General Notes on Syntax



The following words are reserved by Scenic and cannot be used as identifiers (i.e. as names of variables, functions, classes, properties, etc.).

False       break       except      lambda      require 
None        by          finally     new         return  
True        class       for         nonlocal    to      
and         continue    from        not         try     
as          def         global      of          until   
assert      del         if          on          while   
async       do          import      or          with    
at          elif        in          pass        yield   
await       else        is          raise       

Soft Keywords

The following words have special meanings in Scenic in certain contexts, but are still available for use as identifiers. Users should take care not to use these names when doing so would introduce ambiguity. For example, consider the following code:

distance = 5  # not a good variable name to use here
new Object beyond A by distance from B

This might appear to use the three-argument form of the beyond specifier, creating the new object at distance 5 beyond A from the point of view of B. But in fact Scenic parses the code as beyond A by (distance from B), because the interpretation of distance as being part of the distance from operator takes precedence.

To avoid confusion, we recommend not using distance, angle, offset, altitude, or visible as identifiers in code that uses Scenic operators or specifiers (inside pure-Python helper functions is fine).

_               behind          facing          mutate          see         
abort           below           final           next            setup       
above           beyond          follow          not             shuffle     
additive        bottom          following       of              simulation  
after           can             from            offset          simulator   
ahead           case            front           override        steps       
along           choose          heading         param           take        
altitude        compose         implies         past            terminate   
always          contained       initial         position        top         
angle           deg             interrupt       precondition    toward      
apparent        directly        invariant       record          visible     
apparently      distance        left            relative        wait        
away            dynamic         match           right           when        
back            ego             model           scenario        workspace   
behavior        eventually      monitor         seconds