImports=False):
[docs] """Compile a Scenic file into a `Scenario`. Args: path (str): Path to a Scenic file. params (dict): Global parameters to override, as a dictionary mapping parameter names to their desired values. model (str): Scenic module to use as :term:`world model`. scenario (str): If there are multiple :term:`modular scenarios` in the file, which one to compile; if not specified, a scenario called 'Main' is used if it exists. cacheImports (bool): Whether to cache any imported Scenic modules. The default behavior is to not do this, so that subsequent attempts to import such modules will cause them to be recompiled. If it is safe to cache Scenic modules across multiple compilations, set this argument to True. Then importing a Scenic module will have the same behavior as importing a Python module. See `purgeModulesUnsafeToCache` for a more detailed discussion of the internals behind this. Returns: A `Scenario` object representing the Scenic scenario. """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(path) fullpath = os.path.realpath(path) head, extension = os.path.splitext(fullpath) if not extension or extension not in scenicExtensions: ok = ', '.join(scenicExtensions) err = f'Scenic scenario does not have valid extension ({ok})' raise RuntimeError(err) directory, name = os.path.split(head) with open(path, 'rb') as stream: return scenarioFromStream(stream, params=params, model=model, scenario=scenario, filename=fullpath, path=path, cacheImports=cacheImports)
def scenarioFromStream(stream, params={}, model=None, scenario=None,
[docs] filename='<stream>', path=None, cacheImports=False): """Compile a stream of Scenic code into a `Scenario`.""" # Compile the code as if it were a top-level module namespace = compileTopLevelStream(stream, path, params, model, filename, cacheImports) # Construct a Scenario from the resulting namespace return constructScenarioFrom(namespace, scenario)
def compileTopLevelStream(stream, path, params, model, filename, cacheImports=False, dumpScenic3=False): oldModules = list(sys.modules.keys()) try: with topLevelNamespace(path) as namespace: compileStream(stream, namespace, params=params, model=model, filename=filename, dumpScenic3=dumpScenic3) finally: if not cacheImports: purgeModulesUnsafeToCache(oldModules) return namespace @contextmanager
[docs]def topLevelNamespace(path=None): """Creates an environment like that of a Python script being run directly. Specifically, __name__ is '__main__', __file__ is the path used to invoke the script (not necessarily its absolute path), and the parent directory is added to the path so that 'import blobbo' will import blobbo from that directory if it exists there. """ directory = os.getcwd() if path is None else os.path.dirname(path) namespace = { '__name__': '__main__' } if path is not None: namespace['__file__'] = path sys.path.insert(0, directory) try: yield namespace finally: # Remove directory from sys.path, being a little careful in case the # Scenic program modified it (unlikely but possible). try: sys.path.remove(directory) except ValueError: pass
def purgeModulesUnsafeToCache(oldModules):
[docs] """Uncache loaded modules which should not be kept after compilation. Keeping Scenic modules in `sys.modules` after compilation will cause subsequent attempts at compiling the same module to reuse the compiled scenario: this is usually not what is desired, since compilation can depend on external state (in particular overridden global parameters, used e.g. to specify the map for driving domain scenarios). Args: oldModules: List of names of modules loaded before compilation. These will be skipped. """ toRemove = [] # copy sys.modules in case it mutates during iteration (actually happens!) for name, module in sys.modules.copy().items(): if isinstance(module, ScenicModule) and name not in oldModules: toRemove.append(name) for name in toRemove: parent, _, child = name.rpartition('.') parent = sys.modules.get(parent) if parent: # Remove reference to purged module from parent module. This is necessary # so that future imports of the purged module will properly refer to the # newly-loaded version of it. See below for a long disquisition on this. del parent.__dict__[child] # Here are details on why the above line is necessary and the sorry history # of my attempts to fix this type of bug (hopefully this note will prevent # further self-sabotage). Suppose we have a Python package 'package' # with a Scenic submodule 'submodule'. A Scenic program with the line # from package import submodule # will import 2 packages, namely package and package.submodule, when first # compiled. We will then purge package.submodule from sys.modules, but not # package, since it is an ordinary module. So if the program is compiled a # second time, the line above will NOT import package.submodule, but simply # access the attribute 'submodule' of the existing package 'package'. So the # reference to the old version of package.submodule will leak out. # (An alternative approach, which I used to use, would be to purge all # modules containing even indirect references to Scenic modules, but this # opens a can of worms: the implementation of # import parent.child # does not set the 'child' attribute of 'parent' if 'parent.child' is already # in sys.modules, violating an invariant that Python expects [see #] and leading to # confusing errors. So if parent is purged because it has some child which is # a Scenic module, *all* of its children must then be purged. Since the # scenic module itself can contain indirect references to Scenic modules (the # world models), this means we have to purge the entire scenic package. But # then whoever did 'import scenic' at the top level will be left with a # reference to the old version of the Scenic module.) del sys.modules[name]
def compileStream(stream, namespace, params={}, model=None, filename='<stream>',
[docs] dumpScenic3=False): """Compile a stream of Scenic code and execute it in a namespace. The compilation procedure consists of the following main steps: 1. Tokenize the input using the Python tokenizer. 2. Partition the tokens into blocks separated by import statements. This is done by the `partitionByImports` function. 3. Translate Scenic constructions into valid Python syntax. This is done by the `TokenTranslator`. 4. Parse the resulting Python code into an AST using the Python parser. 5. Modify the AST to achieve the desired semantics for Scenic. This is done by the `translateParseTree` function. 6. Compile and execute the modified AST. 7. After executing all blocks, extract the global state (e.g. objects). This is done by the `storeScenarioStateIn` function. """ if errors.verbosityLevel >= 2: veneer.verbosePrint(f' Compiling Scenic module from {filename}...') startTime = time.time() # Tokenize input stream try: tokens = list(tokenize.tokenize(stream.readline)) except tokenize.TokenError as e: line = e.args[1][0] if isinstance(e.args[1], tuple) else e.args[1] raise TokenParseError(line, filename, 'file ended during multiline string or expression') # Partition into blocks with all imports at the end (since imports could # pull in new constructor (Scenic class) definitions, which change the way # subsequent tokens are transformed) blocks = partitionByImports(tokens) veneer.activate(params, model, filename, namespace) newSourceBlocks = [] try: # Execute preamble exec(compile(preamble, '<veneer>', 'exec'), namespace) namespace[namespaceReference] = namespace # Execute each block for blockNum, block in enumerate(blocks): # Find all custom constructors defined so far (possibly imported) constructors = findConstructorsIn(namespace) # Translate tokens to valid Python syntax startLine = max(1, block[0][2][0]) translator = TokenTranslator(constructors, filename) newSource, allConstructors = translator.translate(block, dumpScenic3=dumpScenic3) trimmed = newSource[2*(startLine-1):] # fix up blank lines used to align errors newSource = '\n'*(startLine-1) + trimmed newSourceBlocks.append(trimmed) if dumpTranslatedPython: print(f'### Begin translated Python from block {blockNum} of {filename}') print(newSource) print('### End translated Python') # Parse the translated source tree = parseTranslatedSource(newSource, filename) # Modify the parse tree to produce the correct semantics newTree, requirements = translateParseTree(tree, allConstructors, filename) if dumpFinalAST: print(f'### Begin final AST from block {blockNum} of {filename}') print(ast.dump(newTree, include_attributes=True)) print('### End final AST') if dumpASTPython: try: import astor except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise RuntimeError('dumping the Python equivalent of the AST' 'requires the astor package') print(f'### Begin Python equivalent of final AST from block {blockNum} of {filename}') print(astor.to_source(newTree, add_line_information=True)) print('### End Python equivalent of final AST') # Compile the modified tree code = compileTranslatedTree(newTree, filename) # Execute it executeCodeIn(code, namespace) # Extract scenario state from veneer and store it storeScenarioStateIn(namespace, requirements) finally: veneer.deactivate() if errors.verbosityLevel >= 2: totalTime = time.time() - startTime veneer.verbosePrint(f' Compiled Scenic module in {totalTime:.4g} seconds.') allNewSource = ''.join(newSourceBlocks) return code, allNewSource
### TRANSLATION PHASE ZERO: definitions of language elements not already in Python ## Options dumpTranslatedPython = False dumpFinalAST = False dumpASTPython = False usePruning = True ## Preamble # (included at the beginning of every module to be translated; # imports the implementations of the public language features) preamble = """\ from scenic.syntax.veneer import * """ ## Get Python names of various elements ## (for checking consistency between the translator and the veneer) api = set(veneer.__all__) ## Functions used internally createDefault = 'PropertyDefault' scenarioClass = 'DynamicScenario' behaviorClass = 'Behavior' monitorClass = 'Monitor' createTerminationAction = 'makeTerminationAction' internalFunctions = { createDefault, scenarioClass, behaviorClass, monitorClass, createTerminationAction, } # sanity check: these functions actually exist for imp in internalFunctions: assert imp in api, imp ## Built-in functions builtinFunctions = { 'resample', 'verbosePrint', 'simulation', 'localPath' } # sanity check: implementations of built-in functions actually exist for imp in builtinFunctions: assert imp in api, imp ## Built-in names (values which cannot be overwritten) globalParametersName = 'globalParameters' builtinNames = { globalParametersName } # sanity check: built-in names actually exist for name in builtinNames: assert name in api, name ## Specially-assigned names (accessing one of which calls a function) trackedNames = { 'ego', 'workspace' } # sanity check: getter/setter for each name exists for name in trackedNames: assert name in api, name ## Simple statements paramStatement = 'param' mutateStatement = 'mutate' requireStatement = 'require' softRequirement = 'require_soft' # not actually a statement, but a marker for the parser requireAlwaysStatement = ('require', 'always') requireEventuallyStatement = ('require', 'eventually') terminateWhenStatement = ('terminate', 'when') terminateSimulationWhenStatement = ('terminate', 'simulation', 'when') terminateAfterStatement = ('terminate', 'after') recordStatement = 'record' recordInitialStatement = ('record', 'initial') recordFinalStatement = ('record', 'final') actionStatement = 'take' # statement invoking a primitive action waitStatement = 'wait' # statement invoking a no-op action terminateStatement = 'terminate' # statement ending the simulation abortStatement = 'abort' # statement ending a try-interrupt statement invokeStatement = 'do' # statement invoking a behavior or scenario invocationSchedules = ('choose', 'shuffle') invokeVariants = { (invokeStatement, sched) for sched in invocationSchedules } overrideStatement = 'override' # statement overriding an object in a sub-scenario modelStatement = 'model' namespaceReference = '_Scenic_module_namespace' # used in the implementation of 'model' simulatorStatement = 'simulator' oneWordStatements = { # TODO clean up paramStatement, mutateStatement, requireStatement, actionStatement, waitStatement, terminateStatement, abortStatement, invokeStatement, simulatorStatement, recordStatement, } twoWordStatements = { requireAlwaysStatement, requireEventuallyStatement, terminateWhenStatement, terminateAfterStatement, recordInitialStatement, recordFinalStatement, *invokeVariants } threeWordStatements = { terminateSimulationWhenStatement } threeWordIncipits = { tokens[:2]: tokens[2] for tokens in threeWordStatements } # TODO improve for incipit, last in threeWordIncipits.items(): for tok2 in twoWordStatements: assert tok2 != incipit, (tok2, last) # statements implemented by functions functionStatements = { requireStatement, paramStatement, mutateStatement, modelStatement, simulatorStatement, overrideStatement, recordStatement, } twoWordFunctionStatements = { requireAlwaysStatement, requireEventuallyStatement, terminateWhenStatement, terminateAfterStatement, recordInitialStatement, recordFinalStatement, } threeWordFunctionStatements = { terminateSimulationWhenStatement } def functionForStatement(tokens): return '_'.join(tokens) if isinstance(tokens, tuple) else tokens def nameForStatement(tokens): return ' '.join(tokens) if isinstance(tokens, tuple) else tokens statementForImp = { functionForStatement(s): nameForStatement(s) for s in functionStatements | twoWordStatements } # sanity check: implementations actually exist for imp in functionStatements: assert imp in api, imp for tokens in twoWordFunctionStatements: assert len(tokens) == 2 imp = functionForStatement(tokens) assert imp in api, imp for tokens in threeWordFunctionStatements: assert len(tokens) == 3 imp = functionForStatement(tokens) assert imp in api, imp # statements allowed inside behaviors behavioralStatements = { requireStatement, softRequirement, actionStatement, waitStatement, terminateStatement, abortStatement, invokeStatement, *invokeVariants, } behavioralImps = { functionForStatement(s) for s in behavioralStatements } # statements allowed inside scenario composition blocks compositionalStatements = { requireStatement, softRequirement, waitStatement, terminateStatement, abortStatement, invokeStatement, *invokeVariants, overrideStatement, } compositionalImps = { functionForStatement(s) for s in compositionalStatements } recordStatements = ( recordStatement, functionForStatement(recordInitialStatement), functionForStatement(recordFinalStatement), ) # statements encoding requirements, etc. which need special handling # to wrap their argument in a closure requirementStatements = recordStatements + ( requireStatement, softRequirement, functionForStatement(requireAlwaysStatement), functionForStatement(requireEventuallyStatement), functionForStatement(terminateWhenStatement), functionForStatement(terminateSimulationWhenStatement), ) statementRaiseMarker = '_Scenic_statement_' ## Try-interrupt blocks interruptWhenStatement = ('interrupt', 'when') interruptExceptMarker = '_Scenic_interrupt_' ## Constructors and specifiers # statement defining a new constructor (Scenic class); # we still recognize 'constructor' for backwards-compatibility # TODO drop this keyword? constructorStatements = ('class', 'constructor') Constructor = namedtuple('Constructor', ('name', 'bases')) builtinSpecifiers = { # position ('visible', 'from'): 'VisibleFrom', ('not', 'visible'): 'NotVisibleSpec', ('offset', 'by'): 'OffsetBy', ('offset', 'along'): 'OffsetAlongSpec', ('at',): 'At', ('in',): 'In', ('on',): 'In', ('beyond',): 'Beyond', ('visible',): 'VisibleSpec', ('left', 'of'): 'LeftSpec', ('right', 'of'): 'RightSpec', ('ahead', 'of'): 'Ahead', ('behind',): 'Behind', ('following',): 'Following', # heading ('apparently', 'facing'): 'ApparentlyFacing', ('facing', 'toward'): 'FacingToward', ('facing',): 'Facing' } # sanity check: implementations of specifiers actually exist for imp in builtinSpecifiers.values(): assert imp in api, imp builtinConstructors = { 'Point': Constructor('Point', None), 'OrientedPoint': Constructor('OrientedPoint', 'Point'), 'Object': Constructor('Object', 'OrientedPoint') } # sanity check: built-in constructors actually exist for const in builtinConstructors: assert const in api, const ## Other compound statements behaviorStatement = 'behavior' # statement defining a new behavior monitorStatement = 'monitor' # statement defining a new monitor scenarioMarker = '_Scenic_scenario_' # not a statement, but a marker for the parser # Scenario blocks setupBlock = 'setup' composeBlock = 'compose' scenarioBlocks = { setupBlock, composeBlock, 'precondition', 'invariant' } ## Prefix operators prefixOperators = { ('relative', 'position'): 'RelativePosition', ('relative', 'heading'): 'RelativeHeading', ('apparent', 'heading'): 'ApparentHeading', ('distance', 'from'): 'DistanceFrom', ('distance', 'to'): 'DistanceFrom', ('distance', 'past'): 'DistancePast', ('angle', 'from'): 'AngleFrom', ('angle', 'to'): 'AngleTo', ('front', 'left'): 'FrontLeft', ('front', 'right'): 'FrontRight', ('back', 'left'): 'BackLeft', ('back', 'right'): 'BackRight', ('front', 'of'): 'Front', ('back', 'of'): 'Back', ('left', 'of'): 'Left', ('right', 'of'): 'Right', ('follow',): 'Follow', ('visible',): 'Visible', ('not', 'visible'): 'NotVisible', } assert all(1 <= len(op) <= 2 for op in prefixOperators) prefixIncipits = { op[0] for op in prefixOperators } assert not any(op in oneWordStatements for op in prefixIncipits) assert not any(op in twoWordStatements for op in prefixOperators) # sanity check: implementations of prefix operators actually exist for imp in prefixOperators.values(): assert imp in api, imp ## Modifiers and terminators class ModifierInfo(typing.NamedTuple):
[docs] name: str terminators: typing.Tuple[str] contexts: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[str]] = ()
modifiers = ( ModifierInfo('for', ('seconds', 'steps'), (invokeStatement,)), ModifierInfo('until', (), (invokeStatement,)), ) modifierNames = {} for mod in modifiers: assert not in modifierNames, mod modifierNames[] = mod terminatorsForStatements = { functionForStatement(terminateAfterStatement): ('seconds', 'steps'), } ## Infix operators # pseudo-operator for encoding argument packages for (3+)-ary ops packageToken = (RIGHTSHIFT, '>>') packageNode = RShift class InfixOp(typing.NamedTuple):
[docs] syntax: str implementation: typing.Optional[str] arity: int token: typing.Tuple[int, str] node: ast.AST contexts: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[str]] = ()
infixOperators = ( # existing Python operators with new semantics InfixOp('@', 'Vector', 2, None, MatMult), # operators not in Python (in decreasing precedence order) InfixOp('at', 'FieldAt', 2, (LEFTSHIFT, '<<'), LShift), InfixOp('relative to', 'RelativeTo', 2, (AMPER, '&'), BitAnd), InfixOp('offset by', 'RelativeTo', 2, (AMPER, '&'), BitAnd), InfixOp('offset along', 'OffsetAlong', 3, (CIRCUMFLEX, '^'), BitXor), InfixOp('can see', 'CanSee', 2, (VBAR, '|'), BitOr), # just syntactic conveniences, not really operators InfixOp('from', None, 2, (COMMA, ','), None), InfixOp('for', None, 2, (COMMA, ','), None, ('Follow', 'Following')), InfixOp('to', None, 2, (COMMA, ','), None), InfixOp('as', None, 2, (COMMA, ','), None, requirementStatements), InfixOp('of', None, 2, (COMMA, ','), None, ('DistancePast')), InfixOp('by', None, 2, packageToken, None) ) infixTokens = {} infixImplementations = {} infixIncipits = set() for op in infixOperators: # if necessary, set up map from Scenic to Python syntax if op.token is not None: tokens = tuple(op.syntax.split(' ')) assert 1 <= len(tokens) <= 2, op assert tokens not in infixTokens, op assert tokens not in twoWordStatements, op infixTokens[tokens] = op incipit = tokens[0] assert incipit not in oneWordStatements, op infixIncipits.add(incipit) # if necessary, set up map from Python to Scenic semantics imp = op.implementation if imp is not None: assert imp in api, op node = op.node if node in infixImplementations: # two operators may have the same implementation oldArity, oldName = infixImplementations[node] assert op.arity == oldArity, (op, oldName) assert imp == oldName, (op, oldName) else: infixImplementations[node] = (op.arity, imp) # infix operators which do not need to occur inside function calls generalInfixOps = { tokens: op.token for tokens, op in infixTokens.items() if (op.implementation or op.token == packageToken) and not op.contexts } ## Direct syntax replacements replacements = { # TODO police the usage of these? could yield bizarre error messages 'of': tuple(), 'deg': ((STAR, '*'), (NUMBER, '0.01745329252')), 'globalParameters': ((NAME, 'globalParameters'), (LPAR, '('), (RPAR, ')')), } twoWordReplacements = { ('initial', 'scenario'): ((NAME, 'in_initial_scenario'), (LPAR, '('), (RPAR, ')')), } ## Illegal and reserved syntax illegalTokens = { LEFTSHIFT, RIGHTSHIFT, VBAR, AMPER, TILDE, CIRCUMFLEX, LEFTSHIFTEQUAL, RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL, VBAREQUAL, AMPEREQUAL, CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL, DOUBLESLASH, DOUBLESLASHEQUAL } # sanity check: stand-in tokens for infix operators must be illegal for op in infixTokens.values(): ttype = op.token[0] assert (ttype is COMMA or ttype in illegalTokens), op illegalConstructs = { ('async', 'def'), # used to parse behaviors, so disallowed otherwise } keywords = ( set(constructorStatements) | internalFunctions | replacements.keys() ) ### TRANSLATION PHASE ONE: handling imports ## Loader for Scenic files, producing ScenicModules class ScenicLoader( def __init__(self, name, filepath): self.filepath = filepath def create_module(self, spec): return ScenicModule( def exec_module(self, module): # Read source file and compile it with open(self.filepath, 'r') as stream: source = with open(self.filepath, 'rb') as stream: code, pythonSource = compileStream(stream, module.__dict__, filename=self.filepath) # Save code, source, and translated source for later inspection module._code = code module._source = source module._pythonSource = pythonSource # If we're in the process of compiling another Scenic module, inherit # objects, parameters, etc. from this one if veneer.isActive(): veneer.currentScenario._inherit(module._scenario) def is_package(self, fullname): return False def get_code(self, fullname): module = importlib.import_module(fullname) assert isinstance(module, ScenicModule), module return module._code def get_source(self, fullname): module = importlib.import_module(fullname) assert isinstance(module, ScenicModule), module return module._pythonSource # Hack to give instances of ScenicModule a falsy __module__ to prevent # Sphinx from getting confused. (Autodoc doesn't expect modules to have # that attribute, and we can't del it.) We only do this during Sphinx # runs since it breaks pickling of the modules. oldname = __name__ if getattr(veneer, '_buildingSphinx', False): __name__ = None class ScenicModule(types.ModuleType): def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['__builtins__'] return (self.__name__, state) def __setstate__(self, state): name, state = state self.__init__(name) # needed to create __dict__ self.__dict__.update(state) self.__builtins__ = builtins.__dict__ __name__ = oldname ## Finder for Scenic (and Python) files scenicExtensions = ('.scenic', '.sc') import importlib.machinery as machinery loaders = [ (machinery.ExtensionFileLoader, machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES), (machinery.SourceFileLoader, machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES), (machinery.SourcelessFileLoader, machinery.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES), (ScenicLoader, scenicExtensions), ] class ScenicFileFinder( def __init__(self, path): self._inner = machinery.FileFinder(path, *loaders) def find_spec(self, fullname, target=None): return self._inner.find_spec(fullname, target=target) def invalidate_caches(self): self._inner.invalidate_caches() # Support pkgutil.iter_modules() (used by Sphinx autosummary's recursive mode); # we need to use a subclass of FileFinder since pkgutil's implementation for # vanilla FileFinder uses inspect.getmodulename, which doesn't recognize the # .scenic file extension. def iter_modules(self, prefix): # This is mostly copied from pkgutil._iter_file_finder_modules yielded = {} try: filenames = os.listdir(self._inner.path) except OSError: return filenames.sort() for fn in filenames: modname = inspect.getmodulename(fn) if not modname: # Check for Scenic modules base = os.path.basename(fn) for ext in scenicExtensions: if base.endswith(ext): modname = base[:-len(ext)] break if modname == '__init__' or modname in yielded: continue path = os.path.join(self._inner.path, fn) ispkg = False if not modname and os.path.isdir(path) and '.' not in fn: modname = fn try: dircontents = os.listdir(path) except OSError: # ignore unreadable directories like import does dircontents = [] for fn in dircontents: subname = inspect.getmodulename(fn) if subname == '__init__': ispkg = True break else: continue # not a package if modname and '.' not in modname: yielded[modname] = 1 yield prefix + modname, ispkg # Install path hook using our finder def scenic_path_hook(path): if not path: path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ImportError('only directories are supported', path=path) return ScenicFileFinder(path) sys.path_hooks.insert(0, scenic_path_hook) sys.path_importer_cache.clear() ## Miscellaneous utilities def partitionByImports(tokens):
[docs] """Partition the tokens into blocks ending with import statements. We avoid splitting top-level try-except statements, to allow the pattern of trying to import an optional module and catching an ImportError. If someone tries to define objects inside such a statement, woe unto them. """ blocks = [] currentBlock = [] duringImport = False seenTry = False haveImported = False finishLine = False parenLevel = 0 tokens = Peekable(tokens) for token in tokens: startNewBlock = False if token.exact_type == LPAR: parenLevel += 1 elif token.exact_type == RPAR: parenLevel -= 1 if finishLine: if token.type in (NEWLINE, NL) and parenLevel == 0: finishLine = False if duringImport: duringImport = False haveImported = True else: assert not duringImport finishLine = True if token.type in (DEDENT, NEWLINE, NL, COMMENT, ENCODING): finishLine = False if (seenTry and token.type == DEDENT and token.start[1] == 0 and peek(tokens).string not in ('except', 'else', 'finally')): seenTry = False haveImported = True # just in case the try contained imports elif token.start[1] == 0: if token.string in ('import', 'from', modelStatement): duringImport = True else: if haveImported: # could use new constructors; needs to be in a new block startNewBlock = True if token.string == 'try': seenTry = True if startNewBlock: blocks.append(currentBlock) currentBlock = [token] haveImported = False else: currentBlock.append(token) blocks.append(currentBlock) # add last block return blocks
def findConstructorsIn(namespace):
[docs] """Find all constructors (Scenic classes) defined in a namespace.""" constructors = [] for name, value in namespace.items(): if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, Constructible): if name in builtinConstructors: continue parents = [] for base in value.__bases__: if issubclass(base, Constructible): parents.append(base.__name__) constructors.append(Constructor(name, parents)) return constructors
### TRANSLATION PHASE TWO: translation at the level of tokens class Peekable:
[docs] """Utility class to allow iterator lookahead.""" def __init__(self, gen): self._gen = iter(gen) self._cache = deque() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self._lookahead(1) cur = self._cache.popleft() if cur is None: raise StopIteration return cur def _lookahead(self, n): needed = n - len(self._cache) while needed > 0: self._cache.append(next(self._gen, None)) needed -= 1 def peek(self, n=1): self._lookahead(n) return self._cache[n-1]
def peek(thing, n=1): return thing.peek(n) class TokenTranslator:
[docs] """Translates a Scenic token stream into valid Python syntax. This is a stateful process because constructor (Scenic class) definitions change the way subsequent code is parsed. """ def __init__(self, constructors=(), filename='<unknown>'): self.constructors = dict(builtinConstructors) for constructor in constructors: name = assert name not in self.constructors self.constructors[name] = constructor self.filename = filename def parseError(self, tokenOrLine, message): raise TokenParseError(tokenOrLine, self.filename, message) def isConstructorContext(self, name): return name in self.constructors or name == overrideStatement def createConstructor(self, name, parents): parents = tuple(parents) assert parents self.constructors[name] = Constructor(name, parents) def specifiersForConstructor(self, const): # Currently all specifiers can be used with any constructor; # I'm leaving this here in case we later allow custom specifiers to be inherited return builtinSpecifiers #name, parents = self.constructors[const] def translate(self, tokens, dumpScenic3=False):
[docs] """Do the actual translation of the token stream.""" tokens = Peekable(tokens) newTokens = [] functionStack = [] context, startLevel = None, None specifiersIndented = False parenLevel = 0 row, col = 0, 0 # position of next token to write out orow, ocol = 0, 0 # end of last token in the original source startOfLine = True startOfStatement = True # position where a (simple) statement could begin constructors = self.constructors for token in tokens: ttype = token.exact_type tstring = token.string skip = False endToken = token # token to advance past in column count movedUpTo = False def injectToken(tok, spaceAfter=0): """Add a token to the output stream, trying to preserve spacing.""" nonlocal row, col, movedUpTo if not movedUpTo: moveUpTo(token) moveBeyond(token) movedUpTo = True ty, string = tok[:2] if len(tok) >= 3: moveBeyond(tok) srow, scol = tok[2] erow, ecol = tok[3] width = ecol - scol height = erow - srow else: width = len(string) height = 0 ncol = ecol if height > 0 else col + width newToken = (ty, string, (row, col), (row+height, ncol), '') newTokens.append(newToken) if ty in (NEWLINE, NL): row += 1 col = 0 elif height > 0: row += height col = ncol else: col += width + spaceAfter def moveUpTo(tok): nonlocal row, col, orow, ocol nrow, ncol = tok[2] if nrow > orow: row = nrow col = ncol else: gap = ncol - ocol assert gap >= 0, (tok, row, col, ocol) col += gap def moveBeyond(tok): nonlocal orow, ocol nrow, ncol = tok[3] if nrow > orow or (nrow == orow and ncol > ocol): orow = nrow ocol = ncol def advance(skip=True): nextToken = next(tokens) if skip: moveBeyond(nextToken) else: injectToken(nextToken) return nextToken def callFunction(function, argument=None, implementation=None): nonlocal skip, matched, functionStack functionStack.append((function, parenLevel)) implementation = function if implementation is None else implementation injectToken((NAME, implementation)) injectToken((LPAR, '(')) if argument is not None: injectToken(argument) injectToken((COMMA, ',')) skip = True matched = True def popFunction(): nonlocal context, startLevel functionStack.pop() injectToken((RPAR, ')')) context, startLevel = (None, 0) if len(functionStack) == 0 else functionStack[-1] def wrapStatementCall(): injectToken((NAME, 'raise'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, statementRaiseMarker), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, 'from'), spaceAfter=1) # Catch Python operators that can't be used in Scenic if ttype in illegalTokens: self.parseError(token, f'illegal operator "{tstring}"') # Determine which operators are allowed in current context allowedPrefixOps = prefixOperators allowedInfixOps = dict() allowedModifiers = dict() allowedTerminators = set() inConstructorContext = False context, startLevel = functionStack[-1] if functionStack else (None, None) if parenLevel == startLevel: if self.isConstructorContext(context): inConstructorContext = True allowedPrefixOps = self.specifiersForConstructor(context) else: for opTokens, op in infixTokens.items(): if not op.contexts or context in op.contexts: allowedInfixOps[opTokens] = op.token for name, mod in modifierNames.items(): if not mod.contexts or context in mod.contexts: allowedModifiers[name] = if context in modifierNames: allowedTerminators = modifierNames[context].terminators elif context in terminatorsForStatements: allowedTerminators = terminatorsForStatements[context] else: allowedInfixOps = generalInfixOps # Parse next token if ttype == LPAR or ttype == LSQB: # keep track of nesting level parenLevel += 1 elif ttype == RPAR or ttype == RSQB: # ditto parenLevel -= 1 elif dumpScenic3 and ttype == NEWLINE: dumpScenic3.recordLogicalLine(token) elif dumpScenic3 and ttype in (INDENT, DEDENT): dumpScenic3.recordIndentation(token) elif ttype == STRING: # special case for global parameters with quoted names: # transform "name"=value into "name", value if (len(functionStack) > 0 and functionStack[-1][0] == paramStatement and peek(tokens).string == '='): next(tokens) # consume '=' injectToken(token) injectToken((COMMA, ',')) skip = True elif ttype == NAME: # the interesting case: almost all new syntax falls in here # try to match 2-word language constructs matched = False nextToken = peek(tokens) # lookahead so we can give 2-word ops precedence if nextToken is not None: endToken = nextToken # tentatively; will be overridden if no match nextString = nextToken.string twoWords = (tstring, nextString) if startOfLine and tstring == 'for': # TODO improve hack? matched = True endToken = token elif startOfLine and tstring in constructorStatements: # class definition if nextToken.type != NAME or nextString in keywords: self.parseError(nextToken, f'invalid class name "{nextString}"') nextToken = next(tokens) # consume name bases, scenicParents = [], [] if peek(tokens).exact_type == LPAR: # superclass specification next(tokens) nextToken = next(tokens) while nextToken.exact_type != RPAR: base = nextToken.string if nextToken.exact_type != NAME: self.parseError(nextToken, f'invalid superclass "{base}"') bases.append(base) if base in self.constructors: scenicParents.append(base) if peek(tokens).exact_type == COMMA: next(tokens) nextToken = next(tokens) if not scenicParents and tstring != 'class': self.parseError(nextToken, f'Scenic class definition with no Scenic superclasses') if peek(tokens).exact_type != COLON: self.parseError(peek(tokens), 'malformed class definition') if not bases: bases = scenicParents = ('Object',) # default superclass if scenicParents: self.createConstructor(nextString, scenicParents) injectToken((NAME, 'class'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, nextString)) injectToken((LPAR, '(')) injectToken((NAME, bases[0])) for base in bases[1:]: injectToken((COMMA, ','), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, base)) injectToken((RPAR, ')')) skip = True matched = True endToken = nextToken elif startOfLine and tstring == 'scenario': # scenario definition if nextToken.type != NAME: self.parseError(nextToken, f'invalid scenario name "{nextString}"') className = scenarioMarker + nextString injectToken((NAME, 'async'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, 'def'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, className)) advance() # consume name skip = True matched = True elif startOfLine and tstring == behaviorStatement: # behavior definition if nextToken.type != NAME: self.parseError(nextToken, f'invalid behavior name "{nextString}"') injectToken((NAME, 'async'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, 'def'), spaceAfter=1) skip = True matched = True endToken = token elif startOfLine and tstring == monitorStatement: # monitor definition if nextToken.type != NAME: self.parseError(nextToken, f'invalid monitor name "{nextString}"') injectToken((NAME, 'async'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, 'def'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, dynamics.functionForMonitor(nextString))) injectToken((LPAR, '(')) injectToken((RPAR, ')')) advance() # consume name if peek(tokens).exact_type != COLON: self.parseError(nextToken, 'malformed monitor definition') skip = True matched = True if dumpScenic3: dumpScenic3.recordMonitor(nextString, peek(tokens)) elif twoWords in allowedPrefixOps: # 2-word prefix operator callFunction(allowedPrefixOps[twoWords]) advance() # consume second word if dumpScenic3 and inConstructorContext: dumpScenic3.recordSpecifier(token, nextToken) elif not startOfStatement and twoWords in allowedInfixOps: # 2-word infix operator injectToken(allowedInfixOps[twoWords]) advance() # consume second word skip = True matched = True elif startOfLine and twoWords == interruptWhenStatement: # special case for interrupt when injectToken((NAME, 'except'), spaceAfter=1) callFunction(interruptExceptMarker) advance() # consume second word matched = True elif startOfStatement and twoWords in threeWordIncipits: # 3-word statement endToken = peek(tokens, 2) thirdWord = endToken.string expected = threeWordIncipits[twoWords] if thirdWord != expected: # TODO do proper 3-word lookahead? self.parseError(endToken, f'expected "{expected}", got "{thirdWord}"') wrapStatementCall() function = functionForStatement(twoWords + (thirdWord,)) callFunction(function) advance() # consume second word advance() # consume third word matched = True elif startOfStatement and twoWords in twoWordStatements: # 2-word statement wrapStatementCall() function = functionForStatement(twoWords) callFunction(function) advance() # consume second word matched = True elif inConstructorContext and tstring == 'with': # special case for 'with' specifier callFunction('With', argument=(STRING, f'"{nextString}"')) advance() # consume property name if dumpScenic3: dumpScenic3.recordSpecifier(token, nextToken) elif startOfStatement and tstring == requireStatement and nextString == '[': # special case for require[p] next(tokens) # consume '[' nextToken = next(tokens) if nextToken.exact_type != NUMBER: self.parseError(nextToken, 'soft requirement must have constant probability') prob = nextToken.string if not 0 <= float(prob) <= 1: self.parseError(nextToken, 'probability must be between 0 and 1') nextToken = next(tokens) if nextToken.exact_type != RSQB: self.parseError(nextToken, 'malformed soft requirement') wrapStatementCall() callFunction(softRequirement, argument=(NUMBER, prob)) endToken = nextToken elif twoWords in twoWordReplacements: # 2-word direct replacement for tok in twoWordReplacements[twoWords]: injectToken(tok, spaceAfter=1) advance() # consume second word skip = True elif twoWords in illegalConstructs: construct = ' '.join(twoWords) self.parseError(token, f'Python construct "{construct}" not allowed in Scenic') if not matched: # 2-word constructs don't match; try 1-word endToken = token oneWord = (tstring,) if oneWord in allowedPrefixOps: # 1-word prefix operator callFunction(allowedPrefixOps[oneWord]) if dumpScenic3 and inConstructorContext: dumpScenic3.recordSpecifier(token) elif not startOfStatement and oneWord in allowedInfixOps: # 1-word infix operator injectToken(allowedInfixOps[oneWord]) skip = True elif inConstructorContext: # couldn't match any 1- or 2-word specifier self.parseError(token, f'unknown specifier "{tstring}"') elif not startOfStatement and tstring in allowedModifiers: injectToken((COMMA, ',')) callFunction(tstring, argument=(STRING, f'"{tstring}"'), implementation='Modifier') elif not startOfStatement and tstring in allowedTerminators: injectToken((COMMA, ',')) injectToken((STRING, f'"{tstring}"')) popFunction() skip = True elif startOfStatement and tstring in oneWordStatements: # 1-word statement wrapStatementCall() callFunction(tstring) elif token.start[1] == 0 and tstring == modelStatement: # model statement components = [] while peek(tokens).exact_type not in (COMMENT, NEWLINE): nextToken = next(tokens) if nextToken.exact_type != NAME and nextToken.string != '.': self.parseError(nextToken, 'invalid module name') components.append(nextToken.string) if not components: self.parseError(token, 'model statement is missing module name') components.append("'") literal = "'" + ''.join(components) wrapStatementCall() callFunction(modelStatement, argument=(NAME, namespaceReference)) injectToken((STRING, literal)) elif startOfStatement and tstring == overrideStatement: # override statement nextToken = next(tokens) if nextToken.exact_type != NAME: self.parseError(nextToken, 'object to override must be an identifier') wrapStatementCall() callFunction(tstring, argument=nextToken) elif startOfLine and tstring in scenarioBlocks: # named block of scenario if peek(tokens).exact_type != COLON: self.parseError(peek(tokens), f'malformed "{tstring}" block') injectToken((NAME, 'async'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, 'def'), spaceAfter=1) injectToken((NAME, tstring)) injectToken((LPAR, '(')) injectToken((RPAR, ')')) skip = True elif (tstring in self.constructors and peek(tokens).exact_type not in (RPAR, RSQB, RBRACE, COMMA, DOT, COLON)): # instance definition callFunction(tstring) if dumpScenic3: dumpScenic3.recordInstanceCreation(token) elif tstring in replacements: # direct replacement for tok in replacements[tstring]: injectToken(tok, spaceAfter=1) skip = True elif startOfLine and tstring == 'from': # special case to allow 'from X import Y' pass elif tstring in keywords: # some malformed usage self.parseError(token, f'unexpected keyword "{tstring}"') elif tstring in illegalConstructs: self.parseError(token, f'Python construct "{tstring}" not allowed in Scenic') else: pass # nothing matched; pass through unchanged to Python # Detect the end of function argument lists if len(functionStack) > 0: context, startLevel = functionStack[-1] while parenLevel < startLevel: # we've closed all parens for the current function popFunction() inConstructor = any(self.isConstructorContext(context) for context, sl in functionStack) if inConstructor and parenLevel == startLevel and ttype == COMMA: # starting a new specifier while functionStack and not self.isConstructorContext(context): popFunction() # allow the next specifier to be on the next line, if indented injectToken(token) # emit comma immediately skip = True nextToken = peek(tokens) specOnNewLine = False while nextToken.exact_type in (NEWLINE, NL, COMMENT, ENDMARKER): specOnNewLine = True if nextToken.exact_type == COMMENT: advance(skip=False) # preserve comment nextToken = peek(tokens) if nextToken.exact_type not in (NEWLINE, NL): self.parseError(nextToken, 'comma with no specifier following') advance(skip=False) # preserve newline nextToken = peek(tokens) if specOnNewLine and not specifiersIndented: nextToken = next(tokens) # consume indent if nextToken.exact_type != INDENT: self.parseError(nextToken, 'expected indented specifier (extra comma on previous line?)') injectToken(nextToken) specifiersIndented = True elif ttype in (NEWLINE, ENDMARKER, COMMENT, SEMI): # end of line or statement if parenLevel != 0: self.parseError(token, 'unmatched parens/brackets') interrupt = False if functionStack and functionStack[0][0] == interruptExceptMarker: lastToken = newTokens[-1] if lastToken[1] != ':': self.parseError(nextToken, 'expected colon for interrupt') newTokens.pop() # remove colon for now interrupt = True while len(functionStack) > 0: functionStack.pop() injectToken((RPAR, ')')) if interrupt: injectToken((COLON, ':')) # Output token unchanged, unless handled above if not skip: injectToken(token) else: moveBeyond(endToken) startOfLine = (ttype in (ENCODING, NEWLINE, NL, INDENT, DEDENT)) startOfStatement = (startOfLine or (ttype == SEMI)) and not functionStack rewrittenSource = tokenize.untokenize(newTokens) if not isinstance(rewrittenSource, str): # TODO improve? rewrittenSource = str(rewrittenSource, encoding='utf-8') return rewrittenSource, self.constructors
### TRANSLATION PHASE THREE: parsing of Python resulting from token translation def parseTranslatedSource(source, filename): try: tree = parse(source, filename=filename) return tree except SyntaxError as e: raise PythonParseError(e) from None ### TRANSLATION PHASE FOUR: modifying the parse tree temporaryName = '_Scenic_temporary_name' behaviorArgName = '_Scenic_current_behavior' checkPreconditionsName = 'checkPreconditions' checkInvariantsName = 'checkInvariants' interruptPrefix = '_Scenic_interrupt' abortFlag = Attribute(Name('BlockConclusion', Load()), 'ABORT', Load()) breakFlag = Attribute(Name('BlockConclusion', Load()), 'BREAK', Load()) continueFlag = Attribute(Name('BlockConclusion', Load()), 'CONTINUE', Load()) returnFlag = Attribute(Name('BlockConclusion', Load()), 'RETURN', Load()) finishedFlag = Attribute(Name('BlockConclusion', Load()), 'FINISHED', Load()) noArgs = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) selfArg = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) tempArg = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[ast.arg(arg=temporaryName, annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[Constant(None)]) initialBehaviorArgs = [ ast.arg(arg=behaviorArgName, annotation=None), ast.arg(arg='self', annotation=None) ] onlyBehaviorArgs = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=initialBehaviorArgs, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]) class AttributeFinder(NodeVisitor):
[docs] """Utility class for finding all referenced attributes of a given name.""" @staticmethod def find(target, node): af = AttributeFinder(target) af.visit(node) return af.attributes def __init__(self, target): super().__init__() = target self.attributes = set() def visit_Attribute(self, node): val = node.value if isinstance(val, Name) and == self.attributes.add(node.attr) self.visit(val)
class LocalFinder(NodeVisitor):
[docs] """Utility class for finding all local variables of a code block.""" @staticmethod def findIn(block, ignoreTemporaries=True): lf = LocalFinder() for statement in block: lf.visit(statement) if ignoreTemporaries: names = set(name for name in lf.names if not name.startswith(temporaryName)) else: names = lf.names return names - lf.globals - lf.nonlocals def __init__(self): self.names = set() self.globals = set() self.nonlocals = set() def visit_Global(self, node): self.globals.update(node.names) def visit_Nonlocal(self, node): self.nonlocals.update(node.names) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.names.add( self.visit(node.args) for decorator in node.decorator_list: self.visit(decorator) if node.returns is not None: self.visit(node.returns) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_Lambda(self, node): self.visit(node.args) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self.names.add( for child in itertools.chain(node.bases, node.keywords, node.decorator_list): self.visit(child) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_Import(self, node): for alias in node.names: bound = alias.asname if bound is None: bound = self.names.add(bound) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): self.visit_Import(node) def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, (Store, Del)): self.names.add( def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): if is not None: self.names.add( self.generic_visit(node)
class ASTSurgeon(NodeTransformer): def __init__(self, constructors, filename): super().__init__() self.constructors = set(constructors.keys()) self.filename = filename self.requirements = [] self.inRequire = False self.inCompose = False self.inBehavior = False self.inGuard = False self.inTryInterrupt = False self.inInterruptBlock = False self.inLoop = False self.usedBreak = False self.usedContinue = False self.callDepth = 0 self.behaviorLocals = set() def parseError(self, node, message): raise ASTParseError(node, message, self.filename) def unpack(self, arg, expected, node): """Unpack arguments to ternary (and up) infix operators.""" assert expected > 0 if isinstance(arg, BinOp) and isinstance(arg.op, packageNode): if expected == 1: self.parseError(node, 'gave too many arguments to infix operator') else: return self.unpack(arg.left, expected - 1, node) + [self.visit(arg.right)] elif expected > 1: self.parseError(node, 'gave too few arguments to infix operator') else: return [self.visit(arg)] def visit(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.AST): return super().visit(node) elif isinstance(node, list): newStatements = [] for statement in node: newStatement = self.visit(statement) if isinstance(newStatement, ast.AST): newStatements.append(newStatement) else: newStatements.extend(newStatement) return newStatements else: raise RuntimeError(f'unknown object {node} encountered during AST surgery') def visit_Name(self, node): if in builtinNames: if not isinstance(node.ctx, Load): self.parseError(node, f'unexpected keyword "{}"') elif in trackedNames: assert isinstance(node.ctx, Load) return copy_location(Call(Name(, Load()), [], []), node) elif in self.behaviorLocals: lookup = Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()),, node.ctx) return copy_location(lookup, node) return node def visit_Assign(self, node): def assignsTrackable(targets): for target in targets: if isinstance(target, Name): if in trackedNames: return elif isinstance(target, (Tuple, List)): trackable = assignsTrackable(target.elts) if trackable: return trackable return False trackable = assignsTrackable(node.targets) if trackable: if len(node.targets) > 1 or not isinstance(node.targets[0], Name): self.parseError(node, f'only simple assignments to "{trackable}" are allowed') call = Call(Name(trackable, Load()), [self.visit(node.value)], []) return copy_location(Expr(call), node) return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_BinOp(self, node): """Convert infix operators to calls to the corresponding Scenic internal functions.""" left = node.left right = node.right op = node.op if isinstance(op, packageNode): # unexpected argument package self.parseError(node, 'unexpected keyword "by"') elif type(op) in infixImplementations: # an operator with non-Python semantics arity, impName = infixImplementations[type(op)] implementation = Name(impName, Load()) copy_location(implementation, node) assert arity >= 2 args = [self.visit(left)] + self.unpack(right, arity-1, node) newNode = Call(implementation, args, []) else: # all other operators have the Python semantics newNode = BinOp(self.visit(left), op, self.visit(right)) return copy_location(newNode, node) def visit_Raise(self, node): """Handle Scenic statements encoded as raise statements. In particular: * wrap require statements with lambdas; * handle primitive action invocations inside behaviors; * call the veneer implementations of other statements. """ if not isinstance(node.exc, Name) or != statementRaiseMarker: return self.generic_visit(node) # an ordinary raise statement assert isinstance(node.cause, Call) assert isinstance(node.cause.func, Name) node = node.cause # move to inner call func = node.func assert isinstance(func, Name) if self.inCompose and not in compositionalImps: statement = statementForImp.get(, self.parseError(node, f'"{statement}" cannot be used in a {composeBlock} block') if self.inBehavior and not in behavioralImps: statement = statementForImp.get(, self.parseError(node, f'"{statement}" cannot be used in a behavior') if in requirementStatements: # require, terminate when, etc. recording = in recordStatements checkedArgs = node.args if == softRequirement: # extract probability as first arg for soft reqs = requireStatement prob = node.args[0] assert isinstance(prob, (Constant, Num)) if isinstance(prob, Constant): assert isinstance(prob.value, (float, int)) checkedArgs = node.args[1:] else: prob = None self.validateSimpleCall(node, (1, 2), args=checkedArgs) value = checkedArgs[0] if len(checkedArgs) > 1: name = checkedArgs[1] if isinstance(name, Name): name = Constant( elif isinstance(name, Str): pass elif isinstance(name, Num): name = Constant(str(name.n)) elif isinstance(name, Constant): name = Constant(str(name.value)) else: self.parseError(name, f'malformed name for "{}" statement') else: name = Constant(None) assert not self.inRequire self.inRequire = True req = self.visit(value) self.inRequire = False reqID = Constant(len(self.requirements)) # save ID number self.requirements.append(req) # save condition for later inspection when pruning closure = Lambda(noArgs, req) # enclose requirement in a lambda lineNum = Constant(node.lineno) # save line number for error messages copy_location(closure, req) copy_location(lineNum, req) newArgs = [reqID, closure, lineNum, name] if prob: newArgs.append(prob) return copy_location(Expr(Call(func, newArgs, [])), node) elif == simulatorStatement: self.validateSimpleCall(node, 1) sim = self.visit(node.args[0]) closure = copy_location(Lambda(noArgs, sim), sim) return copy_location(Expr(Call(func, [closure], [])), node) elif ( == invokeStatement or + '_')): # Sub-behavior or sub-scenario statement if + '_'): stmt = statementForImp[] schedule =[len(invokeStatement)+1:] assert '_' not in schedule keywords = [ast.keyword('schedule', Constant(schedule))] else: stmt = keywords = [] schedule = None seenModifier = False invoked = [] args = [] for arg in node.args: if (isinstance(arg, Call) and isinstance(arg.func, Name) and == 'Modifier'): if seenModifier: self.parseError(arg, f'incompatible qualifiers for "{stmt}" statement') seenModifier = True assert len(arg.args) >= 2 mod = arg.args[0] assert isinstance(mod, (Constant, Str)) mod = mod.value if isinstance(mod, Constant) else mod.s if mod == 'until': arg.args[1] = Lambda(noArgs, arg.args[1]) args.append(self.visit(arg)) elif seenModifier: self.parseError(arg, f'malformed "{stmt}" statement') else: invoked.append(self.visit(arg)) maxInvoked = 1 if self.inBehavior and not self.inCompose and not schedule else None self.validateSimpleCall(node, (1, maxInvoked), onlyInBehaviors=True, args=invoked) subHandler = Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), '_invokeSubBehavior', Load()) subArgs = [Name('self', Load()), Tuple(invoked, Load())] + args subRunner = Call(subHandler, subArgs, keywords) return self.generateInvocation(node, subRunner, invoker=YieldFrom) elif == actionStatement: # Action statement assert not self.inCompose self.validateSimpleCall(node, (1, None), onlyInBehaviors=True) action = Tuple(self.visit(node.args), Load()) return self.generateInvocation(node, action) elif == waitStatement: # Wait statement self.validateSimpleCall(node, 0, onlyInBehaviors=True) return self.generateInvocation(node, Constant(())) elif == terminateStatement: # Terminate statement self.validateSimpleCall(node, 0, onlyInBehaviors=True) termination = Call(Name(createTerminationAction, Load()), [Constant(node.lineno)], []) return self.generateInvocation(node, termination) elif == abortStatement: # abort statement for try-interrupt statements if not self.inTryInterrupt: self.parseError(node, '"abort" outside of try-interrupt statement') self.validateSimpleCall(node, 0, onlyInBehaviors=True) return copy_location(Return(abortFlag), node) else: # statement implemented directly by a function; leave call intact newCall = self.visit_Call(node) return copy_location(Expr(newCall), node) def validateSimpleCall(self, node, numArgs, onlyInBehaviors=False, args=None): func = node.func name = if onlyInBehaviors and not self.inBehavior: self.parseError(node, f'"{name}" can only be used in a behavior') args = node.args if args is None else args if isinstance(numArgs, tuple): assert len(numArgs) == 2 low, high = numArgs if high is not None and len(args) > high: self.parseError(node, f'"{name}" takes at most {high} argument(s)') if len(args) < low: self.parseError(node, f'"{name}" takes at least {low} argument(s)') elif len(args) != numArgs: self.parseError(node, f'"{name}" takes exactly {numArgs} argument(s)') if len(node.keywords) != 0: self.parseError(node, f'"{name}" takes no keyword arguments') for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Starred): self.parseError(node, f'argument unpacking cannot be used with "{name}"') def generateInvocation(self, node, actionlike, invoker=Yield): """Generate an invocation of an action, behavior, or scenario.""" invokeAction = Expr(invoker(actionlike)) checker = Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), checkInvariantsName, Load()) args = Starred(Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), '_args', Load()), Load()) kwargs = ast.keyword(None, Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), '_kwargs', Load())) checkInvariants = Expr(Call(checker, [Name('self', Load()), args], [kwargs])) return [copy_location(invokeAction, node), copy_location(checkInvariants, node)] def visit_Try(self, node): """Handle try-interrupt blocks.""" interrupts = [] exceptionHandlers = [] for handler in node.handlers: ty = handler.type if (isinstance(ty, Call) and isinstance(ty.func, Name) and == interruptExceptMarker): assert is None if len(ty.args) != 1: self.parseError(handler, '"interrupt when" takes a single expression') interrupts.append((ty.args[0], handler.body)) else: exceptionHandlers.append(handler) if not interrupts: # an ordinary try-except block return self.generic_visit(node) statements = [] oldInTryInterrupt = self.inTryInterrupt self.inTryInterrupt = True # Construct body oldInInterruptBlock, oldInLoop = self.inInterruptBlock, self.inLoop self.inInterruptBlock = True self.inLoop = False self.usedBreak = False self.usedContinue = False def makeInterruptBlock(name, body): newBody = self.visit(body) allLocals = LocalFinder.findIn(newBody) if allLocals: newBody.insert(0, Nonlocal(list(allLocals))) newBody.append(Return(finishedFlag)) return FunctionDef(name, onlyBehaviorArgs, newBody, [], None) bodyName = f'{interruptPrefix}_body' statements.append(makeInterruptBlock(bodyName, node.body)) # Construct interrupt handlers and condition checkers handlerNames, conditionNames = [], [] for i, (condition, block) in enumerate(interrupts): handlerName = f'{interruptPrefix}_handler_{i}' handlerNames.append(handlerName) conditionName = f'{interruptPrefix}_condition_{i}' conditionNames.append(conditionName) statements.append(makeInterruptBlock(handlerName, block)) self.inGuard = True checker = Lambda(noArgs, self.visit(condition)) self.inGuard = False defChecker = Assign([Name(conditionName, Store())], checker) statements.append(defChecker) self.inInterruptBlock, self.inLoop = oldInInterruptBlock, oldInLoop self.inTryInterrupt = oldInTryInterrupt # Prepare tuples of interrupt conditions and handlers # (in order from high priority to low, so reversed relative to the syntax) conditions = Tuple([Name(n, Load()) for n in reversed(conditionNames)], Load()) handlers = Tuple([Name(n, Load()) for n in reversed(handlerNames)], Load()) # Construct code to execute the try-interrupt statement args = [ Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), Name('self', Load()), Name(bodyName, Load()), conditions, handlers ] callRuntime = Call(Name('runTryInterrupt', Load()), args, []) runTI = Assign([Name(temporaryName, Store())], YieldFrom(callRuntime)) statements.append(runTI) result = Name(temporaryName, Load()) if self.usedBreak: test = Compare(result, [Is()], [breakFlag]) brk = copy_location(Break(), self.usedBreak) statements.append(If(test, [brk], [])) if self.usedContinue: test = Compare(result, [Is()], [continueFlag]) cnt = copy_location(Continue(), self.usedContinue) statements.append(If(test, [cnt], [])) test = Compare(result, [Is()], [returnFlag]) retCheck = If(test, [Return(Attribute(result, 'return_value', Load()))], []) statements.append(retCheck) # Construct overall try-except statement if exceptionHandlers or node.finalbody: newTry = Try(statements, [self.visit(handler) for handler in exceptionHandlers], self.visit(node.orelse), self.visit(node.finalbody)) return copy_location(newTry, node) else: return statements def visit_For(self, node): old = self.inLoop self.inLoop = True newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop = old return newNode def visit_While(self, node): old = self.inLoop self.inLoop = True newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop = old return newNode def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): oldInLoop, oldInInterruptBlock = self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock = False, False newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock = oldInLoop, oldInInterruptBlock return newNode def visit_Break(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock and not self.inLoop: if not self.usedBreak: self.usedBreak = node newNode = Return(breakFlag) return copy_location(newNode, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Continue(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock and not self.inLoop: if not self.usedContinue: self.usedContinue = node newNode = Return(continueFlag) return copy_location(newNode, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Return(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock: value = Constant(None) if node.value is None else node.value ret = Return(Call(returnFlag, [value], [])) return copy_location(ret, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Call(self, node): """Handle Scenic syntax and semantics of function calls. In particular: * unpack argument packages for operators; * check for iterable unpacking applied to distributions. """ func = node.func newArgs = [] # Translate arguments, unpacking any argument packages self.callDepth += 1 wrappedStar = False for arg in node.args: if isinstance(arg, BinOp) and isinstance(arg.op, packageNode): newArgs.extend(self.unpack(arg, 2, node)) elif isinstance(arg, Starred) and not self.inBehavior: wrappedStar = True checkedVal = Call(Name('wrapStarredValue', Load()), [self.visit(arg.value), Constant(arg.value.lineno)], []) newArgs.append(Starred(checkedVal, Load())) else: newArgs.append(self.visit(arg)) newKeywords = [self.visit(kwarg) for kwarg in node.keywords] newFunc = self.visit(func) self.callDepth -= 1 if wrappedStar: newNode = Call(Name('callWithStarArgs', Load()), [newFunc] + newArgs, newKeywords) else: newNode = Call(newFunc, newArgs, newKeywords) newNode = copy_location(newNode, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(newNode) return newNode def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, node): """Process Scenic constructs parsed as async function definitions. These include: * scenario definitions; * behavior (and monitor) definitions. """ if # scenario definition return self.transformScenarioDefinition(node) else: return self.transformBehaviorDefinition(node) def transformScenarioDefinition(self, node): if self.inCompose: self.parseError(node, f'cannot define a scenario inside a {composeBlock} block') if self.inBehavior: self.parseError(node, 'cannot define a scenario inside a behavior') # Set up arguments for setup and compose blocks args = node.args args.args = initialBehaviorArgs + args.args args = self.visit(args) # Extract named blocks from scenario body, if any simple = False # simple scenario with no blocks setup, compose = None, None preconditions, invariants = [], [] for statement in node.body: if isinstance(statement, AsyncFunctionDef): if == setupBlock: if setup: self.parseError(statement, f'scenario contains multiple "{setupBlock}" blocks') setup = statement elif == composeBlock: if compose: self.parseError(statement, f'scenario contains multiple "{composeBlock}" blocks') compose = statement elif in ('precondition', 'invariant'): if len(statement.body) != 1 or not isinstance(statement.body[0], Expr): self.parseError(statement.body[0], f'malformed precondition/invariant') self.inGuard = True test = self.visit(statement.body[0].value) self.inGuard = False assert isinstance(test, ast.AST) if == 'precondition': preconditions.append(test) else: invariants.append(test) else: simple = True else: # scenario contains actual code; assume it is simple simple = True if simple: # simple scenario: entire body is implicitly the setup block if setup: self.parseError(setup, f'simple scenario cannot have a "{setupBlock}" block') if compose: self.parseError(compose, f'simple scenario cannot have a "{composeBlock}" block') if preconditions or invariants: self.parseError(node, f'simple scenario cannot have preconditions/invariants') # Find all locals of the scenario, which will be shared amongst the various blocks allLocals = set() if compose: allLocals.update(LocalFinder.findIn(compose.body)) if setup: allLocals.update(LocalFinder.findIn(setup.body)) oldBL = self.behaviorLocals self.behaviorLocals = allLocals # Construct compose block self.inCompose = self.inBehavior = True guardCheckers = self.makeGuardCheckers(args, preconditions, invariants) if compose or preconditions or invariants: if compose: body = self.visit(compose.body) else: # generate no-op compose block to ensure invariants are checked wait = self.generateInvocation(node, Constant(())) body = [While(Constant(True), wait, [])] compose = node # for copy_location below newDef = FunctionDef('_compose', args, body, [], None) compose = copy_location(newDef, compose) else: compose = Assign([Name('_compose', Store())], Constant(None)) self.inCompose = self.inBehavior = False # Construct setup block if setup or simple: if setup: oldBody = setup.body oldLoc = setup else: oldBody = node.body oldLoc = node newBody = self.visit(oldBody) newDef = FunctionDef('_setup', args, newBody, [], None) setup = copy_location(newDef, oldLoc) else: setup = Assign([Name('_setup', Store())], Constant(None)) self.behaviorLocals = oldBL # Assemble scenario definition name =[len(scenarioMarker):] saveLocals = Assign([Name('_locals', Store())], Constant(frozenset(allLocals))) body = guardCheckers + [saveLocals, setup, compose] newDef = ClassDef(name, [Name(scenarioClass, Load())], [], body, []) return copy_location(newDef, node) def transformBehaviorDefinition(self, node): if self.inCompose: self.parseError(node, f'cannot define a behavior inside a {composeBlock} block') if self.inBehavior: self.parseError(node, 'cannot define a behavior inside a behavior') # copy arguments to the behavior object's namespace args = node.args copyArgs = [] allArgs = itertools.chain(args.args, args.kwonlyargs) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): allArgs = itertools.chain(args.posonlyargs, allArgs) for arg in allArgs: dest = Attribute(Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), arg.arg, Store()) copyArgs.append(copy_location(Assign([dest], Name(arg.arg, Load())), arg)) # add private current behavior argument and implicit 'self' argument newArgs = self.visit(node.args) newArgs.args = initialBehaviorArgs + newArgs.args # process body self.inBehavior = True oldBL = self.behaviorLocals self.behaviorLocals = allLocals = LocalFinder.findIn(node.body) oldInLoop = self.inLoop self.inLoop = False preconditions = [] invariants = [] newStatements = [] # preserve docstring, if any if (isinstance(node.body[0], Expr) and isinstance(node.body[0].value, Constant) and isinstance(node.body[0].value.value, str)): docstring = [node.body[0]] oldStatements = node.body[1:] else: docstring = [] oldStatements = node.body # find precondition and invariant definitions for statement in oldStatements: if isinstance(statement, AsyncFunctionDef): group = None if == 'precondition': group = preconditions elif == 'invariant': group = invariants else: self.parseError(statement, 'unknown type of behavior attribute') if len(statement.body) != 1 or not isinstance(statement.body[0], Expr): self.parseError(statement.body, f'malformed behavior {}') self.inGuard = True test = self.visit(statement.body[0].value) self.inGuard = False assert isinstance(test, ast.AST) group.append(test) else: newStatement = self.visit(statement) if isinstance(newStatement, ast.AST): newStatements.append(newStatement) else: newStatements.extend(newStatement) guardCheckers = self.makeGuardCheckers(newArgs, preconditions, invariants) newBody = copyArgs + newStatements self.inBehavior = False self.behaviorLocals = oldBL self.inLoop = oldInLoop # convert to class definition saveLocals = Assign([Name('_locals', Store())], Constant(frozenset(allLocals))) decorators = [self.visit(decorator) for decorator in node.decorator_list] genDefn = FunctionDef('makeGenerator', newArgs, newBody, decorators, node.returns) classBody = docstring + guardCheckers + [saveLocals, genDefn] name = if dynamics.isAMonitorName(name): superclass = monitorClass name = dynamics.monitorName(name) else: superclass = behaviorClass newDefn = ClassDef(name, [Name(superclass, Load())], [], classBody, []) return copy_location(newDefn, node) def makeGuardCheckers(self, args, preconditions, invariants): # generate precondition checker precondChecks = [] for precondition in preconditions: call = Call(Name('PreconditionViolation', Load()), [Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), Constant(precondition.lineno)], []) throw = Raise(exc=call, cause=None) check = If(test=UnaryOp(Not(), precondition), body=[throw], orelse=[]) precondChecks.append(copy_location(check, precondition)) definePChecker = FunctionDef(checkPreconditionsName, args, precondChecks + [ast.Pass()], [], None) # generate invariant checker invChecks = [] for invariant in invariants: call = Call(Name('InvariantViolation', Load()), [Name(behaviorArgName, Load()), Constant(invariant.lineno)], []) throw = Raise(exc=call, cause=None) check = If(test=UnaryOp(Not(), invariant), body=[throw], orelse=[]) invChecks.append(copy_location(check, invariant)) defineIChecker = FunctionDef(checkInvariantsName, args, invChecks + [ast.Pass()], [], None) # assemble function body preamble preamble = [ definePChecker, defineIChecker, ] return preamble def visit_Yield(self, node): if self.inCompose: self.parseError(node, f'"yield" is not allowed inside a {composeBlock} block') if self.inBehavior: self.parseError(node, '"yield" is not allowed inside a behavior') return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_YieldFrom(self, node): if self.inCompose: self.parseError(node, f'"yield from" is not allowed inside a {composeBlock} block') if self.inBehavior: self.parseError(node, '"yield from" is not allowed inside a behavior') return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_ClassDef(self, node): """Handle Scenic constructs parsed as class definitions. In particular: * transform Scenic class definitions into ordinary Python ones; * leave ordinary Python class definitions alone. """ if in self.constructors: # Scenic class definition return self.transformScenicClass(node) else: # ordinary Python class for base in node.bases: name = None if isinstance(base, Call): name = elif isinstance(base, Name): name = if name is not None and name in self.constructors: self.parseError(node, f'Python class {} derives from Scenic class {name}') return self.generic_visit(node) def transformScenicClass(self, node): """Process property defaults for Scenic classes.""" newBody = [] for child in node.body: child = self.visit(child) if isinstance(child, AnnAssign): # default value for property origValue = child.annotation target = # extract any attributes for this property metaAttrs = [] if isinstance(target, Subscript): sl = target.slice if isinstance(sl, Index): # needed for compatibility with Python 3.8 and earlier sl = sl.value if isinstance(sl, Name): metaAttrs.append( elif isinstance(sl, Tuple): for elt in sl.elts: if not isinstance(elt, Name): self.parseError(elt, 'malformed attributes for property default') metaAttrs.append( else: self.parseError(sl, 'malformed attributes for property default') newTarget = Name(, Store()) copy_location(newTarget, target) target = newTarget # find dependencies of the default value properties = AttributeFinder.find('self', origValue) # create default value object args = [ Set([Str(prop) for prop in properties]), Set([Str(attr) for attr in metaAttrs]), Lambda(selfArg, origValue) ] value = Call(Name(createDefault, Load()), args, []) copy_location(value, origValue) newChild = AnnAssign( target=target, annotation=value, value=None, simple=True) child = copy_location(newChild, child) newBody.append(child) node.body = newBody return node def translateParseTree(tree, constructors, filename):
[docs] """Modify the Python AST to produce the desired Scenic semantics.""" surgeon = ASTSurgeon(constructors, filename) tree = fix_missing_locations(surgeon.visit(tree)) return tree, surgeon.requirements
### TRANSLATION PHASE FIVE: AST compilation def compileTranslatedTree(tree, filename): try: return compile(tree, filename, 'exec') except SyntaxError as e: raise PythonParseError(e) from None ### TRANSLATION PHASE SIX: Python execution def executeCodeIn(code, namespace):
[docs] """Execute the final translated Python code in the given namespace.""" try: exec(code, namespace) except RejectionException as e: # Determined statically that the scenario has probability zero. errors.optionallyDebugRejection(e) if errors.showInternalBacktrace: raise InvalidScenarioError(e.args[0]) from e else: raise InvalidScenarioError(e.args[0]).with_traceback(e.__traceback__) from None
### TRANSLATION PHASE SEVEN: scenario construction def storeScenarioStateIn(namespace, requirementSyntax):
[docs] """Post-process an executed Scenic module, extracting state from the veneer.""" # Save requirement syntax and other module-level information moduleScenario = veneer.currentScenario factory = veneer.simulatorFactory bns = gatherBehaviorNamespacesFrom(moduleScenario._behaviors) def handle(scenario): scenario._requirementSyntax = requirementSyntax if isinstance(scenario, type): scenario._simulatorFactory = staticmethod(factory) else: scenario._simulatorFactory = factory scenario._behaviorNamespaces = bns handle(moduleScenario) namespace['_scenarios'] = tuple(veneer.scenarios) for scenarioClass in veneer.scenarios: handle(scenarioClass) # Extract requirements, scan for relations used for pruning, and create closures # (only for top-level scenario; modular scenarios will be handled when instantiated) moduleScenario._compileRequirements() # Save global parameters for name, value in veneer._globalParameters.items(): if needsLazyEvaluation(value): raise InvalidScenarioError(f'parameter {name} uses value {value}' ' undefined outside of object definition') for scenario in veneer.scenarios: scenario._bindGlobals(veneer._globalParameters) moduleScenario._bindGlobals(veneer._globalParameters) namespace['_scenario'] = moduleScenario
def gatherBehaviorNamespacesFrom(behaviors):
[docs] """Gather any global namespaces which could be referred to by behaviors. We'll need to rebind any sampled values in them at runtime. """ behaviorNamespaces = {} def registerNamespace(modName, ns): oldNS = behaviorNamespaces.get(modName) if oldNS: # Already registered; just do a consistency check to avoid bizarre # bugs from having multiple versions of the same module around. if oldNS is not ns: raise RuntimeError( f'scenario refers to multiple versions of module {modName}; ' 'perhaps you imported it before you started compilation?') return behaviorNamespaces[modName] = ns for name, value in ns.items(): if isinstance(value, ScenicModule): registerNamespace(value.__name__, value.__dict__) else: # Convert values requiring sampling to Distributions dval = toDistribution(value) if dval is not value: ns[name] = dval for behavior in behaviors: modName = behavior.__module__ globalNamespace = behavior.makeGenerator.__globals__ registerNamespace(modName, globalNamespace) return behaviorNamespaces
def constructScenarioFrom(namespace, scenarioName=None):
[docs] """Build a Scenario object from an executed Scenic module.""" modularScenarios = namespace['_scenarios'] def isModularScenario(thing): return isinstance(thing, type) and issubclass(thing, dynamics.DynamicScenario) if not scenarioName and isModularScenario(namespace.get('Main', None)): scenarioName = 'Main' if scenarioName: ty = namespace.get(scenarioName, None) if not isModularScenario(ty): raise RuntimeError(f'no scenario "{scenarioName}" found') if ty._requiresArguments(): raise RuntimeError(f'cannot instantiate scenario "{scenarioName}"' ' with no arguments') from None dynScenario = ty() elif len(modularScenarios) > 1: raise RuntimeError('multiple choices for scenario to run ' '(specify using the --scenario option)') elif modularScenarios and not modularScenarios[0]._requiresArguments(): dynScenario = modularScenarios[0]() else: dynScenario = namespace['_scenario'] if not dynScenario._prepared: # true for all except top-level scenarios # Execute setup block (if any) to create objects and requirements; # extract any requirements and scan for relations used for pruning dynScenario._prepare(delayPreconditionCheck=True) scenario = dynScenario._toScenario(namespace) # Prune infeasible parts of the space if usePruning: pruning.prune(scenario, verbosity=errors.verbosityLevel) return scenario