Source code for scenic.simulators.gta.interface

"""Python supporting code for the GTA model."""

import math
import time
import colorsys
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy
import scipy.spatial
import PIL
import cv2

import scenic.simulators.gta.center_detection as center_detection
import scenic.simulators.gta.img_modf as img_modf
import scenic.simulators.gta.messages as messages

from scenic.core.distributions import (Samplable, Distribution, Range, Normal, Options,
                                       distributionMethod, toDistribution)
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import valueInContext

from scenic.core.workspaces import Workspace
from scenic.core.vectors import VectorField
from scenic.core.regions import PointSetRegion, GridRegion
from scenic.core.object_types import Mutator
import scenic.core.utils as utils
from scenic.core.geometry import *

from scenic.syntax.veneer import verbosePrint

### Abstract GTA interface

class GTA:
	def Config(scene):
		ego = scene.egoObject
		vehicles = [GTA.Vehicle(car) for car in scene.objects if car is not ego]
		cameraLoc = GTA.langToGTACoords(ego.position)
		cameraHeading = GTA.langToGTAHeading(ego.heading)

		params = dict(scene.params)
		time = int(round(params.pop('time')))
		minute = time % 60
		hour = int((time - minute) / 60)
		assert hour < 24
		weather = params.pop('weather')
		for param in params:
			print(f'WARNING: unused scene parameter "{param}"')

		return messages.Formal_Config(cameraLoc, [hour, minute], weather,
		                              vehicles, cameraHeading)

	def Vehicle(car):
		loc3 = GTA.langToGTACoords(car.position)
		heading = GTA.langToGTAHeading(car.heading)
		scol = list(CarColor.realToByte(car.color))
		return messages.Vehicle(, scol, loc3, heading)
	def langToGTACoords(point):
		x, y = point
		return [x, y, 60]

	def langToGTAHeading(heading):
		h = math.degrees(heading)
		return (h + 360) % 360

### Map

[docs]class Map: """Represents roads and obstacles in GTA, extracted from a map image. This code handles images from the `GTA V Interactive Map <>`_, rendered with the "Road" setting. Args: imagePath (str): path to image file Ax (float): width of one pixel in GTA coordinates Ay (float): height of one pixel in GTA coordinates Bx (float): GTA X-coordinate of bottom-left corner of image By (float): GTA Y-coordinate of bottom-left corner of image """ def __init__(self, imagePath, Ax, Ay, Bx, By): self.Ax, self.Ay = Ax, Ay self.Bx, self.By = Bx, By if imagePath != None: startTime = time.time() # open image image = self.sizeX, self.sizeY = image.size # create version of image for display de = img_modf.get_edges(image).convert('RGB') self.displayImage = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(de), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # detect edges of roads ed = center_detection.compute_midpoints(img_data=image, kernelsize=5) self.edgeData = { self.gridToScenicCoords((x, y)): datum for (y, x), datum in ed.items() } self.orderedCurbPoints = list(self.edgeData.keys()) # build k-D tree self.edgeTree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(self.orderedCurbPoints) # identify points on roads self.roadArray = numpy.array(img_modf.convert_black_white(img_data=image).convert('L'), dtype=int) totalTime = time.time() - startTime verbosePrint(f'Created GTA map from image in {totalTime:.2f} seconds.') @staticmethod def fromFile(path): startTime = time.time() with numpy.load(path, allow_pickle=True) as data: Ax, Ay, Bx, By, sizeX, sizeY = data['misc'] m = Map(None, Ax, Ay, Bx, By) m.sizeX, m.sizeY = sizeX, sizeY m.displayImage = data['displayImage'] m.edgeData = { tuple(e): center_detection.EdgeData(*rest) for e, *rest in data['edges'] } m.orderedCurbPoints = list(m.edgeData.keys()) m.edgeTree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(m.orderedCurbPoints) # rebuild k-D tree m.roadArray = data['roadArray'] totalTime = time.time() - startTime verbosePrint(f'Loaded GTA map in {totalTime:.2f} seconds.') return m def dumpToFile(self, path): misc = numpy.array((self.Ax, self.Ay, self.Bx, self.By, self.sizeX, self.sizeY)) edges = numpy.array([(edge,) + tuple(datum) for edge, datum in self.edgeData.items()]) roadArray = self.roadArray numpy.savez_compressed(path, misc=misc, displayImage=self.displayImage, edges=edges, roadArray=self.roadArray) @property @utils.cached def roadDirection(self): return VectorField('roadDirection', self.roadHeadingAt) @property @utils.cached def roadRegion(self): return GridRegion('road', self.roadArray, self.Ax, self.Ay, self.Bx, self.By, orientation=self.roadDirection) @property @utils.cached def curbRegion(self): return PointSetRegion('curb', self.orderedCurbPoints, kdTree=self.edgeTree, orientation=self.roadDirection) def gridToScenicCoords(self, point): x, y = point[0], point[1] return ((self.Ax * x) + self.Bx, (self.Ay * y) + self.By) def gridToScenicHeading(self, heading): return heading - (math.pi / 2) def scenicToGridCoords(self, point): x, y = point[0], point[1] return ((x - self.Bx) / self.Ax, (y - self.By) / self.Ay) def scenicToGridHeading(self, heading): return heading + (math.pi / 2) @distributionMethod def roadHeadingAt(self, point): # find closest edge distance, location = self.edgeTree.query(point) closest = tuple([location]) # get direction of edge return self.gridToScenicHeading(self.edgeData[closest].tangent) def show(self, plt): plt.imshow(self.displayImage)
[docs]class MapWorkspace(Workspace): """Workspace whose rendering is handled by a Map""" def __init__(self, mappy, region): super().__init__(region) = mappy def scenicToSchematicCoords(self, coords): return def show(self, plt): plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') return @property def minimumZoomSize(self): return 40 / min(abs(, abs(
### Car models and colors
[docs]class CarModel: """A model of car in GTA. Attributes: name (str): name of model in GTA width (float): width of this model of car height (float): height of this model of car viewAngle (float): view angle in radians (default is 90 degrees) Class Attributes: models: dict mapping model names to the corresponding `CarModel` """ def __init__(self, name, width, height, viewAngle=math.radians(90)): super(CarModel, self).__init__() = name self.width = width self.height = height self.viewAngle = viewAngle @classmethod def uniformModel(self): return Options(self.modelProbs.keys()) @classmethod def egoModel(self): return self.models['BLISTA'] @classmethod def defaultModel(self): return Options(self.modelProbs) def __str__(self): return f'<CarModel {}>'
CarModel.modelProbs = { CarModel('BLISTA', 1.75871, 4.10139): 1, CarModel('BUS', 2.9007, 13.202): 0, CarModel('NINEF', 2.07699, 4.50658): 1, CarModel('ASEA', 1.83066, 4.45861): 1, CarModel('BALLER', 2.10791, 5.10333): 1, CarModel('BISON', 2.29372, 5.4827): 1, CarModel('BUFFALO', 2.04265, 5.07782): 1, CarModel('BOBCATXL', 2.37944, 5.78222): 1, CarModel('DOMINATOR', 1.9353, 4.9355): 1, CarModel('GRANGER', 3.02698, 5.94577): 1, CarModel('JACKAL', 2.00041, 4.91436): 1, CarModel('ORACLE', 2.07787, 5.12544): 1, CarModel('PATRIOT', 2.26679, 5.13695): 1, CarModel('PRANGER', 3.02698, 5.94577): 1 } CarModel.models = { model for model in CarModel.modelProbs }
[docs]class CarColor(namedtuple('CarColor', ['r', 'g', 'b'])): """A car color as an RGB tuple.""" @classmethod def withBytes(cls, color): return cls._make(c / 255.0 for c in color) @staticmethod def realToByte(color): return tuple(int(round(255 * c)) for c in color)
[docs] @staticmethod def uniformColor(): """Return a uniformly random color.""" return toDistribution(CarColor(Range(0, 1), Range(0, 1), Range(0, 1)))
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultColor(): """Default color distribution for cars. The distribution starts with a base distribution over 9 discrete colors, then adds Gaussian HSL noise. The base distribution uses color popularity statistics from a `2012 DuPont survey`_. .. _2012 DuPont survey: """ baseColors = { (248, 248, 248): 0.24, # white (50, 50, 50): 0.19, # black (188, 185, 183): 0.16, # silver (130, 130, 130): 0.15, # gray (194, 92, 85): 0.10, # red (75, 119, 157): 0.07, # blue (197, 166, 134): 0.05, # brown/beige (219, 191, 105): 0.02, # yellow/gold (68, 160, 135): 0.02, # green } converted = { CarColor.withBytes(color): prob for color, prob in baseColors.items() } baseColor = Options(converted) # TODO improve this? hueNoise = Normal(0, 0.1) satNoise = Normal(0, 0.1) lightNoise = Normal(0, 0.1) return NoisyColorDistribution(baseColor, hueNoise, satNoise, lightNoise)
[docs]class NoisyColorDistribution(Distribution): """A distribution given by HSL noise around a base color. Arguments: baseColor (RGB tuple): base color hueNoise (float): noise to add to base hue satNoise (float): noise to add to base saturation lightNoise (float): noise to add to base lightness """ def __init__(self, baseColor, hueNoise, satNoise, lightNoise): super().__init__(baseColor, hueNoise, satNoise, lightNoise, valueType=CarColor) self.baseColor = baseColor self.hueNoise = hueNoise self.satNoise = satNoise self.lightNoise = lightNoise @staticmethod def addNoiseTo(color, hueNoise, lightNoise, satNoise): hue, lightness, saturation = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color) hue = max(0, min(1, hue + hueNoise)) lightness = max(0, min(1, lightness + lightNoise)) saturation = max(0, min(1, saturation + satNoise)) return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation) def sampleGiven(self, value): bc = value[self.baseColor] return CarColor(*self.addNoiseTo(bc, value[self.hueNoise], value[self.lightNoise], value[self.satNoise])) def evaluateInner(self, context): self.baseColor = valueInContext(self.baseColor, context) self.hueNoise = valueInContext(self.hueNoise, context) self.satNoise = valueInContext(self.satNoise, context) self.lightNoise = valueInContext(self.lightNoise, context)
[docs]class CarColorMutator(Mutator): """Mutator that adds Gaussian HSL noise to the ``color`` property.""" def appliedTo(self, obj): hueNoise = random.gauss(0, 0.05) satNoise = random.gauss(0, 0.05) lightNoise = random.gauss(0, 0.05) color = NoisyColorDistribution.addNoiseTo(obj.color, hueNoise, lightNoise, satNoise) return tuple([obj.copyWith(color=color), True]) # allow further mutation