Abstract interface to simulators supporting the driving domain.

Summary of Module Members



A Simulation with a simulator supporting the driving domain.


A Simulator supporting the driving domain.

Member Details

class DrivingSimulator[source]

Bases: Simulator

A Simulator supporting the driving domain.

class DrivingSimulation(scene, *, maxSteps, name, timestep, replay=None, enableReplay=True, allowPickle=False, enableDivergenceCheck=False, divergenceTolerance=0, continueAfterDivergence=False, verbosity=0)[source]

Bases: Simulation

A Simulation with a simulator supporting the driving domain.

This subclass of Simulation provides no special behavior by itself; it just provides convenience methods for creating controllers to be used by FollowLaneBehavior and related behaviors, so that the parameters of these controllers can be customized for different simulators.


Get longitudinal and lateral controllers for lane following.

The default controllers are simple PID controllers with parameters that work reasonably well for cars in simulators with realistic physics. See the classes PIDLongitudinalController and PIDLateralController for details, and NewtonianSimulation for an example of how to override this function.


A pair of controllers for throttle and steering respectively.


Get longitudinal and lateral controllers for turning.


Get longitudinal and lateral controllers for lane changing.